Saturday, May 17, 2014

Car restore project car finding help!?


I'm looking into buying a car that runs fairly well, but needs simply some bodywork and TLC to sort of restore. How would I go about finding a car in this certain condition ? All the car classifieds have already restored cars, so that's really no help . Any recommendations ? 10 points FBA

Hi xSerkiit!
It depends on what kind of car your looking to work on. Late 60's or early 70's muscle cars like Camaros or Mustangs will be few and far between in that sort of condition but not impossible to find, they're just going to be expensive and require a lot of leg work to track prepared to travel on short notice!

Keep looking in every classified you can get your eyes on, even ones from outlying cities nearby. You have to be quick to find the car you want because there's a ton of other people looking too, and if your not in a position to drop what ever your doing (like work) and drive 100mi to go look at a potential project....your not going to score.

The people who get these kind of cars are the ones who stand and wait by the news stand for the latest classifieds to be delivered and immediatley start calling people, when they're not doing that they're scouring Craigslist or going to Estate sales.

Also go find your nearest auto auction. You can find ALL kinds of cars for sale there.

Another thing to do is to call up the people who have these restored cars for sale and ask them if they know of any project vehicles like what your looking for....or cruise by your local auto repair
shops and ask them if they have any cars "out back" that someone may have ditched because they couldn't afford to fix them. Sometimes you can score a car for just whatever the repair bill was.

While your doing all this, you should also be driving around out in the countryside and looking in and around outbuildings and barns for derelict cars, although these often need more than just some TLC you can usually get them for a song.

Constantly keep asking everyone you meet that deals with cars if they know of anything like what you want, leave your name and number with them and ask them to call you if they come across one.
Tell them it's worth $50 as a finders fee.

In general, the newer the car the more likely you'll find one in a virgin(unrestored)and good condition, what we in the business call a "creampuff". ;)

If your just looking for a cool car to tinker with try looking for these:

Late 70's to 80's Datsun\Nissan 280Z's. There's still a lot of them out there, they're cool looking and they're cheap! Parts are still available too and they're not hard to work on if you have a good manual.

Late 70's to early 80's Corvettes. No they're not the most popular vettes or the most powerful but it's still a corvette and you can score one for a couple grand.

Stay away from these though:

European imports like Triumphs, MG's(anything built in England for that matter), Fiat's, Renault's, Peugot's etc. These cars are crap and often a bitch to get the correct parts for which are always expensive. You'll find yourself constantly struggling to keep them operating.

My GF just sold her ex's loaded 95' Pontiac Firebird with T-tops, high output fuel injected 350 and 5 speed for $800. It had a blown head gasket and had been sitting for several years but only had 50k original miles on it!

Good Luck ;)

Does anyone know how safe is it to go on a cruise?


After all the viruses people got from the cruise in the past how safe is it now?

Trust me, nobody that takes cruises wants any more bad "virus publicity." Hundreds of thousands of people crowd cruise ships every year, and virus outbreaks that appear in the news are highly isolated incidents.

It's unfortunate that bad incidents splashed by the media really overexaggerate the "unsafe factor" of so many environments. The problem is, for every one bad incident, there are literally millions of other travel plans that have gone off without a single hitch. The news just doesn't report on those ones.

Think about're a lot more likely to die in a car accident than you are in a plane crash, simply because so many more people drive than fly. Yet when a plane crashes, the news is so over-hyped that it's easy to automatically assume that flying is unsafe by nature. On the other hand, how many car accident reports do you hear on the radio every single day? How many choose to personally broaden their chances for such an accident by talking on the cell phone, drinking, or inciting road rage? Yet, you rarely hear about it, except maybe one or two lines in the newspaper the next day. So people keep doing it.

You need to realize that no environment is 100% safe. Yes, you might contract a virus while on a cruise ship. Yes, you might crash if you choose to board a plane. And yes, every single day you commute to work, you might get into a car accident. And yes, a comet might strike the earth and kill everyone on the planet in 100 years.

Take your cruise and enjoy it for what it is, without worrying so much about safety. There is only so much people can do. It's questions like these which should help you realize why "urban legends" are so effective at scaring people.

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1991 plymouth sundance over heating?

Vanessa B

ok my car is constantly over heating ,, i have asked a few people for help on it ,, even a mechanic ,, they checked hoses ,, thermostat ( which i got them to take out now ) ,circulation , and the anti freeze ( bright green ) , i noticed when i do stop my car and check there is maybe a teaspoon of anti freeeze on the engine ,, nothing more and cant see where its comin from ,no other leaks or breaks in hoses , no antifreeze in the oil ,, nothing ,, what could be the problem ??

I am going to assume you have the 2.2 2.5 engine family inline 4 cyl. I have one of these for sale right now 1990 Acclaim turbo 2.5. These engines are known for head gasket failures. I also had to change the fan switch to a manual one I control in the car. For reference Carquest sold me a gasket for 40 bucks and it was a days work changing the gasket. Check your metal coolant hoses for leaking also. Another little check is loosen the rad cap so it makes no pressure in the system and see if the over heat goes away then you have more proof the head gasket took early retirement. These motors are iron block aluminum head configuration overheating is very very bad news for aluminum parts. Warpage must be checked while the head is off.

Which auto parts store do you think pays more?


Auto Zone
Advanced Auto Parts
Discount Auto Parts
any others I am missing......

right now u should b more looking at benefits and areas as at some point u may wanna relocate and still have a job. napa is almost everywhere as well as autozones. health benefits are worth a lot compared 2 just regular pay.

if pay is more of ur interest try calling each and asking them what they pay 2 start. they will tell u but in most cases i'm betting just over minimum.

keep in mind if ur pregnant u may havta lift a certain weight while working there as they sell heavy parts as well as light ones, and u don't wanna endanger ur pregnancy, but most will 'notice' ur 'happy news' and help u out by carrying the heavier stuff 4 u.

anything i can help u with with auto parts stores, don't hesitate 2 e-mail and ask. i worked at a napa store for about 3yrs and at a carquest store for about 2 1/2 first as a delivery driver/counterperson to full counterman.

r u ok?

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Do you watch the news at night?


Or day... I just had to fit in 20 characters.

I work at a morning news show, so I kind of have to haha.
But sometimes I watch The Daily Show when I'm lazy.

BQ: The newspaper?
Oh my god, no one? Well... I guess you are mostly teenagers.

Once in a while, but I get most of my news from the internet. The cable news has the same political BS every day, and the local news is just building fires, car accidents and fluff.

Does the Daily Show and Colbert report count as news?

How can electric cars be said to be zero emission vehicles?


There are emissions at the power plant, as well as ash and other pollutants. People have been scared about nuclear since the 1970's and we don't have anywhere to put the waste. Even if hydro is used, salmon are killed. With wind, bald eagles and other birds are killed. Why are plug-ins any better than gas or diesel cars?

Hey JS, the "deferred emissions" from electric vehicles is a concern, and one talked about frequently among environmentalists and industry people. This occurs just like you outlined, and electric car not having a tailpipe, but the coal fired power plant where it gets its electricity from does. Any time you plug in an electric car and charge it with a coal plant, you do emit more pollution at the plant, that is a known fact. The good news is that it's also a known quantity. There have been dozens of studies quantifying the "Well to Wheel" ratio of electric cars. This refers to how much oil or coal we have to dig up to run that emission free vehicle, versus just putting the oil in the gasoline powered car instead. For the most part, vehicles that are charged using 100% coal fired plants pretty much break even on emissions. But if you factor in natural gas, oil, and yes even renewable sources like hydro wind and solar, the electric car wins hands down.

Gasoline cars today are only about 25% efficient, 75% of the gasolines energy goes out the tailpipe when you drive. Diesel is a little better at 30 to 35%. But if you burn the fossil fuel in a large powerplant, then use the electricity in a 90% efficient electric car (this is typical), even with transmission line losses and such, you generally come out ahead environmentally. There is also the "embodied energy" problem, which refers to how much energy it takes to mine for metal and other materiels that make up a car. One of your answers here states it takes more energy to mill out a prius than the amount of energy the car can ever save, and that it's better to drive a Hummer. This is a tale woven by the oil companies, it's been around for years, yet nobody in the industry ever quotes it anymore.

The real benefit comes when you can take a plug in hybrid, or all electric vehicle and plug it into a local renewable source, like a rooftop solar array on your carport. We are in the process now of expanding our existing solar array on our home to accomodate the next vehicle we purchase, which I hope is a plug in hybrid. Just waiting to see what is on the market when the time comes. In this case, the transmission losses are zero, the car emits zero, and so does the solar array. The only energy involved is in actually building the car and the solar panels. Anyone can do this by the way, many places sell prepackaged solar electric systems that tie straight into your homes existing wiring and "assist" in making power for your home. In the end a portion of your electricity comes from the sun, and your electric bill is lower. This works whether you have an electric car or not, but if you do, then you truly do have an emission free vehicle.

You will also hear arguments against renewable electric sources like solar and wind because someone read an article that says it takes more power to manufacture a solar panel or wind turbine that the device will generate in its lifetime. First of all, this is not true. The embodied energy in these devices is generally recouped in the first 3 years of their lives. But in reality it doesn't matter. Stand a solar panel next to a coal fired plant someday and ask yourself which one earns back its embodied energy faster. The answer is the coal plant never does. We forget that when you build a fossil fuel fired plant, no matter how efficiently you build it, it now needs to be fed fuel for the rest of its life, which in "converts" into electricity at some rate less than 100%. In the end it digs itself a deeper and deeper energy hole that it can never crawl out of.

It's good you and other people ask questions like this, its the only way to keep other people in line and help us do the right thing as a society. Keep after it, and take care, Rudydoo

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where can i find info about cars?


such as Horse Power, size of engine in liters or cubic inches,and it doesnt have to be new!!! because i want to know the speculations on a few classic cars!!!!! thank u

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Craigslist cars, read info?


When someone post there car on craiglist and they seem like they really don't want to get rid of it , is that an indication that it is a good car , I actually almost bought a car that looked to in perfect condition and offered him exaclty what he wanted for it and the guy ended up saying "hey I've decided not to sell it " bascically what I'm asking is, am i doing a good job looking for cars ?

Not really. My SUV is not a "good" car but I like it. It fits me well, I can parallel park it and know its limits and what it should sound like, I can see around me very well, it's very comfy for long drives, and I'm happy with it. But it's not worth much, less than $1,000. I wouldn't sell it for less than $3000 because, well, it would be tough finding a vehicle that I'm this comfortable driving and that I know the mechanics of as well. Plus, there's the headache of finding a new vehicle.....

I'd say that if someone is reluctant to sell, it doesn't mean the car is a good car at all. My hunk o' junk is a good example of that! But it does likely mean that they have either taken good care of the car (I do) or they've dropped a bunch of useless crap in it to make it "cool" and the wiring may look like cthulu and be wearing out the alternator and the "rims" can be putting too much strain on the transmission because they didn't bother to change rear end gearing and a lot of other stupid stuff.

It's an indication of attachment. Sometimes that means the car is really well cared for, in which case, you may be getting a good deal. It can also mean exactly the opposite. My husband calls such cars polished turds. Sure, they look great, but everything else is a catastrophe.

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Friday, May 16, 2014

Car radio problems in my Z?

I have a problem with my car radio you see. i did a DIY job on instalation on my 83 Datsun ZX and what happend was the speakers fired up then died when I changed the station and now they don't work so any ideas on what it could be?
the radio is fine but the speakers alone don't work.

sounds like you burnt your final amp in your radio you wired the speakers wrong there is a pos/ neg on each speaker and on the radios if you hook them up wrong its like twistig all your speaker wires together it overloads and burns up the stereo TIME FOR A NEW ONE .
Sorry to give you bad news (CHECK YOUR FUSES FIRST)

OMG! Were Lewis fans wrong? Latest News: "Trulli's Pit-To-Car radio conversation clearly shows Glock cheated"?


" Pit-To-Car radio excerpts released by an unknown Toyota employee clearly indicate that Trulli was asked to "back up" Glock by posting a similar 1 minute 44 second last lap."

It goes on to say...

"Trulli's engineer constantly monitored the last lap to post the same time as Glock"

Excerpts from the Pit-To-Car transmission include...

"OK Trulli, slower, you're on a 1.32 at that pace"


"Only press the gas pedal halfway you're still on a 1.36"


"OK change gear at 12,318 revs and you'll be on a 1.44, good lad"


"You braked too early there you silly ar*e, are you trying to get Glock in trouble. Now you're on a 1.52!! Pick up the pace and change gear at 16,251 revs"


"Ut-oh, we c*cked up a bit here with the timing mate, you're on a 1.52.476, you'll need to do qualifying pace for the last 3 corners. Step on it!"

and finally

"Nice one Trulli, you've managed to exonerate Glock and clinch Lewis the title. Well done.

This tape will self distruct in ten seconds....

Dun dun dun dun, Dun, dun, dun, dun, Din nin neeeer, Din nin neeeeer ... Mission Impossible Theme :D...."

How can this be true?
Oh dear Christopher!! comes the capital letters...

OK OK...I give up....Well spotted all those that it was in fact SO toungue in cheek I'm surprised you could read it!!

Red - I know, I'll be sorting out my homework later, ok!

Mr Ore: OMG! How can that be true? :) Back at me...I like it!! :) :) :)
Mr Ore...

"Lewis, you may want to attach this steering wheel to your car before you leave and in the process destroy all the records of this team radio"

I wondered why there was a fire at the end of the race, I thought it was to spit roast Glock, but destroying the tapes makes so much sense. :)
CM - sit closer to the screen mate!
Cavallino, Red and Mr Ore. Thank you for having intellectual agility.

Fancy a drink? My round!

Thank you David, but the truth of the matter is that they used sub-standard dental floss as a cost-saving measure and it snapped. They then had to decide whether to use smoke signals or carrier pigeon english. I hate it when people call me stupid, stupid.........
Smooth are so...., so......, well...stupid ackkktuallly. Anyone with an ounce of....err, well, not stupid, knows that they speak in Swahili with a Welsh accent to confuse the Gestapo....oops, I mean the FIA aackkkktually!

Nice One! lol! this is very true as I just got some info about: Hamilton's Pit-To-Car radio conversation:

"Keep your fourth place Lewis Truli will go wide in the first corner after the first pit round so you go third"

"Nice Lewis you passed Truli now he will do one more spin so if you want to spin later on in the race don't worry"

"We just talked to Heikki and the view from his cock pit is great Trulli is doing the same lap times as Glock"

"Glock won't be entering the pits, Lewis I think they are up to something, Maybe Ferrari paid them more?"

" Well we got some info from Toyota and Glock will be lapping 1:44 in the final lap and you are fifth anyways"

"Lewis, you might consider letting Vettel through to give Massa's father the heart attack"

"Excellent job lad you are the new world champion and Trulli got a1:44 in his final lap also silencing those Ferrari fans"

"Lewis, you may want to attach this steering wheel to your car before you leave and in the process destroy all the records of this team radio"

The problem is that the FIA has planted another device in Lewis Hamilton's helmet and convinced him that it was a camera like Coulthard's so Expect Hamilton to lose the title tomorrow

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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Virginia New Car Registration?


If I move from Maryland to Virginia, I am thinking about buying a new car right after moving to VA, does VA MVA charges tax for the car (I know MD charges about 6% tax, so I don't want to buy the car when I am still in MD now).


ADD: More info on Va car sales tax: Btw, do you know that in Va
you have to pay annual personal property taxes, including on you cars?

Hugo90 is correct. Buy your car after you move or besides sales tax you'll be paying transfer fees to register/title your car in a new state. It will be like paying sales tax again.

question about a car for my brother.?


im asking this question for my brother. Is there a free website were you can ask a question about a car and get an answer for free?
and dont say yahoo i already told my brother that and thats not what hes looking for
i think info on like how to fix something but im not shore

What type of question?
Info on the history of the car? like accidents?
Or Info on owner and registration info?
Or opinion on the color of a car? I mean, we need more info to give you more info.

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Lien Question?

Mac J

I have a car I'm about to sell in a couple days, I'm looking at the title and it say's that there are two liens against the car. One is from a bank many states away from the previous owner. And the other is the bank that my father used to purchase the car. The most recent one was satisfied in my fathers bankruptcy, however when I called the bank to get a release the service worker said that there was an outstanding balance. The other I have no idea how to go about, I've owned the car 4 years now and since my fathers death a year and a half ago i've had the title in my hand and no one has made any attempt to collect on the car. I'm not really sure where to go from here, because showing the new buyer the title may err him/her away from purchase...any suggestions?

You cannot legally sell the car with a lien on it. You need to contact the state that issued the title, tell them the title number and they will be able to tell you if that is the valid title, or if any others have been issued since or before the one you have. A title history will take place, with the info being sent to you when it's completed. For now, you can't sell the car, the bank is holding the title up for some reason. It doesn't matter if anyone has made an attempt to collect, they put the lien on, and apparantly had tried to collect in the past. If the car is in your father's name, and he is deceased, you will need to show documentation giving you the right to sell the car, and his death certificate, along with other forms. Good luck, this could take a bit of time to clear the car's title, so it can be sold.

what info do i need to do a mechanic lien on a car?


i fixed the car at my shop but the owner didn't come back more then 1 year

You need the vin # and the car.

Take the vin down to the courthouse and they should direct you what to do.

Probably just a matter of a notarized statement saying they owe you.

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Where to live in Sydney?


My husband and I are contemplating moving to Sydney from the U.S. Originally we thought about Perth, but I think Sydney, although a little pricier, will suit our lifestyle best. We are a little overwhelmed with the size of Sydney and the number of suburbs...we have no idea where the best places to live are. I don't know exactly where we'll be working yet, but most likely the CBD (he's in the technology field & I'm in the medical field). We probably are not bringing a car since it's so expensive to ship, so we'll need something close to transportation and also walking distance to parks, shops, restaurants, etc. We also don't want anything too pricey...I think $500/wk would be our max. Any suggestions???

Firstly I'd like to welcome you in advance. Yes Sydney does cover a large area and it can be overwhelming at first. Despite it's extensive public transport system, Sydney really is a city of cars...just as bad as LA really haha, so as soon as you are able to afford one it wouldn't be a bad idea to get one, even just for getting around on weekends.

Now $500/week isn't going to get you much close to the city, the further out you are the better the place you can get for that much. For example $500/week could get you a newish 4 bedroom 2 story home in the outer suburbs or a smaller home or apartment in the inner suburbs. Also the eastern suburbs aren't as well covered by public transport as they should be. In the outer suburbs it could take over an hour to get into the city by train, compared to say 30 minutes by bus in some inner suburbs. Our technology hubs are areas like Macquarie Park (near Ryde) and the Northern Suburbs, which is most likely where your husband would likely find work depending on what field he is in. For yourself most of our public hospitals are screaming for medical and you shouldn't have any issues finding work pretty much anywhere in Sydney, especially if you are a nurse.

Most suburbs have access to major Malls (there are 2 in Campbelltown alone) so shopping is not a real issue. Where you want to live really depends on what you want to get for your $500/week be it a house or apartment (flat) and what kind of lifestyle you want for yourself. If you want a more relaxing easy going lifestyle head out west, if you want a coffee set, trendy city style lifestyle then stick close to the city.

One area out west which has everything you describe, but is 1 hour 20 min by train, is Park Central in Campbelltown. The good news for you as well is that Park Central is a new medical hub with specialists suites, a private hospital and a public hospital as well as 2 large aged care facilities, both offering self care and assisted care.

Below I'll show you links to 2 of our biggest real estate websites as well as link to our railway network.

Real Estate:



what is the easiest way to get to NARRAWEENA in sydney australia except cab?

rabin d

i got a job interview there but have no idea how to get there as i have never been to that place. so can anybody help me to know the best way to get there. FULL points assured if i get there in tiome during my interview.
i come from campsie but can u make me sure whr can i catch the bus from city and how long will it take?

I live near that area.

The preferred way is to catch the L90 (or the L85) from Railway or wynard station & get off at the main Dee Why bus stop.
From there, there are a few bus options to go up the hill into Narraweena, like the 146 or the 169. If you go to the nearby Howard Ave bus stop, you can get the 136 as well.

The L90 should only takes about 3/4's of an hour (depending on the traffic of course) and it should only take a few minutes by bus to go up the MacIntosh Rd hill to get to where you need to be.
What bus up the hill you take depends on what time you arrive at Dee Why . Often it's actually quicker to walk up into Narraweena, than wait around for the next bus.

Of course, there is also the option of taking the Manly ferry or jet-cat (the quicker option only taking about 15-20mins).
The buses which leave for Narraweena, leave from the bus-stop near the Corso. The 169 is the fastest option (as it goes along Pittwater Rd & up to Narraweena) taking no more than 30mins. The 136 goes to Narraweena via the coast, so it's best not to opt for that bus route.

If I knew what time & what street the interview is on, I could give you a more exact answer (I've got all the bus brouchers at home).

A look at is helpful.

And definitley don't cab it all the way unless you have to - since it costs about $50 to get from the city to Narraweena that way!!
But if you by chance are a bit short on time & can't get a bus connection straight away at Dee Why, there is a taxi rank along Howard Ave (near the car-park), which could be an option if you have a few Km to go.

And good luck, I hope it goes well!!

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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What kind of car is this? (Pic)?

Cody S

seen this car in Holland Amsterdam, can not remember the name of it. I think he said it was a german car

Well from the photo I don't recognise it as a production model, but a clue could be the grille, possibly from the Jaguar sedan released some years ago as a remodelled early 3.8 litre which was designated an S type. Remember this was when car manufacturers like Volkswagen, with the Beetle, Fiat, with the 500 Bambino, Jaguar with the 3.8, and then BMW with the Mini, based on England's Morris Mini-Minor from the British Motor Corporation (which became defunct a lot of years ago), went all retro with some popular makes.--Who ever designed and built the one in your photo did a bloody fine job.--By the way the Jaguar X-type that was released a fair while ago is really just a Ford Mondeo.--Yes, Ford I believe were having sales problems with it, so they simply badge engineered it as a Jaguar with a redesigned body and interior on the Mondeo drivetrain, and they then sold like hotcakes.--Now, the last I heard, Jaguar is owned by the Tata Group in India...

So, there you have it folks, it's a Weisman GT MF4.---See you learn something every day.---Thanks for the info guys.....................

Jaguar Question?


I'm looking at buying an 88 Jaguar XJS. The only thing wrong with it is that it has been sitting for quite awhile and the speedometer and fuel sensors need replaced. Not knowing anything about cars, would this cost a ton to fix since it's a Jag?

go to for loads of info on Jags.....good luck

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seeking cheapest car................?


i need it to I guess a hatchback ( i think thats what they are called)
I have a baby on the way and a big dog so I need to be able to put the car seat in and be able to give the dog some room in the back area
i did check out the aveo 5 door but is there anything cheaper out there : ) thanks for the info

"Estate" is what the UK calls a wagon. Just FYI.

The Toyota Matrix is roomy enough and at 2-3 years old you can get one for ~$14k USD.

a simple travel system/buggy with car seat?

Where can I get a simple pushchair with car seat/2 in1.

First: A simple pushchair with car seat, a few years ago that was all there seemed to be you had a pushchair suitable from 6 months and a car seat on top which balanced on the bumper bar and seat. If you look on pushchair guides under travel system that is what you get but rarely see something like that on the products page. I know about flat head syndrome but never have my baby in the pram for longer than an hour and that''s only once in a blue moon. Any where I could get something like that.

Second: A 2 in 1. They can be found quite easily on a baby website now but I don't want a carrycot and a pushchair, I want a chair that faces both ways but reclines so the baby can sleep (I don't want a 3 in 1 since the pram part is unnecessary)

P.S. Helpful if they are UK brands/stores


I would check out

They have a lot of info, reviews and comparisons on strollers. Also I believe all the stuff there can be found fairly cheap on

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what is the fastest car on the planet. present day.?


oct, 2013.

Because you have used the term "car," in your question, I have not included vehicles that compete for the "land speed record." The land speed record holder's vehicle uses thrust from a jet engine or rocket, and is not, in my view, driven. I have also not included vehicles that compete in the "wheel driven land speed" record because The Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile validates records for the fastest of these vehicles ONLY in "Category A" (i.e., Special). In "Category A," the accepted record is fastest average speed recorded over any one-mile or one-kilometer distance, averaged over two runs in opposite directions (to factor out wind) within one hour of each other. This "Category" might be regarded as including "cars," but here again, I do not regard the fastest to be a "car" in the conventional sense because the fastest is a single entity vehicle neither built for street driving nor sale.

That said, among street legal, production cars available on the market, there is a dispute as to the fastest.

Until April, 2013, the BUGATTI VEYRON SUPER SPORT had been widely regarded as the fastest. It has reached a top speed of 267.857 mph per "Guinness Book of Records" which, at the time, was deemed as the world record for a production carâs top speed. The problem arose when it was discovered that the version of the BUGATTI VEYRON SUPER SPORT car owners chose to sell to the public has a governed top speed of 258 mph, which the automaker says was due to safety reasons. Thus, to achieve the record the BUGATTI VEYRON SUPER SPORT needed to have its top speed limiter disabled, which counts as a modification. The BUGATTI VEYRON SUPER SPORT had a production run of 30, only 5 of which were, by design, capable of 267.857 mph (431.074 km/h). The other 25 Super Sport cars are electronically limited to 257.87 mph (415.00 km/h).

HOWEVER, the owners of the HENNESSEY VENOM GT have laid claim to the world's fastest street legal, production car based upon its official speed of 265.7 mph. It appears the "The Guinness Book of World Records" has accepted their claim to the title. In that case, the HENNESSEY VENOM GT is the fastest, street legal production car on the planet.

It can also be argued that the KOENIGSEGG AGERA R is the fastest as the owners claim to have reached 273 mph; however, that speed is not officially certified.

For verification, argument, and additional information, please see:

what is the fastest car on the planet. present day.?


No further questions!

Because you have used the term "car," in your question, I have not included vehicles that compete for the "land speed record." The land speed record holder's vehicle uses thrust from a jet engine or rocket, and is not, in my view, driven. I have also not included vehicles that compete in the "wheel driven land speed" record because The Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile validates records for the fastest of these vehicles ONLY in "Category A" (i.e., Special). In "Category A," the accepted record is fastest average speed recorded over any one-mile or one-kilometer distance, averaged over two runs in opposite directions (to factor out wind) within one hour of each other. This "Category" might be regarded as including "cars," but here again, I do not regard the fastest to be a "car" in the conventional sense because the fastest is a single entity vehicle neither built for street driving nor sale.

That said, among street legal, production cars available on the market, there is a dispute as to the fastest.

Until April, 2013, the BUGATTI VEYRON SUPER SPORT had been widely regarded as the fastest. It has reached a top speed of 267.857 mph per "Guinness Book of Records" which, at the time, was deemed as the world record for a production carâs top speed. The problem arose when it was discovered that the version of the BUGATTI VEYRON SUPER SPORT car owners chose to sell to the public has a governed top speed of 258 mph, which the automaker says was due to safety reasons. Thus, to achieve the record the BUGATTI VEYRON SUPER SPORT needed to have its top speed limiter disabled, which counts as a modification. The BUGATTI VEYRON SUPER SPORT had a production run of 30, only 5 of which were, by design, capable of 267.857 mph (431.074 km/h). The other 25 Super Sport cars are electronically limited to 257.87 mph (415.00 km/h).

Thus, the owners of the HENNESSEY VENOM GT have laid claim to the world's fastest street legal, production car based upon its official speed of 265.7 mph. It appears the "The Guinness Book of World Records" has accepted their claim to the title. In that case, the HENNESSEY VENOM GT is the fastest, street legal production car on the planet.

It can also be argued that the KOENIGSEGG AGERA R is the fastest as the owners claim to have reached 273 mph; however, that speed is not officially certified.

For verification, argument, and additional information, please see:

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What is the best car site out there?


I'd like to know which is the best web site out there besides craigslist which allows me to post my advertisement to sell my cars or search for specific cars to my liking. Craigslist is too general....I would like someone to tell me if there is any specific car website which offers free services and is user friendly!

Thank you!

Craigslist is quite a good place to search for cars and all. The only thing i don;t like about it is that is gets scammers and spammers!

Backpage is another website which is not bad...similar to craigslist but cleaner

Try AllTheRides.Com. It's a up and coming site which you might like. It's not the conventional site you'd find. A bit of everything really.....classifieds, reviews, news, and community :)

Why do news sites make things more dramatic than necessary? See details..?


Sort of the chicken and the egg thing - do we love reading about horrible things, so news provides it to get more viewers and therefore money?

Or is it that if news sites were more straight up about things and less like TV, people would stop wanting everything to be that way?

CNN does this ALL THE TIME. As does the other main networks. Read that story and try and ask yourself:

Why was this posted on the front page? The answer lies at the end of the story.......but......

WHAT THE HELL WAS THE POINT OF BEING SO GRAPHIC AND DRAMATIC ABOUT IT? All they have to say is she was "brutally murdered", not that she was raped and found naked, run over repeatedly, strangled, and beaten. Everyone just loves this crap don't they. And the title: teen leaves with dog, only dog returns. oooooooooooo gotta click on that scary story. oh man a 13 year old girl! there's her picture - ya I can really vision it now - her teenage body getting raped, screaming, getting run over by a car repeatedly, thank god I have the privilege of knowing all these details. Thanks CNN my day is more stimulating now and I'm more educated Hmm when's the text horror movie showing? Is there one on tonight? Lets go to the theatre guys! I hear a high schooler gets raped while her boyfriend is strapped to a chair as a drill slowly passes through his head!

Or are they simply trying to make it sound terrible so that people who do know something about the crime are more convinced to tell on the person? (Or is it two birds with one stone)

This is a question I deal with often when I write or report a news story. I work in radio so we have to use words to describe and help people see without seeing. I agree with you that some news stories get too graphic and it is about ratings or selling news papers or drawing readers to your website. But many of our news writers just do not know any better. And news rooms are so understaffed these days that there is no editor to change the structure of a story. But the bottom line here is the bottom line. If my style of writing news brings more listeners, my station can sell adds for a higher price and hopefully I get more money too.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Car Mechanics?


just a question to the Car Mechanics, you like being a Car Mechanic? you like the pay? easy is it?
4.what GCSES did you have when you left school
5.did you go to collage or into appretiship or both
would you like to do another job?

1. Yes, I still enjoy repairing vehicles, diagnosing them however after years of doing this I find myself doing more of the business end. I think you either enjoy it just as any other interest or dont. For example: My friend loves to decorate interiors of houses which bores me to death but she can spend hours looking through material and matching colors, and desig..........yauuuwn. Zzzzzzzzzz. Im sorry, but anyway you get the point: Mechanic work is not work to some, just fun!
2. The pay is great...if you are good. Good is doing the job correctly the first time, having the knack for mechanical ability, honest work, good tools, and a company who matches all of the above to provide unlimited jobs to perform!
3. It is all easy. Let me explain; There is nothing HARD TO DO on any vehicle, its all a mater of time consuming varibles. Some things take longer to repair or take apart, etc. If the job is HARD than you lack something like knowlege, or correct tools, or patience. I have run into jobs over the last 25 years in which I rejected because of the time involved or lack of knowlege but never have done a job that was too hard. You can get info and tools on any automotive task, its just a matter if YOU think its worth your time for the reward weather money or accomplishment.
4. I kind of grew up with doing automechanicing with my dad, did a one year vo-tech cource with a great instructor who taught theory of operation rather than how to let a machine or tester diagnose it for you. After that I took every free or otherwise, class on any area of automotive offered by vendors to where I worked or by the company itself I worked at. Be careful of these "g r e a t" automotive colleges as Ive hired so-called mechanics that went through these, graduated with great scores and just did not have the basics put into their brains yet to even start at a level to earn a paycheck! And they payed thousands some up to nine thousand dollars for their "education". Go to a reputable school but make sure it really TEACHES you HOW everything works!!!
5. The only other job I would consider is the one Ive kinda evolved into which is business management/ownership. You still get to help people but I enjoy making deals w/vendors and other companies. Sure do miss working on cars but I have other interests. Kind of depends if YOU have more than one interest.
6. To be a successful mechanic: Have the knack for it. Have the pleasure of doing it. Get a real education to start so you can easily learn the rest of it in the future. Stay honest, accurate, and keep everything Quality.

Ps. When I graduated from Auto school I felt that I knew at least 90% of what there was to know about cars...after my first year working as a mechanic professionally at a shop I figured I knew about 3% of what there was to know about cars and had grown in knowlege considerably!!!

do mechanics sell cars? And info about buy here pay here dealers?

Jocelyn So

I'm looking for my first car, and I've heard about mechanics selling cars from people who either don't pay for what they got fix, couldn't pay what they got fix or never came back for it. And that if you go there and ask them, if by any chance they do sell the car that they might charge you the payment fee of the car, depending tho. since they have no need for it.
And im curious about those buy here pay here dealerships that sell normally used cars, whats the risk with them and other advice about them, because im looking for a good used car at a decent price. I went to Nissan and they offered me Nissan sentra 2006 around 55,000 miles and there selling it for 9,000, down payment of 2,500, but I don't belive that car is worth 9,000, and Kelly blue book said its worth around 7,600 around there, If anyone knows any good advice on negotiating with them. please and thank you
Anything info would be extremely helpful

I would be surprised if you can even buy from a mechanic since they most likely don't have the title for the car. You must have the title in order to register the car and get a tag. If you use a buy-here-pay-here be very careful. They usually deal with people who have poor credit and charge very high interest rates. They also may sell cars that have been salvaged from wrecks where the car has been declared a total loss and rebuilt. You will find many that are honest and sell reasonable cars but do be careful. I recommend either a new car dealership or a reputable used car dealer. Since used cars do not usually have any warranty be sure you have it checked out by someone you trust before you buy it. Although you looked up a value for the care you looked at in KBB be aware that used car values change from week to week and also change by area. Many dealers use a "Black Book" that is available only to dealers. It is published weekly and by local area. This can vary widely from KBB and NADA values. Also check Between these three you may be able to come up with a close approximation of what a certain car is worth. Your credit rating can impact what kind of down payment they are looking for. If you have very little or poor credit history a larger down payment can be what is needed to get a lender finance you.
Hope this helps and good luck.

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car starting trouble?

ok guys i know alot about cars, but with this im stumped and need your help.

me and my friend drove up, parker the car, went inside for about an hour, and came back out, tried to start the car and it wouldnt turn over.
we did the headlight test and they stayed bright.

so we thought it was the battery because it was about 7 years old, so we tried jumping it, and it didnt work, then we tried charging the battery with my battery charger, and after about 10 min, it tured over with no problem, we let it run for about 15 min, then shut it off, and it wouldnt start back up, but this time the charger wouldnt help at all, so we took it out and bought a new 1, we put the new 1 in and it still wouldnt turn over. so we took the new 1 to napa to get tested and they said it was fine.

i cleaned the terminals, checked the ground, checked the connections, i checked the relays and fuses, checked the coil packs, and spark, i checked the neutral safety switch also. we rented a scan tool, and no codes came up.

i was thinking it was either the started pinions gear not kicking out to make contact with the fly whel, or the fuel pump, but you can hear the fuel pump turn on.

so sombody please help. lol
all the lights light up and turn on, and everything works, but when we turn the key, it tryes to start but wont turn over.

You know "alot" about cars, huh? Is "alot" the opposite of "alittle"?

Do you know enough to tell us what kind of car you're trying to work on? The engine size? Manual or automatic trans, Mr. Alot?

How did you check for spark if the engine won't turn over? Seems like you don't know as much as you'd like to think you know.

Provide us with some info and we'll be happy to help.

The costs of running a car in the UK?


Hi everyone :)
I'm 17 and thinking of buying myself a car for after i pass my driving test. i've been told by my grandmother that she will sell me her renault clio as she's planning to get a new car

But i'm wondering how much a car will cost to run

If you have a car, what does it cost you a year to run when you factor in all the costs (insurance, MOT, petrol etc)?

Thanks in advance

Dara xoox

Two words - very expensive!
Because of your age (your a young and inexperienced driver in the eyes of insurance companies), plus you won't have any 'no claims bonus' yet, your insurance is likely to be very high. Don't be surprised around the £800 mark or more. You have to renew your insurance annually, and you will have the option of paying monthly or the full amount outright. Check out the link below to find how what insurance bracket your car lies in. The lower the number, the cheaper it will be to insure. So if you find a car in insurance cat. 1, then great! I'm sure the older Renault Clio will be a lot higher though.

It might actually be cheaper if your grandmother officially keeps registration of the vehicle in her name and insures it in her name (as she has done in the past) with you as an 'added named driver'. If your grandmother is in agreement this could actually save you a lot of money.

Also you have to pay your road tax annually, which for an old Renault Clio will probably be around the £155 mark, but double check that on the link below. All cars are in a different tax band (B, C, D, E.) The lower in the alphabet the better, for your pocket!!

And on top of that, you have to book your car in for a yearly MOT and SERVICE (either together or separately), which will end up costing you a lot too, especially on an older car.

Then you've got to think about petrol/diesel prices, which are through the roof at the moment. A lot of people are struggling to afford to run their vehicle because of the ridiculous running costs. Don't be surprised if there will be more fuel protests sometime in the future.

Don't let all this put you off from driving, because driving is the one thing everyone needs, because it gives you freedom and independence. It's great to be able to drive!! If you can't afford it, ask if your parents/grandparents will help you out, or if they can't afford to, why not get a part time job somewhere at weekends?

Good luck - hope the info has helped!!

P.S. To get insurance quotes register your details with, who will compare insurance company prices (and will take the hard work out of it for you). The search engine will find you the lowest price. See below link...

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Monday, May 12, 2014

How Do I sell the Car?

John K

Need info on the following:

How do I sell car for MAXIMUM price.
it's a 2005 chevy equinox.
Do I sell to car dealer?
to Individual Buyer?
When I sell it how do I transport myself from wherever I sold it?
Does someone come by and look at hte car, buy it, and then I give them the keys?
How does "transferring of car title and license plates adn all that confusing overwhelming complexity" work?
Would I have to notify the DMV or the fed that someone bought the car? Whom would I have to notify?

You will get the most money it yourself to a private buyer. Expect about $2,000 more than a dealer will give you on trade. Keep in mind that if you trade it in in most states you don't pay sales tax on the value of your trade in which will reduce how much of the $2,000 you actually put in your pocket. Use to determine what a fair price would be. Advertise the car on a site such as or craigs list or the classified section of your local newspaper.

People will contact you to make arrangements to inspect it and drive it. I'd recommend you go along on the test drive. I'd plan on letting them drive it 15-30 minutes. Some may want to have a mechanic inspect it. If so, you bring it to their mechanic. It's just not a good idea to let someone drive your car without your supervision. If they have an accident you are the one who's liable. If they blow the engine trying to see it it will do 100 MPH it's your loss.

If they decide to buy accept only cash. If they want to give you a cashiers check meet them at their bank to get the check. These days it is very easy to counterfeit a cashiers check. The bank will credit your account with the fake check but a week or two later you will be notified that the check was a fake and the bank will demand you repay the money.

They ordinarily will take the car when they give you the money. At that time it's their car. If you live in a state where the tags do not stay with the car remove your tags. Arrange to have someone pick you up at the bank or ask them to drive you home.

You sign the title over to them which legally completes the transaction. It is a good idea to have two copies of a bill of sale one for them one for you. The bill of sale should have the parties names, the date, a description of the car including the VIN, the sale price and make sure it says "car is sold as is". Both parties sign it.

All states have a form for you to sign notifying them that you sold the car. It avoids them contacting you in the future either for tax purposes or if the car has a problem since they will come to you based on the VIN. In some states it's a legal requirement to send in the form but even if it isn't it's a good idea.

The links will give you additional information.

What would you want to know about a car?


I'm trying to sell my car on craigslist.

What are some important things to a potential buyer? What are some of the cars stats / info that you'd like to know before you buy?

Of course, year, make, model, mileage, color, and any options that weren't standard on the base vehicle. I'd also mention if the vehicle has recently had new brake, tires, or any other major maintenance done.

And if you happen to have all the vehicle's maintenance records, be sure to list that too and be willing to provide them (and a summary thereof) if asked. Of course, you should also list any damage that you would have expected to be told about if you were looking for a car, especially if it's something your state requires be disclosed prior to purchase like the vehicle had been previously salvaged, totaled, or any other meaningful fact.

Don't forget to mention a price and whether or not you'll accept "best offers". And even though selling a car more-of-less implies that the title is "free and clear", it's better to say so up-front just to not let any doubt exist.

I'd also provide the VIN (vehicle identification number) so potential buyers can check the vehicle's history by CarFax.

Best of luck! I hope this helps!

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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Is there a neighborhood Cat Lady near you?


It seems that several of the neighborhoods I grew up in had a cat lady. Y'know the kind: their house reeks, their shhets look like a collection of old bath towels, and their bath towels look like cleaning rags from H e l l. They were usually friendly, definately crazy. I want to hear about your "cat lady" or are you one of them yourself?

I have raised about 35 cats in my life.
I think you probably need to have at least 5 cats before you qualify as a "cat lady." Even if you're a guy...

Maybe I'm one, although my house doesn't reek and my bath towels are just fine (why are you so hung up on towels??hmmmm) My oldest brother is not an animal lover and he thinks I'm going to die from a mountain of old newspapers and magazines falling on me while my 99 cats look on! So, when he calls and asks me "So, how many cats do you have now?" I give him a bigger and bigger number (last time I told him 24 (In truth I have 6) hahahahahahaha. When our humane society recently confiscated 35 cats from a real collector (that's what they call them - or a "hoarder") I sent my brother the news article with "It's NOT me!" written over it.
What about dog people?? I've known of people who have 'packs' of dogs. Talk about stink and noise! Don't make us cat people (well, we have a big dog and horses too) out to be the only eccentrics!

What is the difference between crazy cat ladies and crazy pig ladies?


This lady, and she's young, keeps 40 pigs in her house. Isn't there a law or something?
I would provide a news video of this, but it would be deleted.

* Yahoo mail is completely scrapped for me tonight, so I may as well ask a question.
Anyone else having email problems?
It is not my computer. Go into Answers- Mail category and see the endless complaint questions. Like all their other efforts, not all are being worked on at the same time.

I've had no problems at all with my email.

As for the crazy ladies, it might interest you to know that pigs given half a chance, are one of the cleanest animals in the world. That is a fact. While cats on the other hand carry more diseases than the majority. Therefore my answer would have to be that the pig lady is the smarter of the two.

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Ryan Dunn's confusing death?


Ryan Dunn's death and the details surrounding it have been so confusing to me. Some people are saying it is a hoax, some people are saying it is real. I honestly don't know what to believe because some stuff is weird.
1. When he crashed, how did the police identify him so fast? Wouldn't they need a picture of what he looked like to compare the facial hair and tattoos to the body?
2. How did they even identify him through his facial hair or tattoos? If the fire was hot enough to burn the metal of the car, how did his facial hair not burn? The hair would be the first thing to go in a fire. And his body would be so charred they would barely be able to see the tattoos. They would have to use dental records to identify him and that would have taken longer than the hour or two they identified him.
3. Why was the first person they called April Margera? Wouldn't they call Ryan's parents, then his girlfriend? And why would April Margera then immediately call TMZ and tell them that Ryan died in a car accident?
4. The car crash scene is weird too. In the left hand lane there are 4 tire marks, and those tire marks stop where Dunn's car supposedly crashed into the trees. Why would a car stop if they saw what happened, and not call the police? The tire tracks from Dunn's car look like they went straight into the guard rail with no sign of trying to turn at all. Like they wanted the car to go straight into the guard rail. Also, why would people be allowed to go into the crash site and take parts of the car? All parts of the car would be considered evidence, yet people are selling parts of the car on ebay.
5. When Bam got home, why did he go straight to the crash site and do immediate interviews? I know that if my best friend just died, the last thing I would want to do would go to the crash site and do an interview. The interview seemed insincere as well, because he did not shed a single tear.
6. A report is saying April played a major part in the gag, and I can believe that. Some people said that April hates they jokes, but in Jackass 3 and 3.5, she plays a part in most of the pranks. At one point in Jackass 3 or 3.5, when they glue Preston and Wee Man together, Bam asks "How are we going to pull them apart?" and you can clearly hear April saying, "Slide them across the table".
7. People are saying that the police and reporters wouldn't play along with that, but they have played along with all the Jackass starts pranks. In order to do their pranks, they have to tell the police. In Viva La Bam, payed a news reporter to go to April's work and tell her her house got blown up.
8. The news report on that was allegedly put up by Fox News looks pretty real to me. The article came out only an hour after news of his death was reported. I don't know how anyone could photoshop an article to look real like that. They even linked TMZ in the article.
9. In Bam's interview with E! news, they ask him what his last conversation with Dunn was. He then pulls out his cell phone and reads off his messages. Dunn is asking Bam if the "gate is unlocked" so he cam come over. The reporter asks him "When was this" and Bam says "Whenever the run was, Sunday". I thought Bam said he was in Arizona Sunday/Monday? Why would Dunn be asking to come over Sunday night is Bam is supposedly in Arizona?
10. Also, Dunn's BAC was allegedly .196. TMZ reported that his toxicology report would not be in until "4-6 weeks", yet the next day they said his BAC was .196. How could they find that out so fast? Also, they said he was going 130-140 mph. How would they be able to figure that out as well?
11. Also, why would Dunn post a picture of him pointing to a beer only hours before he crashed? There are reports that also say he stopped at a gas station to get food. Why would he drive safe all the whole time driving home, then gun it at the exit that was "30 seconds" from Zach Hartwell's home?
12. Also, how did they identify Zach Hartwell? Where are the proven records that they positively identified that Ryan Dunn and Zach Hartwell? They would need to identify both of them through dental records, but they haven't.
I'm not trying to be an asshole disrespectful so please don't be judgmental, I am just honestly confused at the details surrounding his death. And for those of you that say they wouldn't do something like this, this is the Jackass crew we are talking about.

You make some points that are good and some that make no sense, why he would go to the crash site? I would say for some closure. I had a friend killed in a wreck and I went to his crash site just days after also. Far as the marks going into the rail it looks like it control was lost and it went sideways. As far as trying to stir away, their is no way you would even have time to react at those speeds to steer away and if you didn it wouldn't make a difference, figure the night time no lights through that road and doing 130-140 and the car getting lose if he was trying to make the turn or dodge something. You mentioned why would he gun it 30 seconds from his house plenty of reasons when you got a car with speed you like to show it off, most people do anyways it was a nice straight stretch very long perfect place to show what the car has

as for the tats and such it was never said where he was burnt exactly face or what and seeing how he had tats on his arms chest and legs and the fact he had been previously arrested, they note any tats you have on your body, I'm sure not everybody in PA owns a porsche and they found the car door identified the car, then figuring out the 1 to 2 maybe 3 owners then checking the tats that was on the body that was possibly visible they prob just added 2 and 2 together, it was never said that he was still in the car or anything

I could see them doing the prank but I don't think they would invest the time it would take to do it all knowing they would prob get caught...tree limbs was they'd have to break limbs, cut big chunks of bark off the tree that you can see missing in videos of the crash site, f the guardrail up and the place where the car was suppose to burnt is right at a tree and all the way up the tree is black, so they'd have to do all this at night which would require lights in order to see not mention traffic going by and probably getting spotted and word being out by now about it...

Chevy Volt complainers - explain please...?


If the Chevy Volt is indeed a dangerous, flammable car, why does the insurance industry rate it a "Top Safety Pick"?

Why does the NHTSA, which discovered the 3-week delayed fire in a crashed Volt, say on their Volt page that the car has NOT been recalled? (They also rate it a perfect 5-stars for safety.)

Why does this page of recalled Chevy models - on a website that keeps track of recalled cars - not mention the Volt anywhere?

Why, in this real world collision between a Volt and a Camry, is it the Camry that bursts into flame, and not the Volt?

Could some in the media have given us some false ideas about this car? What else that we've been told about the Volt might also be false?
Thanks everyone for the answers. However, I'm seeing almost nobody trying to answer the actual questions - why have we been told Volt is dangerous when the evidence points the other way?

Anybody care to really answer this?

I think we all know the answer to that...

"but Fox News said it was a death trap..."

just like the whole "the batteries being made are worse on the environment than a Hummer...OOPS WE FORGOT TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE BATTERY THAT'S IN THE HUMMER"

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in a discussion, how can you defend this "heheh" guy?


Ex-UP Law dean defends student who drove car through QC flood

in all fairness and honesty, our taxes pays for mmda to do their job. this means there shouldn't be so much flooding and street signs must be visible at all times.

the guy might have panicked, knowing no other way out he drove through thinking he will have a chance to make it rather than be stuck in water. even if he didnt drove through the flood, the water level will eventually kill his engine. but of course its an epic fail

I need help finding a different carb.?


OK so i got a 1928 Dodge victory six with a single barrel carb mounted on the side. As of right now the carb that is on it is a Tillotson carb JR3A which parts or complete carbs are no longer i production. i am pretty sure the original carb on it was a Detroit Lubricator, or a Stromberg UX-2 and you can find these but they are like 2 grand which is not feasible. I need a single barrel carb that will fit this application or if anyone knows where to find parts for my Tillotson that would fantastic. I am on a budget and want to get this car running. Thanks for your help.

I don't know if can help or not.
There are also places that specialize in rebuilding old carbs like:
Classic Carburetors, 3116 East Shea Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85028, PH: 602-971-3300
There are a few others listed in Hemmings Motor News that might be able to help.

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