car accident news yesterday image
My older brother (he's 21/2 yrs older than me) and I both grew up in a abusive house hold (we were both adopted at the ages of 8 and 6 both of our birth parents died when we were kids our mother in a car accident and our father who was a soldier was killed in Somalia) so we were adopted into the family what we grew up in.
He and I both are getting an inheritance money from our mother and father, Jason recently bought me a Townhouse for I started college recently so I can keep going to class.
I have a slight learning disability (Asperger's Syndrome and ADD) so I get some money from Social Security Income) our adopted mom got a divorce from our foster dad back in 2006 and we thought that it was over than she met a guy in 2007 and it got 2000 times worse and what they do is:
1. They are both have been verbally abuse (more him than her) he has called me names like: "bitch, whore, slut." When I talk to Jason on the phone or when he and Jason and I are at a store and Jason and I are talking he says things like: "Shut up, Bitch!"
2. She and him both are keeping my money from me (Jason paid to break my old apartment lease and he had them sign a contract stating that he was going to buy a place for me without them paying rent or whatever the contract stated that they were going to turn over my Social Security checks over to me at the end of December of last yr. and that hasn't happened at all.) Jason recently found out that they are trying to get my inheritance money.
3. They both have been physically abusive to me. Jason has seen that first hand and each time it happens he stands up for me.
4. Lately he has started to touch me sexually. And I tell him not to but he keeps doing it.
What can Jason and I do to make things better for not just for me but for him as well? Any advice? Thank You!
Emily, you need to get out of this situation and right away. A child molester who has already insinuated you are a whore, a slut, and who has touched you sexually against your will while he and your mom lives off you through an inheritance could at any time initiate rape. Sexual molestation is a crime that often escalates to rape.
When you get a chance and they won't be able to stop you call 911 but first put together -without mom or her bf knowing- a toothbrush, a few clothes in a bag. Hide it so they won't notice.
Don't warn them you might do this or they could restrain you
Your birth parents would never want you to be abused or molested. It is possible that your mom's boyfriend will rape you. You sense this. It has happened tover and over and over in similar situations. You have a head on your shoulders, at least it sounds like you do. So, use it. React pro-actively, not re-actively. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so now is the time to salvage your life and create a better future for yourself.
Don't sit back and become a victim, Emily. Take life by the reigns. Don't wait until after its happened and your life becomes more complicated. Since you see it coming, it would be your fault just as if a car is coming straight at you and you didn't get out of the road.
Jump out of harms way. If you were raped you could get pregnant from your mother's boyfriend . Then your mom would be angry and jealous at YOU not him, so you'd be robbed, abused, raped, pregnant and unloved and homeless. Don't take chances. Get away NOW.
There is one consideration. How close to graduation are you? If you will graduate in a few weeks then you might wish to remain at your current school to finish up. You need to get out of that house before that child molesting bf of your mom further complicates your life with messy challenges, though, so you might go see y our high school guidance counselor before you call 911 and ask them to take you out of harm's way. Crimes have already been committed. Sexual touching is child molestation. The law is on your side.
Speak with Jason PRIVATELY if he has a good head on his shoulders before you gather a toothbrush, some soap, extra panties and clothes and your most cherished possessions so you can throw them into the police car when it comes and takes you to a temporary haven until you get better situated.
You might discuss it with a school counselor if you trust one, or simply call 911 and beg them to come and get you NOW before your molester goes all the way and takes you by force.
It might be good if Jason is with you when you call to give you moral support and speak with whoever is sent to rescue you from your situation, so the two of you don't lose contact and know how to find each other because you may never be going back to that house where I fear a dangerous situation could explode.
Yesterday, where I live, it was in the news that a 15 year old boy went to the police to seek protection because his mom and older brother threatened to kill him if he told on them and he was frightened for his life because they promised him they would kill him if they told on him but they were battering him already and trust the police more than them. (Sadly, you can't always trust the police, either, who tend to be verbally and even physically abusive since that profession can attract bullies.)
This kid showed the cops photos on a stolen cell phone they'd stolen of all kinds of booty from the houses they'd been breaking into and bringing home. The cops came and got the mom and brother and took them away to the lock up. So now hes likely staying home with some relative or at some safe haven. By the time they get out he'll be re situated in a better place or, depending on the judge's sentence, he'll be in college by then, or working somewhere.
I'm telling you this story because you too sound like you have a good head on your shoulders.
It would be unwise to threaten your mom or her bf with the plan to call 911. If you did they might feel betrayed and call you more names. Anger could push them to become criminally insane, so don't sabotage yourself by warning them . As in chess, position yourself in advance to shed that crumby cocoon they have you imprisoned in then spread your wings to fly away to success and happiness like a butterfly.
Before you call 911, if you have the privacy to make calls, call the crisis hotline and discuss with them options and they may be able to connect you to some safe haven where you can stay until the end of this school year because missing school could cause you to flunk your finals. You want to re-locate but you don't want to have to do the whole grade over again, right?
Emily, you need to get out of this situation and right away. A child molester who has already insinuated you are a whore, a slut, and who has touched you sexually against your will while he and your mom lives off you through an inheritance could at any time initiate rape. Sexual molestation is a crime that often escalates to rape.
When you get a chance and they won't be able to stop you call 911 but first put together -without mom or her bf knowing- a toothbrush, a few clothes in a bag. Hide it so they won't notice.
Don't warn them you might do this or they could restrain you
Your birth parents would never want you to be abused or molested. It is possible that your mom's boyfriend will rape you. You sense this. It has happened tover and over and over in similar situations. You have a head on your shoulders, at least it sounds like you do. So, use it. React pro-actively, not re-actively. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so now is the time to salvage your life and create a better future for yourself.
Don't sit back and become a victim, Emily. Take life by the reigns. Don't wait until after its happened and your life becomes more complicated. Since you see it coming, it would be your fault just as if a car is coming straight at you and you didn't get out of the road.
Jump out of harms way. If you were raped you could get pregnant from your mother's boyfriend . Then your mom would be angry and jealous at YOU not him, so you'd be robbed, abused, raped, pregnant and unloved and homeless. Don't take chances. Get away NOW.
There is one consideration. How close to graduation are you? If you will graduate in a few weeks then you might wish to remain at your current school to finish up. You need to get out of that house before that child molesting bf of your mom further complicates your life with messy challenges, though, so you might go see y our high school guidance counselor before you call 911 and ask them to take you out of harm's way. Crimes have already been committed. Sexual touching is child molestation. The law is on your side.
Speak with Jason PRIVATELY if he has a good head on his shoulders before you gather a toothbrush, some soap, extra panties and clothes and your most cherished possessions so you can throw them into the police car when it comes and takes you to a temporary haven until you get better situated.
You might discuss it with a school counselor if you trust one, or simply call 911 and beg them to come and get you NOW before your molester goes all the way and takes you by force.
It might be good if Jason is with you when you call to give you moral support and speak with whoever is sent to rescue you from your situation, so the two of you don't lose contact and know how to find each other because you may never be going back to that house where I fear a dangerous situation could explode.
Yesterday, where I live, it was in the news that a 15 year old boy went to the police to seek protection because his mom and older brother threatened to kill him if he told on them and he was frightened for his life because they promised him they would kill him if they told on him but they were battering him already and trust the police more than them. (Sadly, you can't always trust the police, either, who tend to be verbally and even physically abusive since that profession can attract bullies.)
This kid showed the cops photos on a stolen cell phone they'd stolen of all kinds of booty from the houses they'd been breaking into and bringing home. The cops came and got the mom and brother and took them away to the lock up. So now hes likely staying home with some relative or at some safe haven. By the time they get out he'll be re situated in a better place or, depending on the judge's sentence, he'll be in college by then, or working somewhere.
I'm telling you this story because you too sound like you have a good head on your shoulders.
It would be unwise to threaten your mom or her bf with the plan to call 911. If you did they might feel betrayed and call you more names. Anger could push them to become criminally insane, so don't sabotage yourself by warning them . As in chess, position yourself in advance to shed that crumby cocoon they have you imprisoned in then spread your wings to fly away to success and happiness like a butterfly.
Before you call 911, if you have the privacy to make calls, call the crisis hotline and discuss with them options and they may be able to connect you to some safe haven where you can stay until the end of this school year because missing school could cause you to flunk your finals. You want to re-locate but you don't want to have to do the whole grade over again, right?
Have you ever been really proud of your local news channel?
Q. Last night, they spoke for 30 seconds about how there were 145 car accidents in the city yesterday and then for 30 minutes about people that cut their own hair..
At least now,
with the recession that they talked us all into,
they've stopped going on about bird -flu
which they never managed to turn into an epidemic.
At least now,
with the recession that they talked us all into,
they've stopped going on about bird -flu
which they never managed to turn into an epidemic.
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