Sunday, December 29, 2013

What are your thoughts on the latest news about Madeleine McCanns' story?

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Q. The latest news is that a DNA match has been found in the car that was hired by the McCanns' five days after Maddy went missing.
What do you think?

I think the cops in Portugal are trying to frame the parents because they are so inept.
It wouldn't be the first time that this particular police force has participated in something like that.
And the car was rented 5 weeks after the girl went missing when there were so much paparazzi following these parents to even try to put a body in the trunk would of been near impossible.
And then there is the little tid bit of where were they keeping a decomposing body so close by for 5 weeks without detection ?

What does a government shutdown mean for us?


I see in the news just now that there is going to be a (possible?) government shutdown. I also see it's about economics and all of that, but I don't fully understand it all. What does it mean ( a government shutdown) for the US? And what effect will it take on regular every day Americans ( as opposed to the people of the American government .)?

The issue is that the US government is running out of money to pay its foreign debts as well as its employees.

If a compromise is not found and funds run out, then the government will have to take drastic measures in order to meet its most important payments.

A shutdown is one such measure. This means that many non-essential government employees will be asked to work fewer days a week, or even stop working altogether. Immediate effects would be things like National Parks will have to close or go on reduced schedules because no one will be there to run them or maintain them. Federal courts will slow down even further, causing more and more cases to stall while they wait for an available courtroom. National laboratories and research facilities will lose even more funding or be asked to shut down entirely.

The effects on the average American won't be apparent at first, but will last for years:
* Spike in unemployment. The US Government is the largest employer in the US. Asking millions of workers to take an unpaid vacation will seriously impact not just their personal economy but the national economy as well as they stop buying as much stuff.

* Drop in consumer confidence. This is a measure of how financially secure people feel. When confidence is high, they tend to spend more and buy big-ticket items like cars because they're pretty sure they'll have the income to pay these things off. Besides putting millions out of work, non-government workers will worry about their jobs because if no one buys stuff, no one has a job.

* Drop in the stock market. Investors don't like uncertainty and tend to sell off investments and hoard money when they feel insecure and uncertain. People who have a 401k through their job or invest directly will see the biggest impacts here but drop in stock market prices will also cause companies to cut costs, and stop hiring new workers.

* The US' global financial reputation takes a hit. The rest of the world will view the US as a riskier place to loan money. The interest rates on those foreign loans will go up, meaning the government will have to make even MORE cuts to meet those higher payments. The spending power of the US Dollar will go down, meaning things we buy from other countries - oil, food, cars, etc. etc. - will all go up in price.

The US economy has been fighting to make the slightest of improvements over the past 5 years. This latest round of the Republicans holding the economy as their hostage once again threatens to destroy all that hard-fought progress.

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