Saturday, February 22, 2014

Are Guys screwed over in the dating world?


I really don't know how to ask this question without sounding insensitive to women's side of things. I'm only going from what I know.

Here's a Link I saw a while back:

A few of the stats presented put me in this train of thought. And I did more reading.

Men depend entirely on relationships for their intimacy, yet relationships don't come, we have to take. So men have been shown to be hit harder by breakups, and that twice as many men attempt suicide from breakups as women.

Even then, there's this attitude with starting relationships that basically says guys have to keep proving he's something special from the get-go, since they are the ones usually initiating. Basically it's like "OK, you're interested, now prove to me you're not a waste of my time"

And I personally face a "guilty until proven innocent" case. Basically, my ex started a relationship with me. after she broke up with me, she said I didn't do enough for her to prove that I WASN'T some guy only after one thing. She was basically over me in minutes, while I was left in an apartment alone for the summer. So I was basically ASSUMED to be after only sex, and since I didn't prove myself effectively, she left. So I was left emotionally crushed as though I hadn't any emotions whatsoever, when it was giving me nightmares for months.

I also noticed the issue of guys only winning 10% of arguments. In my experience, the guy usually stops arguing as not to hurt her, but then the girl will basically keep arguing even when the relationship is at steak. basically, she loves you, but not when she's arguing with you. I can tell you many times where this has been the case, and they put winning the argument over the relationship. Thus we have the "Wife's always right" idea floating around marriage.

I'm already sensing violent backlash, so if you keep a cool, calm explanation, that would be very much appreciated. My view might be clouded, but that's why I'm asking this question. I need clarification to feel comfortable dating again.

i agree with you
girls are terrible in relationships
they yell and they argue and they want to win and they're irrational and they know it but they won't stop
and they find and make problems when there aren't any

in their younger years they would do anything to keep a dead relationship alive
they would try to make themselves look better and they will do whatever the guy says
i know girls who have spent thousands on their boyfriends, lent them money, cars, bought them expensive presents and asked for nothing in return out of desperation
and it would inevitably end painfully
and they remember that
it happens again and again that they give their all and they try their best to no avail

then they get older and they feel a sense of self empowerment
they keep all those bad memories as baggage in tow and their mind set is finding the perfect guy
they will no longer settle and they will no longer compromise
they want to be in charge they want to be the choosers, not the beggers
they start coming to terms with their individuality, thinking they don't need a man to make them happy
this usually occurs with college girls and younger women (20-25 and sometimes all the way up to 30 nowadays)

and that is the stage in life you probably found your ex in
the stage where she had a lot of baggage and "guys only after one thing" was all she knew
and she's too busy finding the fabled perfect man to settle down so she keeps on going
and underneath it all is her own insecurity

i don't think guys are screwed over in the dating world at all
i think girls get screwed over again and again until they don't give a fuck
and i think it's sad that girls act that way like no guy will ever be good enough for them
and no guy is serious
because there are guys like you out there who are serious about relationships

but they do get over it at some point
and then they want to settle down with a REAL guy
and they're not too insecure for a relationship anymore
so don't give up

i've been heartbroken by a terrible guy a few years back
i wasn't up to par for three years
and even to this day i know this is a baggage i have to keep for a while
and i'm not going to date for a long long time
it's not fair to break other people's heart just because yours got broken

This is q is for ppl who live in Ontario Canada only?

I just got my G licences 9 about 8 months ago my cousin got his g1 6 months a go while I am 19 and he is 16 I was wondering can he drive with me in a car that my dad owns and I am insured under his name

I know there is something about 4 yrs and how does it work

please provide your answer with official proof for example a website from the driving ministry.


Hello Tariq

The answer is no.
Your cousin needs a G-licensed driver with 4+ years of experience. Unfortunately, you do not qualify for being able to teach him until you have had four years of G-experience.

please see this link for the VISUAL guide of what steps the process of getting your Ontario drivers license consists of:

Here's the official driver's handbook for ON:

Hope this helps!

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