Thursday, July 18, 2013

Are American airplanes superior to any other airplanes?

car news singapore on : Buy Luxury Car shape Bar phone Car key F1 Mobile ...
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or is that just with cars?

Heu... I am not quite sure what your opinions about the F-35 JSF and the would be newly upgraded Air superiority fighter F-15SE, a new variant from the eagle family....?

Read related articles here


And as well as this New upgraded multirole fighter jet...?
watch video

This might be pictures of this new upgraded multirole fighter jet with a surfix "V"

Which country's economy been least affected by downturn?


Do you know which major country has survived virtually unscathed and do you know why?

(Please don't use this for political podium)

Regardless of what political speech of India Prime minister praised about his ruled country, I think every one in this world thinks China is being least affected by the economy downturn.
New Delhi, Feb 26 (IANS) Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Thursday said India would emerge 'the least affected' country in the world from the current global economic meltdown.
First of all, Chinese are working hard for very little money. Why the US GM sucked? Can you afford to pay US $75/hr to produce one car for the estimated loss of more than US $ 2,000. I read Yahoo answers that Chinese workers in southern China are making equivalent to less than US$ 10/hr for Honda's. Furthermore, those US executives' paid bonus and compensations have evoked the majority American economic wise personnel accepted Obama who passed the bill of Executive Caps about a few months ago. They took the big chunk of money and then screwed up their companies then for sale, awaiting bail out, declared bankruptcy, being merged. However, Richard Fuh of the notorious Lehman Brothers took 75 millions US dollars bonus after he turned his bank or financial institution go bankrupt. Likewise, Joseph Yam, the chief of Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HMKA) did take HK $ 10.3 millions in 2007 and made HKMA lost HK $1008 billions at the same year.
The twin evil of too heavy in stock market investment and too much property development and real estate transaction, coupled with highest paid Hong Kong civil servants and top officials in Hong Kong, sooner or later Doomsday will come in scene in this small polluted city. Hong Kong is being affected the most by the global economic downturn due to the highest budget in civil services and public expenditure. Hong Kong has turned into the highest young peoples suicide rate in this world and many under aged teens are involved in the sex trade, both boys and girls. Two group of teens aged 14 to 16 were caught for robbed two taxi drivers in the past two weeks. Many Hong Kong citizens are being affected by the economic downturn such as killing persons from the back lanes of the side streets, and the shocking news of throwing drainge cleaning acid to the same crowdy spot for three times in the past six months.
I think the following articles provide a clear indication why the many Asian countries are being less affected by the global economic downturn, particularly China, Singapore, and South Korea. I think it has to do with life style of the Americans, Canadians, and Europeans. The living standards are much lower in the Asia is the key word for being least affected by the economic downturn. Hong Kong is the worst in terms of economic stability, crime and suicide rate, fair wage practices for all kinds of workers, the wage disparity among the public and private sectors, local and foreign owned firms.

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