Friday, January 31, 2014

Acid Rain! x[?


I've heard that acid rain occurs in Canada, though it has not been in any news or anything. If it does occur in Canada, where would it occur?

Acid rain is produced by sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, that are released into the atmosphere by burning.These gasses react with rain, to form dilute sulfuric and nitric acids, respectively.

Acid rain can cause all kinds of problems, from killing vegetation, forests, and crops; to polluting surface water, to corroding roads, bridges, buildings, stone sculptures, cars, and other metal objects.

Traditionally, the biggest source of acid rain was "high sulfur" coal, burned in power plants, whereas nitrogen oxides are typically produced from internal combustion engines.

Acid rain can happen almost anywhere, but is typically the most severe downwind of major urban and industrial areas. The pH of acid rain in these areas can drop as low as 3 or 2, more acidic than concentrated vinegar.

Modern regulations and emission controls have drastically reduced the amount of sulfur dioxide produced from power plants and heavy industries. However, the increasing number of cars and trucks in industrialized countries, is causing a resurgence in both sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions.

Nitrogen oxides can be removed from car exhaust gasses using catalytic converters,(which tend to wear out on older vehicles,) however, removing sulfur dioxide is not practical for cars and trucks at this time. In order to deal with this problem, most modern countries have recently mandated the use of "ultra-low sulfur fuels."

HELP!! Mr. Potato Head Song from the 1970s?


I am desperately trying to find the song of the commercial. I know the words, I just want to hear the jingle.
I have tried YouTube and iTunes.

Here are a few different ones. Some (but not all) are on YouTube. Only the first one is from the '70s, most are the 80's. (It's probably the first one you're trying to remember the tune from, huh? I couldn't find a vid of that anywhere either):

1970's Potato Head commercial

"I made you, you know it's true..."
"Mr. Potato Head, I made you..."
"Eyes and ears, mouth and nose too..."
"Mr. Potato Head, I made you..."

1980's Bucket of Parts commercial
"Mr. Potato Head,
and his bucket o' parts.
Buckets of fun for everyone."
You can put him all together and take him all a part
It's Mr. Potato Head and his bucket of parts.

1983 Super Mr Potato Head commercial
Oh.... look at that funny guy
new Super Mr. Potato Head
You can make a funny potato head
with new Super Mr. Potato Head
Shake hand's Mr. Potato Head
get eyes and ears and funny noses...
and hands you can bend in so many poses
You can even make a Misses Potato Head
with new Super Mr. Potato Head
Spoken: I like you you funny guy!
Announcer: New Super Mr. Potato Head, from Hasbro Preschool

1980's Mr Potato Head Family Commercial
Announcer: Annocuncing a new arrival
Nurse: Mr. Potato Head...
MPH: That's me!
Nurse: Congratulations, it's a potato.
"It's Mr, Potato Head family.
There's Mr. and Mrs. and baby too...
Potato Head family I love you.
With eyes and ears and hats and nose...
you can put them in so many poses
and change them as easy as 1,2,3,
"It's Mr. Potato Head family!
Child speaks: I love you funny baby
Announcer: Mr. Potato Head family, new from Hasbro Preschool

1980's Mr. Potato Head Funny Face Car Ccommercial
Announcer: Who has the funniest car in town?
Mr. Potato Head: Who else?
Song: Mr. Potato Head Funny Face Car
Oh what a funny faced car you are.
Spoken: Let's go for a ride! OK!
Song: With headlight eyes and a bumper smile,
mix up the pieces in any style
It's lots of fun wherever you are
new Mr. Potato Head Funny Face Car
Spoken: I like you Funny Face Car
Announcer: Mr. Potato Head and his Funny Face Car
new from Hasbro Preschool

Potato Heads Kids School House
Whiz Kid: Potatoes!
PH Kid: Time for school!
Go Go potatoes every one
Potato Heads Kids school, so much fun!
PH Kid speaks: There's Whiz Kid
Song continues:
Change em rearrange em, any way will do
Potato Head Kids School, Good News!
Go Go Potatoes!
Go Go potatoes every one
Potato Heads Kids school, so much fun!
Potato Heads Kids school, so much fun!
Announcer: Potato Heads Kids school house comes with Whiz Kids. Other kids sold sepereately...from Playskool

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