Monday, December 2, 2013

What can I do to make my newsletter better?

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Twice a month I make a newsletter for my avon catalogs. I feel like its kind of boring though. All it does it list items I think they should buy and good deals of the catalog. Once I marketed a muffin pan and featured a recipe for my famous pumpkin muffins, but that's really as creative as I have gotten. What else do you think would liven up my news letters?

Well, not knowing your audience, I think a joke will always attract people and they will always read the joke... and they may then share the newsletter then with friends. Another trick that I've used is to insert simple logic puzzles... not too complicated, but enough to get them interested and the next month give the solution. You can do this by getting a logic magazine with simple puzzles, reword the puzzles to use different scenario, rearranged questions or statements so that you're not just copying what you found. Puzzles are fairly generic and it would be difficult to claim ownership to a puzzle. Tricks like this cause people to always read the newsletter. You might also include a famous quote with question on 'who said that?' and answer the following month. In summary, you want material in the newsletter that is not selling goods.... that causes people to read it even when they aren't thinking of buying stuff and ensure that they never delete it without reading it. And... short recipes are also good and you might even encourage readers to send you a favorite recipe of 5 items or fewer and you could list the recipe and submitter's name... Another possibility is to ask readers to tell you their favorite Avon product and why and offer a token gift for best submission. Be sure always to include a brief personal item of light humor to help readers identify with you as a person and not just the Avon rep... e.g., your child's first day at school, the dishwasher broke, your car makes a funny noise, your hay fever is acting up... doesn't really matter.... just a brief bit to introduce the newsletter... letting them read that personal bit first. and you will find that you have fun doing the newsletter and you may later find that some of your customers are keeping old copies... :) Yes, I'm a writer...

Since aiding and abetting an illegal is a crime?

Mad Kat

Shouldn't charges be brought against Bank America and Citi corp. These banks knew these people were illegal and helped them obtain houses, cars etc...
Is this not breaking the law and aiding and abetting an illegal?
Is this not against the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act?

Yes, and they should be forbidden from allowing Mexican Matricula Consular cards as legally identification in the USA. Also, mayors and the city councils of sanctuary cities should be prosecuted for breaking that federal law. The pro-illegal alien Bush Administration aided and abetted illegal aliens by allowing the easily falsified Matricula Consular ID to be used in the USA.

U.S.agreement with Mexico & Expanding Opportunities to Home Ownership (Re-Wall St.crisis)

February 16, 2001, just three weeks after his inauguration, President Bush met with Vicente Fox, president of Mexico to discuss the terms of the Partnership for Prosperity Agreement (with Mexico) (

The P4P agreement was signed on September 6, 2001.

On October 26, 2001, President Bush signed the USA Patriot Act of 2001. Contained in section 326(b) is a provision that allows US banks to accept Mexican Matricula Consular cards as valid ID for opening bank accounts. (NOTE: No Mexican banks accept their own government's Matricula Consular card as valid ID to open a bank account because the bearer's identity is virtually untraceable. In contrast, almost all US banks will accept it.)

As noted in the article, Bush held a press conference on June 17, 2002 to lay out his goal that by 2010 he wanted to increase 'minority' home owners by 5.5 million. (See: President Calls for Expanding Opportunities to Home Ownership (

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