Sunday, June 22, 2014

How to get a fair sentencing in the drunk driving accident that killed brother and childhood friend!?


About a year and a half ago, my brother and a childhood friend were killed in a drunk driving accident by a man whose blood alcohol level was .222. Almost 3 times the legal limit, he also hurt two other people that were in the car with my brother and friend. Well, this man who killed them, has a connection in the courthouse where this happened because his girlfriends step dad is the prosecutor or something, and they appointed the attourney general to be the prosecutor, but we think his connection is still working for him because the probation and parole lady, which we believe must know him because she called and spoke to me and my mother and asked how we felt about it, and she was very forgiving of him, and especially nice about his girlfriend. Also the probation and parole lady recommended 6-8 years? WTF? Anyways, we have until tuesday for the actual sentencing and I was just wondering if there was anything we could do to bring some heat on this. This was a white man who killed my brother and friend who were black, and we know if it was the other way around my brother friend would be up the river by now! He started out pleading not guilty, and had absolutely no remorse, and then he changed lawyers, partially because I think that other lawyer said "youre screwed" and now hes pleading guilty and he tried to say sorry after wards. Well were not going for this. We're going to contact the NAACP, and were trying to think of anyone else we can contact. Hes looking at 44 years altogether and she recommends 6-8? Wow...gotta be atleast 20 years, I mean come on now. Any body have any other ideas...I thought about calling some local news channels.
I know that, however, does that mean he shouldnt spend a significant time in prison, his life should atleast be delayed a little, thrown off, my brother and friends lives are over for good. He should atleast have to put his on hold to go to prison.
I guess you guys are right about the race thing, but I feel like things are just skewed in his favor because it happened where he lives and he has connections there. Also, I get to write a victim impact statement, and I plan to show some pictures of me and my brother, and my friend, and my friend also had 2 kids, so I plan to speak on their behalf also, Im so scared hes gonna walk out on this.
Also who would be going after in the civil suit? The court?

If I were you, I would enlist as much help from the media in publicizing this as possible. Contact tv stations, newspapers, local media websites, MADD, etc. You should be emphasizing the "good ole boy" contacts in the prosecutors office. I agree with you. The guy deserves at least twenty years. Even then, he's getting a "two-for-one deal" (sorry, not trying to be crass, you know what I mean....)

I agree with the other posters about not playing the race card. That isn't going to help your cause and you don't need to do it. Do not call Al and Jesse....that won't help either. Make sure you write the very best victim impact statement that you are capable of. Get help if need be. Good luck to you and I hope you get justice.

Would you be okay with a TSA checkpoint at the end of your street?

lil' autar

To keep you safe. REALLY REALLY safe.

After all, terrorists can be lurking anywhere?
Hey Ing Soc .... not sure you're getting the point of the question. Would you be okay with it, or not? If you're afraid to think about it, I understand.
So Colonel .... you didn't answer the question either. Would you be okay with a checkpoint at the end of your family's street, or not?
Ok Colonel, thanks for answering.

Hell no!

WTF is all this, "if you have nothing to hide then what's the problem"...

What's the problem? It's a direct violation of our rights, that's the problem...

Do you have kids, and if you do, how can you not have a problem with them getting groped by some sicko in the name of national security?

Oh no, you must think that any asshole with a badge is automatically a good guy, right?

Police officer shot, killed by fellow officer trying to arrest him for Sexual Misconduct Against a Minor -

Bad Cops in TX and CA: In Less than 2 Weeks, 2 Cops Arrested for Having Sex with Minors -

Ohio police officer arrested, charged with sex crimes against a minor -

Portland police officer arrested for alleged online corruption of a child, luring a minor -,0,6316434.story

Stillwater Police Officer Sentenced For Sex Acts With Minor -

Raleigh police officer arrested for soliciting teen for sex -

Louisiana Cop Arrested for Sex with Minor -

Former Long Beach police detective sentenced for underage sex -

Do you really think the TSA isn't employing pedophiles and rapists? Given what being a TSA screener entails, I'd imagine that they attract an even higher percentage of sickos than that of local police...

And guess what, TSA screening stations are coming to a highway near you soon...

TSA screenings aren't just for airports anymore -

AND ALL THIS FOR WHAT????????? To save us from the boogie man? Give me a break.......

In the real world, as the National Safety Council notes:

-- You are 17,600 times more likely to die from heart disease than from a terrorist attack

-- You are 12,571 times more likely to die from cancer than from a terrorist attack

-- You are 11,000 times more likely to die in an airplane accident than from a terrorist plot involving an airplane

-- You are 1048 times more likely to die from a car accident than from a terrorist attack

--You are 404 times more likely to die in a fall than from a terrorist attack

-- You are 87 times more likely to drown than die in a terrorist attack

-- You are 13 times more likely to die in a railway accident than from a terrorist attack

--You are 12 times more likely to die from accidental suffocation in bed than from a terrorist attack

--You are 9 times more likely to choke to death on your own vomit than die in a terrorist attack

--You are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist

--You are 8 times more likely to die from accidental electrocution than from a terrorist attack

-- You are 6 times more likely to die from hot weather than from a terrorist attack

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