Saturday, October 19, 2013

What is the cheapest option to travel from Harwich to Rotterdam as a ferry passenger with no vehicle?

car seat info uk on Seat Burn Repairs Hertfordshire Essex London
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Which carrier?
Is it cheaper and is it possible to join someone already with a car and travel as an "additional adult"?
I am flexible on day and route of travel.
thanks so far!
exactly this is what I want to know whether anyone has experience with:

If I am an additional passenger in a car, it may be cheaper to travel than buying a single passenger fare. That's how I imagined that I could save - I don't technically have to stay in the car as I don't suppose you can during the journey?

There is only one company doing that ferry connection.
Here is a link to the ferry company:
The price is a car plus one person, so extra additional passenger will have to pay extra. Therefor it is almost impossible that someone will allow you to hitchhike across the sea. And there is always the risk of a hitchhiker smuggling, so not many people will allow extra passengers anyhow.

If you want to travel from London or one of a few other cities in England, you may be better off with a ticket from London to any place in the Netherlands:

The site of the man in seat sixty-one has more info on this crossing, as well as on alternatives, (traveling via France for instance,)

Your ticket as foot passenger would be 26 pound, the extra charge for an second or further passenger is lower, from 11 pound, but as the extra tickets have to be booked at the same time as booking the car, I do not expect anybody to ask you to travel with them.
And of course, once aboard you would take your gear and leave the people you came aboard with, but checks for smuggling can/will be before boarding. And people will fear that you leave something in the car to be smuggled and will break into the car once across the border on the other end.

what are the tips on driving in usa and im from the uk?

Venus Wres

im planning to go on a road trip from la all the way to ny. has anyone droven on both sides of the car and what are the differences if any?

Drive on the right side of course. =) I tried (forgetting) and drove in London on the right... and scared the H out of myself!

I drove a semi truck for about 5 years, and now I am UHP (Utah Highway Patrol). What I do is I find the fastest driver, that passes me, and drive about 5 mph slower. I use them as "bait" for the cops. Unless when you're going through Nevada and some speed demon go flying by you. That's not a good idea to follow them. In any State, if you're traveling over 85 mph... an Officer has the right to strip your car with the intent of finding drugs. When I mean strip... we can leave your seats and floor mat on the side of the road, and you'd be responsible for putting them back.

This is illegal, but some people will flash their lights for a warning that there is a Highway patrol car speed checking, and that you're going to be approaching. Keep an eye out for that.

You can legally drive 5 mph over the written speed. Many people will drive 7 over. Some Cops will be @$$'s and give a ticket most will give you a warning.

If traffic is going faster than the speed limit and you're impeding traffic, you can get a ticket. Don't be the "Hero" like many people do, by going the speed limit. Just stay up with traffic. If they're going to fast... get over to the right.

This mite be over kill on info: in a 2 lane freeway. Right lane is for travel, and left is for passing. 3 Lane, right is for slow traffic and potential exit. Middle is travel and Left is for passing. Many don't follow this. Many think that right lane = 65 mph. Middle = 70 mph. And left = 75+ mph. Just a heads up.

Enjoy the sites. There is a lot to see and soak in. Hope this helps.

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