Q. If so , why? Why don't the give it back to the U.S?
Either way , who ever has it. Why do they have it? Why not destroy it?
Why give it to the U.S? We were the ones who found out. Not the canadians.
I mean. Found it*
Apparently it's still in Canada:
"Jack Granatstein, director of the Canadian War Museum, has abandoned the idea of selling a black, bulletproof, Mercedes limousine that once belonged to Adolf Hitler.
One week after he argued that displaying the car gave the wrong image and glamourized Nazism, Granatstein decided not to get rid of it. He had guessed the car might bring $20 million at an auction â money he said would help build a new museum.
But a spate of angry calls and e-mails from the public forced him to abandon the idea. He now says selling the car would fly in the face of public opinion.
Granatstein did not say if the infamous limousine is permanently off the auction block, or if it will be removed from its prominent position on the museum's second floor.
The car has been the most popular exhibit at the museum for 30 years. It was built in 1940 by Daimler-Benz AG of Stuttgart, and Hitler owned six other limousines of its kind.
John English, chairman of the board of trustees for the museum says he is glad the public spoke up about the issue. He says the debate shows Canadians do have an interest in the War Museum and its contents."
There's a photo, taken at the Canadian War Museum December 16, 2006, of the car at the 2nd link.
But Hitler had a lot of cars:
"A 1939 Auto Union D-Type, a racing car commissioned by dictator Adolf Hitler is expected to become the most expensive car ever sold at an auction.
Christie's Auction House is set to auction the D-Type, believed to be one of only two in existence, in February in Paris, France. It was created by Ferdinand Porsche after a personal request from Hitler who wanted the car to be one of his propaganda tools to show off the technological superiority of the Third Reich.
The D-Type was one of the fastest cars in its time, with 485 horsepower and a maximum speed of 186mph.
Almost all of the D-Type were destroyed during World War II although the Russian army took this one to Moscow for its technology so that Russian scientists could study it.
It was taken apart and the disassembled parts were discovered in the 1990s. The car was reassembled and is expected to fetch the highest bid among car lovers."
Here's some good info:
"At the end of World War II, a whole slew of Mercedes cars came over from Europe, several of which were billed as Hitler's personal limousine and exhibited on midways. One Hitler car, owned by Christopher Janus, an importer-exporter living in Winnetka, ILL., was first exhibited in 1948. It drew big crowds while on view at the New York Museum of Science and Industry in Radio City. Amusement Corp. of America hired the attraction and it started playing their fairs that summer in Springfield, ILL., under the supervision of veteran back-end presenter Cliff Wilson. For its trip to the Springfield fairgrounds, the car was driven rather than shipped. A Chicago newspaper reporter rode along with it and the publicity created crowds of more than 5,000 daily. Adults paid 50 cents and children, a quarter, to see the former house-painter's car.
Along with the car came a photo showing Hitler in Berlin in 1941 riding in the vehicle. A postcard description reads: "All the glass in the vehicle is an inch and a half thick. On the right side front door is a built-in case that holds a Luger pistol. Behind the rear seat is a leather covered sheet of armor that cranks up manually. The car has a 153-inch wheel base, making it a long car. It is also heavy, weighing 9,500 pounds. It has an eight cylinder overhead valve motor capable of developing 230 horsepower. The transmission consists of five speeds forward and one reverse plus an overdrive that can be used at speeds up to 125 mph. The large gas tank holds 60 gallons."
In April 1949, the car opened its exhibition tour at Little Rock, Ark., on the Hennies Bros. Shows midway, then disappeared from mention in Billboard. The December 29,
1972, Miami Herald reported that a Hitler car described as a 770 K Mercedes was to be auctioned in Scottsdale, Ariz., the following week: "This was a car that Hitler, Mussolini, and Mannerheim had ridden in on state occasions. Mannerheim had later shipped it from Finland to Sweden so the Russians wouldn't capture it. It was seized by the Swedish government and traded to an American firm that made ball bearings."
Janus' Hitler car was not the only one in America. A November 1949 Billboard ad boasted: "Adolph Hitler's Genuine Personal Armored Limousine" and, in parentheses, "Not One That He Just Rode In." The limo was allegedly captured by Free French Forces at Berchtesgaden. Mounted in a semi-trailer, it had attracted 220,000 paid admissions at one exhibition. While the car was on tour in Texas in 1957, the Prospect Association its owner advertised it for sale for the best offer over $3,500. It was on tour at the same time Pennsylvania back-end showman Pete Sevich had a Hitler car on World of Mirth shows.
A January 1955 Billboard reported that Jack W. Burke of Baldwin, N.Y., had hired Carl Hauptmann to be the advance agent for his Hitler Mercedes-Benz car exhibit. Both had been field managers for units of Ripley's Believe It or Not tours. In 1954 the Hitler car had been on tour for a solid year and closed Christmas Eve in Chattanooga, Tenn. Burke continued to show it for several seasons. Sevich billed his exhibit on the 1957 World of Mirth Shows midway as "Hitler's $35,000 Armored Limousine." Sevich was still booking his car as late as 1966. Bill Hall, a carnival showman, collector, and band organ restorer, later bought the semi it was displayed on. It had a 28-foot display area for the car with an eight-foot living area over the fifth wheel. Hall used it to display his model of the World of Mirth Shows on various carnival midways. He says the car proved to be a fraud and was taken off exhi bition and sold for $30,000.
The Canadian War Museum, which has a real Hitler car, reports that only two Mercedes vehicles in North America were actually used by Hitler. Their car first came to the United States where it was used in various bond drives to pay off the war debt. In 1956 it was sold to a Canadian, and 14 years later the museum acquired it after it was shown at the Montreal exhibition Man and His World. The only other authentic Hitler car is at a Las Vegas casino." (see last link)
Awaiting an answer to employment at Enterprise Rental car?
Melissa O
HI I applied for a position at enterprise rental car my interview went well, and the manager really liked me. I went to drop off my driving record, and was told to expect a call on Thursday at the latest. Well Thursday came, and went so I figured they probably found someone else for the position. Then I get a call today saying that the recruiter is waiting for a controller to clear up a few things.. Does this mean I'll get the position? This waiting is killing me, and I really want this job but it is like a month now just to get it. He asked me about two items on my credit as well I know it's bad, and will work on fixing it up once I get my job. Any advice? Please help if you can
well I called them today, and guess what no answer as usual. I got a vm, and left a message to let them know I"m going on vacation, and would like to know what is going on so if I need to look for other employment I can. Still no answer what should I do?
The recruiters and human resource mangers at Enterprise Rent A Car (ERAC) are really bad at their job. Reason why is because ERAC does not hire specialists or someone that majored in that at college. They promote from within. So you are dealing with overworked and underpaid (HR positions pay less that daily rental that you are going into) persons who took a pay cut to work less hours and not deal with customers. The controller is like the Regional ERAC CFO, he/she is an accountant and is in charge of making sure the budget is in line for a new hire and that the risk is OK for that new hire (credit report and driving record) ---
I would need more details to help you further but you should email or IM me because I don't want any info about your credit report to become public knowledge. PLEASE feel free to email me with any questions.
ERAC is VERY slow to respond so don't worry - a no comes right away.... a yes takes a while and so does a maybe.... let me know what 'issues' you have in your past and I will try to help you.....
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