Sunday, May 11, 2014

Is there a neighborhood Cat Lady near you?


It seems that several of the neighborhoods I grew up in had a cat lady. Y'know the kind: their house reeks, their shhets look like a collection of old bath towels, and their bath towels look like cleaning rags from H e l l. They were usually friendly, definately crazy. I want to hear about your "cat lady" or are you one of them yourself?

I have raised about 35 cats in my life.
I think you probably need to have at least 5 cats before you qualify as a "cat lady." Even if you're a guy...

Maybe I'm one, although my house doesn't reek and my bath towels are just fine (why are you so hung up on towels??hmmmm) My oldest brother is not an animal lover and he thinks I'm going to die from a mountain of old newspapers and magazines falling on me while my 99 cats look on! So, when he calls and asks me "So, how many cats do you have now?" I give him a bigger and bigger number (last time I told him 24 (In truth I have 6) hahahahahahaha. When our humane society recently confiscated 35 cats from a real collector (that's what they call them - or a "hoarder") I sent my brother the news article with "It's NOT me!" written over it.
What about dog people?? I've known of people who have 'packs' of dogs. Talk about stink and noise! Don't make us cat people (well, we have a big dog and horses too) out to be the only eccentrics!

What is the difference between crazy cat ladies and crazy pig ladies?


This lady, and she's young, keeps 40 pigs in her house. Isn't there a law or something?
I would provide a news video of this, but it would be deleted.

* Yahoo mail is completely scrapped for me tonight, so I may as well ask a question.
Anyone else having email problems?
It is not my computer. Go into Answers- Mail category and see the endless complaint questions. Like all their other efforts, not all are being worked on at the same time.

I've had no problems at all with my email.

As for the crazy ladies, it might interest you to know that pigs given half a chance, are one of the cleanest animals in the world. That is a fact. While cats on the other hand carry more diseases than the majority. Therefore my answer would have to be that the pig lady is the smarter of the two.

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