Saturday, October 26, 2013

Do you think the Media - all forms of it, is trying to make White people look bad deliberately?

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I keep seeing these stories of super embarrassing or tragic stories that are deliberately leaked to broadcasters like CNN or Internet portals like AOL. There were videos for example originating on YouTube, where maybe 10,000 people saw it, but then CNN picks it up or AOL, and the whole world finds out.
Recent examples were young girls who were seriously mangled in car accidents with gory pictures, or a young girl who had embarrassing accidental nude pictures taken of her in her school up her skirt. If CNN is airing these photos, they are guilty of child Porn!!!

And of course, the Miss California girl who was crucified by every media outlet. All of these people were white.

Meanwhile, you see all these advertisements of black people portrayed as perfect in every way - graduating from college with their father by their side, or being a doctor, or all these other role model things on TV ads. This is fraud in two ways. 1. Why are there ten times more ads depicting blacks than there were only 12 months ago? and 2. Why are they depicting blacks as all living in happy, 2-parent family with hugs and kisses everywhere. I thought blacks and the media made fun of Leave it to Beaver White Bread families!!!!!!!!! Now, they want us to believe that's how blacks live? Pure fraud.
All of this to appease obama and jesse jackson?
Even obama himself is a triple-bastard. His loser biological dad abandoned him, then his step dad abandoned him, then his mother abandoned him. This is a much more typical life of a black person. No father. Worthless mother, and there are more blacks in jail than in college.
Obama himself was a crack-dealing bum.
But just because obama managed to get his throne given to him by affirmative action, we are bombarded with false images of black people acting like the very white people they hate so much?

This is by far the STUPIDEST, not ignorant, not misguided, but STUPID question I have seen in a while.

I think it's too late for you, but I will still answer. The reason you see more news about white people looking bad these days is simple. There are A LOT of white people in America. You're probably just watching news more often and/or our country is getting a little worse,and although you don't want to believe it, it's not all the faults of "those darn blacks and mexicants!".

You're question is like saying if you put 80 yellow skittles and 20 red ones in a bag, why do you see more yellow ones in your hand after you take a scoop.

Secondly, there are more ads about blacks going to college with the 4.5 family house hold because there are more black families like that, read a fucking census you moron. Additionally, looks like aff action has been helping, thus with moe black families able to afford college, more colleges are advertising to those families. And since quotas are ILLEGAL for aff action, most of those black men and women will begetting in on their own Merrittit!!

...just like Obama did. he destroyed McCain in the election. DESTROYED! There is no Affirmative Action for political elections.

I hate when people cry reverse racism just because the people on tv get darker or they had a bad day, or lost the promotion at work to someone who simultaneouslyusly better at the job and darker than he.

Stop blaming everything on the system or conspiracy and if your life isn't what you want, then do something about it.

What a freakin C you next tuesday.

Child Dies After Being Hit By Admitted Drunk Driver ... But ...?

Just Fire

A woman takes her 3 children out for fun and after getting of a bus they cross the street ... to the median as opposed to a crosswalks half a mile either way.

A man driving drunk hits the little boy who darted out in front of the van trying to catch up to his sister who had made it to the other side.


The mother has been convicted of vehicular homicide ... and she wasn't even driving.

I realize that this is simply a case of so many wrongs coming together at a tragic moment ... but is she at fault for crossing (jaywalking) or is the man who was driving while drunk to blame for the child's death?

I've read nowhere where the drunk driver was charged with anything other than drunk driving and he served 6 months in jail while the mother stands to lose up to 3 years of her life behind bars.

I also wonder how anyone who drives drunk and hits/kills someone can be considered less of a crime than someone who jaywalked and lost someone unintentionally because the crosswalks were a half mile away ... Jaywalking! ... Something all of us have done at one time or another does not compare with intentionally driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


I want to hear others opinions on this case ... thanks and thumbs up to all who answer ... just give me time to get back and read the answers.
Correction : I meant to ask is she at fault for crossing (jaywalking) and causing the child's death or is the man who was driving while drunk to blame for the child's death?
Michael T :

Good point/points ... but are you saying the mother is more responsible for not paying attention ... more so than the driver who got behind the wheel after drinking?

Should the driver not be held responsible in anyway for the death of the child? (He was only charged with drunk driving)

Thank you for your answer.
I appreciate your answers ... all are good points.

I will think a little more on this ... Thanks!
Good points from all of you ...

I drive for Fedex Express and I admire your arguments. I personally think the greater responsibility is to drivers since automobiles are far tougher than the human body and we should drive accordingly.

People first ... always ...

If he wasn't drunk I think he would have had greater control/cognition of the situation and possibly could have seen the situation/been more aware of the potential for danger as he/if he saw the people in the middle of the divider and slowed or driven accordingly.

I thank you all for your answers.

Look at it another way: If you take out the magic wand and **presto** the driver is suddenly sober.....does the accident still happen?

If the answer is "yes" it does, then the fact that the driver of the van was intoxicated is not the cause of the child's death.

Now, take out the magic wand again ** presto ** instead of the mom Jaywalking and trying to cross a
divided HIGHWAY - she walks the 1/2 mile to the cross walk. She presses the button, the traffic signal turns red and the traffic stops allowing her and her children to safely cross at an area where drivers expect pedestrians to be.

Does the accident still happen? No it does not.

Therefore, the mothers choices - to cross a DIVIDED HIGHWAY in the middle of the road, her failure to keep control of her children (the toddler broke away from her) are what caused the accident.

She was not crossing a neighborhood street. She was crossing a DIVIDED HIGHWAY. That means lots of cars, heavy traffic, multiple lanes of traffic going each direction and speed limits of 55 +miles an hour. Additionally, any driver (even sober ones) are not expecting a 2 foot tall toddler to be crossing the road there.

A sober driver would not have been able to stop for a toddler that suddenly ran out in front of them on a busy divided highway.

The other thing to consider, a jury of 12 people who heard all the evidence - from the lady herself, witnesses who saw it, photos of the roadway, the traffic there, the speeds the vehicles travel etc. convicted her. They have much more information than we get in limited and sometimes partisan news stories.

As unfortunate as it is, yes, this lady is responsible for her child's death.

Drunk Driving is unacceptable. But it does not automatically make you at fault if something happens.

For example: A drunk driver is legally stopped at a stop sign and you rear end's still your fault. That the other driver was drunk did not cause the accident.

A drunk driver is traveling down a road at the posted speed limit. He does not have a stop sign. You, on the cross street, do have a stop sign. You fail to stop for the stop sign and hit the drunk driver. Yes, he will get arrested for DUI. You will be charged for the accident.

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