Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What does yoga have to do with spirituallism and mind state.?

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i thought it was only about flexibility at first but now i think its more... ( ill give 10 points eassy)

Traditionally, there are four main schools of yoga: Jnana yoga, Bhakti yoga, Karma yoga, and Raja yoga.

The practice of physical poses ('asana') is a small component of Raja yoga.

However, in much of the Western hemisphere, and perhaps especially North America, the term yoga has become misconstrued to represent only the practice of asana.

An authentic yoga practice was originally mainly a spiritual practice that may, or may not, have included the physical component of asana practice.

In contemporary West, the term 'yoga' has become reversed to represent mainly a physical practice that may, or may not, include an often minor component of spiritually.

From a traditional perspective, for someone to say "I do yoga" when in reality all they do is practice asana, is comparable to someone saying "I am a car mechanic", when all they know is changing oil.

The following site has much more info if interested:


I fake about having schizophrenia. What do i do?

Q. I've been in the mental hospital twice and I've been diagnosed schizophrenia and take medicine on a daily basis, but I don't really have it. I just pretend I hear voices and stuff to the point where I really am starting. I'm really paranoid they'll find out one day but I can't just be like sorry. I've been lying all these years. I'm fine.

Hi there,

How can you lie about hearing voices! That is a horrible thing to do! I bet you only did so you don't have to work and get Disability money, etc..

I hear voices from demonic creatures, Satan and Angels. I see spiders crawling all over my bed/wall. I feel bugs crawling over me. I see satanic minions in the form of large, cloaked, dark, hooded figures with no face. I see dead bodies floating in mid air. I smell rotting flesh. I see Shape Shifers and Zombies. I Dissociate. I can see myself from a-far. Like I am watching my own life. I feel myself dissolving sometimes. Other times everything will stop dead around me. Like time will stop still.

I believe the Government has bugged my telephone, put microphones in my air-vents, hidden cameras in my electrical sockets, SoftWare on my PC/NetBook/LapTop to stop me from deleting Internet History and KeyLoggers to read my E-Mails. I believe they have a spare key to my home. The Government send Police helicopters over my residence about 3 times a day to monitor me. Police cars always follow me. I believe that the Government colluded with the Doctors (when I had a Breast Reduction going from H Cup to D Cup) and put a device in my chest that reads my thoughts and tells the Government where I am.

The reason for them doing this is because I believe that I was sent to Earth by my real parents who are of another race. I was sent here to save Earth. I am immortal. I also have the power to talk to animals and the dead. The only reason I can say anything on here is because I am under alias. Nobody knows me here.

I personally think you are sick for lying about Schizophrenia. I tell you. It is NOT nice being diagnosed with such a disorder. People looking at you like you're crazy. I have taken to pretending I am on my phone when I respond to the voices I hear because other wise it looks like I am talking to myself. Why the Hell would you WANT to pretend you had such an illness? Who would truly want to be labelled a 'Schizo' unless you are in the U.K and you have been trying to get on DLA.

If that is the case then SHAME ON YOU! I hope that DWP come on here and read what you have said and figure out who you are and stop all your benefits. There are going to be some major crack downs on dishonest scroungers. You are taking away someone else's money that could have a genuine mental illness. Not just some dolt-headed moron who wants to claim extra money meant for people with disabilities just coz you don't want to claim Dole and don't have any intenion of working.

Well be warned. There is such a thing as Karma and it WILL catch up with you. The benefits people DO check on the Internet. They search Google and put peoples names in to see what sort of info is brought up. If they see what you have said then you'll get kicked off for sure. If it turns out you're not in U.K (which I suspect you are because Disability is a lot harder to get in U.S.A as I have friends over there on it) then you are still a total moron for lying. I can only think your reason for lying about such an illness is for financial gain.


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