Saturday, August 31, 2013

Is faith a good method for knowing what's true? Should the police start making faith-based arrests?

car news bbc on BBC NEWS | In Pictures | Your Pictures: 30 Jan - 6 Feb
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Police in Nigeria are holding a goat handed to them by a vigilante group, which said it was a car thief who had used witchcraft to change shape.

A police spokesman in Kwara State has been quoted as saying that the "armed robbery suspect" would remain in custody until investigations were over.

But another police spokesman told the BBC the goat was being held in case its owner claimed it.

The belief in witchcraft and the power to change shapes is common in Nigeria.

Should faith be relied on more often as a means of determining what is true?

That is both sad and hilarious, darling.

They should call in the Men Who Stare At Goats to help with their interrogation of the "suspect."

Perfect illustration of what happens when you rely on "faith" rather than facts, well as the cost of relying on "faith" - according to the article "Police have also been unable to stop vigilante squads from lynching suspects before they could investigate."

You have to wonder how many innocents lost their lives to this "faith."


Why do Armenians run around whining and complaining about their so called genocide?

free and o

It was death, but it was just a sprinkling compared to what is happening now in some countries in Africa. They bitch and moan about genocide, then come here and race their cars around like retards.
I don't get it.

Lets kill a couple million of your people, and see who's the one whining about genocide then.

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