Saturday, November 23, 2013

How do I start my own used car lot?

car info gov on In order to carry out motor vehicle dealing in Western Australia a ...
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I live in CA. I want to start a small used car business specialized in cars under $3k. What's the best way to go about this task? I know that I can go to public auctions, but how do I go about getting a dealers license?

basically, a $176 application fee, a background check with finger prints, and an inspection of the "established place of business", a $50,000 surety bond, a zoning inspection for the property, etc

and then you have the normal business expenses as far as liability insurance, electricity, water, taxes, payroll, workmans comp, etc

here is the link to california auto dealer license info:

here is the checklist for you to work through to get get your license :

How can a company car be a deduction?


I've been reading about it but I need just a straightly detailed answer. I work at a small corporation. If my boss buys a car for me to use from my house to work and vice versa, can he write it off and not pay anything on it?

the business would have to buy it for you, the boss can not from his personal finances, if he uses the company to buy you a car then he can get a mileage deduction, check site for better information. there cheak out the links page for more info. hope i helped

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How much do you know about the Illuminati?

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I just want to know what you know of them? Might be something very useful. Share your thoughts. Everyone is welcome. I already know much about them, I just want to know new things, if anyone knows more about them. Always learning :). So share it so everyone can know. Many people already know, how their symbolism is shown through the music industry, movies and cartoons ect. The us dollar bill and so on. That part is the basics of it I guess, since they already also have an agenda that they follow and have a goal for. They believe in some sort of higher power (Not the devil as I heard it) and call themselves freemasons who wants to control this world ect. If you think this is crazy talk :D, then do not comment and leave now. I don't want hate comments to my question, please. Be nice? How much do YOU know about this, and what more can you say about them. Every answer is accepted. Also the ones I just talked about. Just not much, because now I mentioned them. But other things as well about them instead, if possible. Thank you all :)

Come up with new things about them. The more the better :) Everyone needs to know.

What I know about the Illuminati, may be wrong too. I'm not 100% accurate. So I want to learn from you guys :).

I still believe in, that they exist. But at this moment I'm also doubting on it. Yet I see some accidents like Michael Hastings car crash, that probably was remotely controlled. I just don't know. Some things just seem very convincing to me. I don't easily believe in anything though ;)

Enlighten me lol

There is a lot of misconception and misunderstanding
on this subject. The Illuminati in the modern context means the ruling elite. They are the international bankers and royal families of Europe and elsewhere.
The goals of the Illuminati is the creation of one world government and a new world order. Here is an excellent article exposing who they are , how they operate , their plans , why are they successful. Read here
Yes. The illuminati is real. I have read hundreds of
books , articles and watched hundreds of
documentries and radio shows on this subject and i am absolutely convinced that they are real believe
me. They are the International bankers , royal families of europe. all the elite plans are happening now like end of national sovereignty , end of national identity , end of true culture etc. There is no need to search for any proof.
One should read the books of elite frontmens like H.G Wells , Bertnard Russell , G.B. Shaw , A. Huxley. These people openly wrote about the elites plan in their books and essays. Another good book by their own historian of Council on foreign relation is "Tragedy and Hope" by proffesor Caroll Quigley. Bill Clinton was
recruited by C. Quigley. All things that are part of the
agenda are rampantly promoted like Global
warmming , New age spirituality , electronic currency etc. This is a huge topic. A very good and true researcher on this subject is Alan Watt. Listen to his shows. Here is his website
a know a great deal on this subject but it would take loads of time and space to write here.

Here are a few topic concerning the Illuminati and the NWO you should look at

1) The Ruling Elite (Illuminati)
a) The 13 International banking families.
b) Interconnected bloodlines
c) Royal Families of Europe and elsewhere.
2) Global Warmming : Climate Change , eniviornmentalism Sustainable development etc its promoted by the Elite for various purposes
a) UN AGENDA 21 (very important)
b) Carbon Currency , Carbon trading , Carbon taxes.
3) New Age Spirituality : The New World Religion for the NWO
a) New Ageism everywhere.
b) Systematic end of Organized religion.
4) Transhumanism
a) Merging of man with machines
b) Genetic engineering
c) Huaman animal hybrids.
5) Merging of Capitalism and Communism.
6) Electronic system : Electronic currency , Electronic shoping , RFID Chips.
7) Financial control of the Elite.
a) Banks
b) Corporations
8) Supranational Institutes and International Financial Institutes controlled by the Elite.
a) UN , IMF , World Bank , BIS , WTO , WEF , ADB , BCCI
b) G-groups like G-20 , G-7 , G-77 etc
9) Elite NGO's and think tanks : Bilderberger , Council on Foreign Relation , Aspen Istitutes etc
10) War on Public
a) Massive total surveilance : everything being monitored
b) Police State
c) GMO Foods
d) Water Flouride
e) Chemtrails
f) Vaccines and FLUS
11) Culture creation by The ruling elite through the use movies , Fashion trends , t.v shows , music videos , cartoons , videos games and Internet
to promote following
a) Dehumanization
b) Desensitization to violence
c) Hypersexualization
d) Fascination with the Occult.
e) Gender blending and confusion
f) Predictive programming for future changes.
12) Mainstream media control of the ruling elite : All major news channels , Newspaper , magazines used to brainwash the public
a) Censorship of real news
b) Smokescreen of left vs right
c) War Propaganda and terrorism fearmongering.
d) P.R
e) Distracting public in celebrity scandals and Sports trivia

Again this is huge subject. Very huge. Just a few topics. Read about them.

Is a 2 wheel drive good enough for snow driving in new england. Am i better off with a 4WD SUV?


I am looking at Toyota RAV4 and Jeep Liberty

I own a 94 Civic (front wheel drive) and Audi A4 quattro (4WD). I live in NYC.

For the most part I can do well with front wheel drive. For the most part if the streets are "cleared" or salted (flat road) it makes no difference. But the 4WD makes tremendous difference in raw snow. My garage has 30 degree up ramp. And the land lord is always lazy in clearing the ramp of snow. The 4WD can climb that kind of up hill (with about 6 inches of snow) EVERY EASILY. Other drivers (who share the driveway) end up sliding backwards, and even end up hitting the wall trying to climb.

Last winter my Civic got stuck in the snow (about 3 inch high) and it was just hopeless. So the 2WD (or front wheel drive) is good MOST of the time. But when you NEED AWD, there is no substitute.
Just remember this: AWD is NOT safer. It just keeps you from getting stuck in the snow. The safe factor comes from ABS brakes (and that's the same no matter what car you drive). Last winter the local news channel did a story that more SUV has been getting into snow accidents because the drivers thought the SUV were safer. Just as the report was talking a SUV spun out in the background.

Drive Safe.

Don't forget to vote for the BEST ANSWER - please - whoever it may be.

FACT: You also get +3 points when you vote for BEST ANSWER

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Are you surprised the India Commonwealth Games are going to be a disaster- they can't even answer phones well?

car news 2012 india on Vehicle registration plates of India - Wikipedia, the free ...
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Angel Mira

Yes I am surprised. India can and should do much better. During the British raj, the British may claim to have colonised India for a while, but the Indians may claim rather more that they civilised the British and taught them to wash!

Now, Indians are teaching the British the art of shopkeeping, film making, making cars, and fixing computers. There is a fine temple, a fine mosque, and a fine gurdwara in London.

It seems by the news reports coming out of there that the games has brought on the very worst aspects of Indian life, such as the corruption, the shoddiness, the disregard for human welfare at every level from the babies of the building workers to the top foreign athletes... added to this the very worst attitudes of international corporatism, where corporate hospitality at vast expense pushes aside the very folk required to run a city, rather than run up a bank balance.

And my heart most of all goes out to the hawkers, who are considered security risks and ordered out without compensation. To any foreigner, one of the most potent images of India are the streets lined with colourful people dressed in colourful clothes prepared to provide you with anything your heart desires at a fraction of the cost back home. India is not India without its noise and bustle and its chaotic Bombay mix of fakirs, sari sellers, mango growers, phone fixers, its beautiful long-haired dark-eyed women and its enterprising children.

It would have been better to hold the games in some village, where it would have been cheaper, and the organisers could afford to move much fewer villagers to the outskirts, but with first pick of the hawker stalls servicing those attending the games.

I would be interested to see if their gods can pluck triumph from the jaws of shame. I hope rather that the whole world's priorities will shift at last away from grand prestigious projects stuffed full of corruption, appalling abuse of power, mis-spending of scarce public money, and this horrible Free Market Lifestyle corporate ethic that sucks goodness and functionality and replaces it with a millionaire bling stylishness that is at last seen worldwide for the shamefulness and wastefulness it represents.

Maybe there is something after all the Indians can teach the British, as they prepare for the London Olympics in 2012?

Before the Internet would we have learned so much about Islam?


In 1995 there were 36 million Internet users. Today there are 2.4 billion (, of which 88% are non-Muslims.

-The United Nationâs Human Development Index ranks nations by life expectancy, literacy, education and GDP per capita. The top 50 encompass 700 million in Judao-Christian nations; Muslim nations encompass 5 million people (out of 1.5 billion people). The UNâs Gender Empowerment Measure ranks nations by womenâs equality: No major Muslim nation is in the top 50.
-Nobel SCIENCE prizes awarded to America in last 50 years? 171. ALL Muslim nations? 3.
-Number of universities in US and UK? 3,600. ALL Muslim nations? 600 (for 1.5 billion people).
-The UN's Arab Development Report on books translated per million people: Hungary 519; Spain 920; Israel 380; Arabia 4.
-Tunis based Arab League: 76% of Arabs, ages 15 to 45, are illiterate.
-Patents are evidence of a nations creative activities: new drugs, electronics, satellites, the internet, food processing, cars -- everything we need to live better lives: Total patents held, worldwide, 3.8 million; US holds 2.1 million; ALL Muslim nations hold only 1,000.

-Bing/Google search âcivil wars in the worldâ and determine where they are being fought; then research each civil war and determine who is fighting in them. The results are startling: 90% of them involve one combatant-religion -- Islam. Muslims extremists fight in civil wars against Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Shamans, Copts, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Christiana, animists and Confucians and all other non-Muslim entities. They fight in China, Russia, Bosnia, Cyprus, Macedonia, Israel, Pakistan, India, Indonesia-Ambon & Halmarhera, Côte d'Ivoire, Kashmir, Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kosovo, Bosnia, Kurdistan, Kirghizia, Nigeria, Philippines, Somalia, Turkey, Chechnya, Sudan, Yemen, Thailand, Uganda, Azerbaijan, Mali, Chad, Libya, Bangladesh and East Timor.

-2011 FBI Annual Report on Terrorism,, page 11: Of 12,533 terrorist deaths 77 were committed by Neo-Nazi, fascist or white supremacists; Muslims committed 8,886.

-Federation of Student Islamic Societies: About 1 in 5 Muslim students in Britain (18%) would not report a fellow Muslim planning a terror attack.â¦

-3/8/10 Daily Telegraph: Sharia courts in Britain have already judged that a man may have up to four wives at any one time; that a wife has no property rights in the event of divorce; that a woman may not leave her home without her husband's consent; and that a woman cannot marry without the presence and permission of a male guardian.

-12/22/10 40% of Muslim university students want Sharia law; 36% believe apostates should be executed; 75% believe that women should wear veils.

-7/6/11 Islamic extremists have called on British Muslims to establish three independent [Muslim] states within the UK.

-11/1/11â¦35% Muslims living in Canada will not disown Al-Qaida; 62% wanted some form of Shariah law in Canada.

-November 2011 MacDonald-Laurier Institute poll of Canadian Muslims: Only 39% of respondents disagree strongly with the idea of introducing a Caliphate (world Sharia law); 75% want Sharia; 20,000 support Al Qaeda.

-12/3/11 London: Muslim honor crimes increased 47% compared to 2009. The attacks included murder, mutilation, beatings, abduction and acid attacks.

-4/29/12⦠Washington Times: [Muslim] Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov publicly announced that the dead women [found dead in forests] had âloose moralsâ and were rightfully shot by male relatives. He went on to describe women as the property of their husbands, and said their main role is to bear children.â

-4/22/12 Daily Telegraph, London: As many as 100,000 women in Britain have undergone female genital mutilations with medics in the UK offering to carry out the illegal procedure on girls as young as 10 it has been reported.

-7/10/07 Poll of Muslims in Egypt, Morocco, Pakistan and Indonesia indicates that 75% believe in strict application of Sharia law.

-2/08 United Nations Report ( Mainly in Muslims nations, over 130 million girls and women alive today have undergone FGM (Female Genital Mutilation); each year 2 million girls are subjected to FGM.

The way of Islam has always been recorded in history, but we have not taught history in a long time.

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How do I put new rear speakers in my car?

car electronics info on Car Audio Electronics Drop Ship : dropshippers of wholesale car ...
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96 Cavalier, the rear speakers don't work. They are in the trunk. I Want to put new ones in. How can I diagnose if the problem is with the speakers or with wiring, first of all?

Any and all info or things to know would be very helpful, also if you could direct me to any other resources. Thank you very much! Also what speakers would you recommend, on a budgit?

Thanks yahoo!

best bet would to be buy some new connectors and some cheap speakers, and when i say connectors, i mean like the ones that connect to the speakers, and also the ones that connect to the back of the radio itself.

Might solve your problem, work case scenario there is a break in the wire, which means you would have to replace the whole wiring, and that is no easy task + really frustrating. By whole wiring, i mean from speakers to radio.

If you want real indepth, then buy a haynes manual, they cost £19.99 :-D
and for connectors go to halfords, and for cheap speakers, go to a place like i think its called maplin electronics, but i'm not sure if they are all over the u.k. Or try a car radio shop, but they like halfords, are most likely rather expensive

How do you shield electronics from massive solar flare?


like the one back in the 1800's that fried telegraph lines. perhaps a larger one. how would you shield electronics or your car? Ive read that space vehicles are shielded by PVC.

PVC would not work. Look up info on what's called a Faraday cage...basically you need a fine mesh of copper screening or some other material; which conducts electricity very well and surround any electrical component(s) with that and ground the cage to earth...make sure no electical power wires extend out from this cage also. You could also simply place electrical devices like radio's small TV's, etc..inside a plastic bucket inside a metal garbage can with it's lid on for a cheap Faraday cage. For a car, you could ground the body to the ground with chains hanging from it's frame to the ground....the car's body would act like a Faraday cage and some people do this to prevent static electricity from building up. It's also a good idea in case of an EMP attack from a nuclear weapon detonated high over the US which would wipe out the electrical grid and anything connected to it or a length of wire.

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Friday, November 22, 2013

Is there an app for android that allows you to get gps info anonomously on another phone? Checking on my kid!?

car info app iphone on about cars here at GadgetVenue, but for this new Apple iPhone app ...
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Lisa R

I want to make sure my teen is where she says she is when she calls me. I've been told there's one out there. Please help! She says she's at the library but i need to check.

Easy answer. Check out: You can set up a perimeter in which your child is allowed to go or highlight a certain area your child is not allowed to enter and be notified immediately if he/she leaves the area you've chosen or enters the one you've forbid.

Now you can carry confidence with you all the time, no matter your location: Introducing My-911, the ultimate mobile solution for automatic emergency alerts and response. My-911, a solution provider for emergency and non-emergency related services worldwide supporting Android, BlackBerry and iPhone smartphones. Everyone is on the go, everyone has somewhere to be and with My-911 on your Smartphone, you can be assured that you will get to point A to point B safely. All for as little as 9 cents a day. Whether you are camping, hiking, riding your bicycle, driving your motorcycle or driving in your car, My-911 offers you a full featured versatile solution for your Smartphone or standard cell phone. Smartphone (Android, BlackBerry and iPhone) emergency management solution w/ impact, SOS, nurse line, roadside assistance, GPS Notify friends & family, traffic, weather, high crime advisory, cyber alerts, online LBS tracking portal. Geo-Fencing, Trip Reporting, Speed Reporting, Incident Tracking and Reporting.

My-911 is releasing its own OBD interface for the Blackberry standard phones and other OS's. In addition to all of the other features available in the Standard My-911 Applications, this will in the event of an airbag deployment, notify Emergency Services. Other features include: Speed, Load, Airbag Status, Seatbelt Status, Breaking and all OBD -II trouble codes.

Go with confidence.

I want some really good apps for my none jailbroken 3g iPhone ?


ive got an iphone and just want some really good/fun and useful apps any suggestions ? and also games :)

voilá! here they are. (:

free ones:
blackjack run lite - (blackjack/21)
brain toot (free) - like "brain age" for nintendo ds
checkplease - tip calculator that splits the check/tip amongst however many people you tell it to, plus can round the tips up if you want it to
dictionaire: the simple dictionary
easywriter - lets you type emails and stuff with the ipod held longwise, so the keys are more spaced apart (easier to type)
facebook - an essential app, obviously
free translator - a billion different languages
google mobile app
graphing calculator - graphs better than my ti84 silver edition plus, no joke
italk recorder - what i use for interviews for the dth (sooo much better than a voice recorder)
restaurant nutrition - because i like to know what i'm putting in my mouth. it has a TON of restaurants and eateries around the nation, and it splits each one's menu into things like "appetizers", "soups", "desserts", "dressings and sauces", "sandwiches", etc. along with each item's full nutritional information
onetap movies - it uses gps to find your location, then finds the closest movie theatres and displays the movies that are playing and when they're playing plus it gives information and trailers on each movie
pocketpedia - if someone recommends a book, movie, cd, or videogame to you, you can type it in and find all its info and ratings, then can add it to a list to remind yourself about it the next time you're at blockbuster or the library or gamestop, etc.
shazam - HOLY CHICKEN THIS IS THE COOLEST THING EVER. whenever you're in a store or in someone's car or something and a song comes on that you don't know but you like, just open this app and it listens to the music for 12 seconds and immediately tells you what it is, including all its info and how to download it. it also works if you hum the tune or sing it yourself. it's worked on japanese opera, indian bhangra, and even poorly-played piano mimicry. AMAZING.

paid ones:
bugdom 2 - tilt the ipod around to make the bug walk and stuff--it's a hardcore game, man
crash bandicoot nitro - AWESOME racing game
diner dash - one of my favorite games ever, and worth every penny
etch a sketch - take your photos and draw on them, and if you don't like what you drew you can shake it and it'll go away--then you can export your creations via email
everest: hidden expedition - an "i spy" game
flipbook - make your own flipbook--SO COOL. they have a lite (free) version, so check that one out.
iflipr flashcards - again, this one has a lite (free) version so you can test it out and see if you like it. you can make the flashcards on your ipod or online (, and go through them on either as well. you can also look at flashcard sets other people have made. it updates itself every time you make a new set, so when you're walking or waiting in line you can be studying. HELLA HELPFUL.
imahjong premium - the tile-matching game
sally's salon - like "diner dash"
satori sudoku
solitaire - there's also a "sol free solitaire" game that's free, so you might want to do that one instead...although i love this $0.99 version because you can make it for left-handed people and there aren't any glitches. it responds really well to your fingers, etc.

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Is second hand smoke really harmful, and if so how does it compare to car exhaust fumes?

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I've recently been confronted with a lot of varied and unsupported opinions surrounding the harmful effects of second hand cigarette smoke. In some countries it is now even illegal to smoke in your own car if you have a child with you. I can't help wondering if perhaps we should be more concerned about the actual car than the cigarettes. I would like to drive in the carcinogenic free lane please?

Well, I have seen a study that actually proves cancer risk is SIGNIFICANTLY higher in urban eras vs rural areas. That being said, I've also seen studies like these about secondhand smoke
âNo significant associations were found for current or former exposure to environmental tobacco smoke before or after adjusting for seven confounders and before or after excluding participants with pre-existing disease. No significant associations were found during the shorter follow up periods of 1960-5, 1966-72, 1973-85, and 1973-98.â
âWorkplace bans are not associated with statistically significant short-term declines in mortality or hospital admissions for myocardial infarction or other diseases.â

With that in mind I'd say there were a million in a half cancer causers around that are 100 times worse than secondhand smoke. Read meat and milk (ie which has a cancer Relative Risk of 2.6, yet secondhand smoke goes from 1.19 to 0.75??).

The freakish news about secondhand smoke is a flat lie and most people know this. It was cooked up by health officials to get the "smokers" to quit and really has nothing to do with non-smokers. They figure discrimination and harassment is the best way to approach the cancer issues, yet its funny there is only about 14% of the population left in the US who are smokers yet cancer rates haven't declined at all.

What are the funniest videos on Youtube?


I mean laugh so hard that you can barely make a sound and your stomach starts hurting but it feels so good that you don't want to stop laughing funny. I haven't seen one in a long time.

The funniest/strangest thing you'll ever see on TV:...teaching English to Japanese girls

Although it is only 0:06 long and seems wrong to promote it, you won't be able to stop
yourself from playing it several times in a row

A young girl introduces The Channing Show with a closet surprise - (the original video)

Local NBC news report about a fashion model that fell down 2 times at a fashion show

Famous NBC newsman Tom Brokaw inadvertantly says a slang word for a certain part
of the female anatomy during his "live" report

The behind-the-scenes history of how Microsoft actually developed its "Vista" software

A different version of Beyoncé's famous music video: "Single Ladies -- Put a Ring on it"
(Please ignore whatever nonsense the uploader added in towards the very end at 4:53)

The funniest clip of "Whose Line Is It Anyway", with guest fruit-cake Richard Simmons

Weird and funny photos of all kinds of different accidents (trucks, cars, airplanes, etc.)

Who could have ever guessed that watching a dog eat dried dogfood could be so funny

If you loved the 1st video, here's more funny/strange teaching English on Japanese TV

And if you are interested in something "wow":

The now-legendary Joseph Poolpo on 'France Idol' doing the best-ever human beat-box


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What's going on in the Middle East at the moment and what has changed in the past 10 years or so?

car news middle east on ... the middle east New Generation Porsche 911 Launched In The Middle East
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I haven't really been able to keep up or care about what's been going on in the Middle East other than some big headlines because to me it all seems like a big mish mash of a shithole and it doesn't seem to be getting better and the news every day isn't that much different. Explosions. Terrorists. U.S. soldiers abusing people there.Car bombings. Tampered elections. etc. Can someone give me a decent rundown of what's going on?

Nothing productive has been going on, that's for sure. Gaza suffered the recent war at the hands of Israel. Iranian elections happened in which Ahmadenijad won, but some think it was rigged. Lebanon also had parlimentary elections, the March 14 party won majority. I think the US wants to impose more sanctions on Syria. Iraq is still suffering at the hands of US occupations, as well as Afghanistan. Pakistan is currently at war with the Taliban. Nothing much happening in Jordan, or the Gulf countries. Same with the North African Arab countries. You're not really missing much.

Muslims, How do you feel that your precious women are going to start.. gulp.. driving cars?

They already stone young girls that have been raped. As they think that it is the girls fault.

Next they'll want TOTAL equality.
How will the men stand it?
Oh, I know they'll....


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If i want to move to the USA from Hungary, how should i start the whole thing?

car news usa on USA, Massachusetts, Car crash aftermath | Stock Photo 255-424342 ...
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I mean the house, the furniture. i want to live in a big city, like new york, in a flat. where should i get the furniture, and everything. how does it go in the usa? and how much money i need to move in?

Are you sure you want to move to the USA in the state it's in? I mean Obama's ruining our country, and you, your children, your grandchildren will all be inheriting this country's problems and debt if you move here legally. Try reading some news about what's going on here, it's pretty grim, and jobs are minimal.

If your sure you want to move here, you should try to contact the US embassy in Hungary, where they can give you more information about becoming a legal citizen or to live here legally on a work visa , and the steps you have to take to obtain either. That is the first thing you have to find out, and the most important. You will probably need to sell your house (if you own it), and you will have to have your furniture and belongings shipped (which can be more expensive than buying new stuff when you get here). We have been looking to move to Germany, and it'll cost about $8000 US dollars to have our stuff shipped, and we don't have very much, just to give you an idea. Before you move anywhere, you need to have a job already lined up. You can't just move (especially to another country) with no job waiting for you when you get there. And I have no idea about prices to rent flats in Hungary, but in NYC (or any other large city), expect to be paying $1200+ a month, plus utilities, depending on where and what kind of apartment your renting. Our rent is $586/mo +utilities (about $100), we live in a tiny one bedroom apartment in a rural area in a not-so-nice part of town. It is very expensive to live here, and gets more expensive the bigger the city, and the better the part of town you live in. You can also expect to earn about $10/hr at an entry-level position job (unless you have education and a lot of experience, you'll be starting at entry-level). Expect over rent and utilities, for an average single person, about another $500-$800/mo in expenses for food, household items, and other necessities. If you own, or plan to buy a car, you can figure a $200/mo payment (if you get a nice used car, it'll be more for a expensive car or new car), then figure gas at around $2.80-$3.20/gallon, and you must have auto insurance, which will be about another $100/mo depending on your age/driving record. It is also a smart idea to have health and homeowners/renters insurance, which is an additional $100+ a month depending on pre-existing medical conditions and lifestyle (like smoking), and if you live in a bad part of town or have really valuable things. Then if you want any non-essential things, such as a cell phone (aprx $70/mo depending on plan), cable tv and internet ($100/mo for a both, r about $60/mo for just one), or a home phone (about $30/mo), expect these costs as well. Then you finally have taxes. Sales tax (on every item you purchase), is between 7%-9%, depending on what city and state. Then you have yearly income taxes, which depending on your income, marital status, if you have children, if your a student ect... will be roughly 20% of your income (as I said, depending on many factors, but typically most people pay around 20%, some more some less). Other cities and states also have income taxes, as well as property taxes, road taxes, school taxes, an taxes are not optional not to pay. Depending on where you live, many cities have other taxes to fund project too. All these taxes simply depend on where you live, and with Obama's huge spending, expect even higher taxes soon.

It is very expensive to live here. All the numbers I gave were in US dollars, and may me higher or lower depending on where you move in the US. It's a huge step, be sure you want to make it.

what are the advantages and disadvantages of a electric poered car?


are they likely to become the car of the future in the United States?

I think we'll be hearing about a lot of electric cars in the near future. Electric cars are clean, very inexpensive to operate, and someday they'll be cheap, too.
Here's a site with about a thousand EV owners and their cars:
Thanks to new battery research, there are lots of new EVs in development, mostly in Asia. Here's a partial list:
From China: The Happy Messenger - only costs $10000, goes 150 miles per charge:

Also from China: the BYD car, designed to be affordable, with a 250-mile range:

The GEO EV, from Korea. It goes 155 miles on a three hour charge:

Also from Korea. The ENERGINE Electric-Pneumatic hybrid.
It runs on air and electricity. No gasoline:

From Japan. The Subaru R1E. Charges to 90% in 5 minutes, costs under $18000:

Also from Japan. The Mitsubishi Colt EV. It can charge in 20 minutes, and is priced under $20k.

A chinese EV slated for import to the USA next year. It gets 200 miles/charge, and costs $28,500.

The Tesla sports car:
And if you don't want to wait - and if you don't mind not having the very latest technology, there are many small entrepreneurs doing electric car conversions right now, that you can buy for as little as $5000. Details are on this page:
Even better technology is in the works. Supercapacitors, for instance will enable charging in as little as 5 minutes. That technology may be ready as soon as next year.
Also, don't believe what you read about polluting EVs. It's not true. Electric vehicles are many times more efficient than gas cars. That means they make far less pollution per mile even when power plants burn dirty fuel (and don't forget that gasoline refineries spew pollution. And refineries use lots of electricity too!) Plus the EV is the only car that refuels by wire (the electric grid is 95% efficient.) Other cars must have fuel shipped by inefficient and polluting trucks.

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How can one derive a car dealership's actual invoice price on a vehicle?

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I know that it's easy to present a phony invoice on anything. But are there ways to crack the secret? A sticker price might reveal a figure that matches what one might find in a blue book, Edmunds, or website for that make and model. How, then, can one determine the actual amount that a specfic dealership spent, to acquire the car?

Hey SoxFan,

Hey SoxFan,

My name is Rebekah and I work at Kelley Blue Book. If you are talking about new cars, the invoice information is available in the new car section on our site ( in the vehicle pricing guide. You will need to put in the make, model, trim, and any specifics about the vehicle to get the typical invoice price. This is not the actual invoice price of the particular vehicle at the dealership, but should be close depending on when the vehicle in question was built. The manufacturer typically has price increases throughout the year.

Weâve also launched an optimized site for cellphones at, as well as an iPhone app you can find in the Apple App Store, to make it really easy for you to get this info while at the dealership.

Hope this helps!
Kelley Blue Book Consumer Communications

When you jailbreak your iphone does it erase your already installed apps?


Also does it allow you to download apps from the app store for free (instead of them being £0.99?)
What does it allow you to do different?

I've got an iphone 3gs running on ios4

Jail breaking it breaks your warranty with apple or your service provider so for any reason some thing goes bad you get a virus it atop working or anything you will never ever get a replacement and just last yer many people just found out that jail braking it mean your relying on some one else who may not have your best interest in mind when a bunch of contact info and viruses came on board and wiped out thousands of people credit along with credit card info

See jail breaking means some hacker took the iOS software broke it and then rereleased it for people to reset there devices with and you don't know what they broke or what they didn't or what security is left till it's to late

And no once it is jail broken you have to download apps off of another website the iTunes store still needs credit card info which means that you will be using your credit card on a device your not even sure is secure or not for me

I'm rather happy spending pocket change on some thing I know is secure and is not leaking info out into the wild were some hacker may have it to use for there own apps or a new car

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What is that one commercial with the kid dancing and people follow her?

yahoo car news on Emmerdale: Gennie is injured in a terrifying car crash - Yahoo TV UK
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I think it was a car commercial on yahoo news one time. The setting was a kid at, what looked like a day care, and she started dancing and then everyone started to follow her and it turned into this huge group dance. I want to show some friends the video but I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone know what video it is?

It was a cell phone commercial :)
The video is called "Cute Girl Has A Catchy Dance"
Here's a link:

How do you feel about diesel powered cars?


How do you feel about diesel powered cars. This news article:'t-Have
talks about a really good car, but since it's diesel powered they don't want to bother to try and sell it in the US. Ford says Americans don't like diesel. What do you think?

I like mine.I have been driving free 30,000 miles the last two years.Either waste vegetable,or waste motor,an transmission oils.

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

How do parents forget their child in their car?

car news 2012 on Audi Cars: New Audi SUVs - 2011 2012
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This seems to be the way a lot of children die when left in a hot car. They say they forgot. How do you forget that you didn't take your child to daycare. WTF.

It makes no sense to me how you forget your child. My son goes everywhere with me and I've never once been like oops I forgot he was with me. It's just a stupid excuse

2012 Election Question on whose a truely a better candidate?


Stating facts only, who is a better choice to vote for in the 2012 election? I don't want to hear opinions just fact on who will really do well for this country.

Well here are some undeniable facts which automatically make Romney a better candidate than obama if you believe in American values and the constitution just from looking at obamas record

1. He promised bipartisanship but walked away when republicans came to the table and agreed to compromise multiple times the he turned around and put the blame on them

2. He promised he'd never raise taxes but come January 1st 21 new taxes will be implemented

3. He wasted and spent 5 times amount of tax payer money than Bush or any other president in United States History in 3.5 years

4. He promised on camera to bankrupt coal companies and has succeeded which lead to more unemployment

5. He denied America 20,00+ jobs and cheaper gasoline and energy independence when he shot down the keystone pipeline

6. He broke the Constitution violating our Bill of rights. -examples: a. he broke our 1st amendment multiple times by forcing christian churches and hospitals provide abortion contraceptive or be fined until they go bankrupt which clearly violates and he blocked fox news from being able to cover the white house for his first two years in office which is a clear violation of the bill of right, freedom of religion and freedom of the press.

b. he passed an individual mandate and a fine if not purchased which violates our commerce clause

7. He tried to due away with our 2nd amendment right by proposing a back door deal with the united nations that would of banned guns and make every any citizen who owns a gun a felon but luckily with the support of the NRA it was stopped from happening

8. He slashed and continues to slash military funding causing a lot of my friends from receiving their benefits and forcing a dramatic downsize in military when we are still at war and on the brink of getting into to 2 new wars

10. He said " I don't take the navy seals seriously" and threw our allies under the bus multiple times

11. He said " If I don't fix this economy in 3 years I'll be a one term president and not run again" and he has made the economy worse by doing nothing but increase spending and adding obama care and blaming all his failures and problems on the republicans

12. He supported the occupy movement after there multiple incidents being reported of occupiers raping a 13 yr old girl, occupiers running over a pregnant woman, occupiers calling for anarchy and vandalizing public property and starting riots and even after two occupiers where caught by the FBI trying to blow a bridge and occupy wall streeters burned the American Flag on national t.v. he still stood behind them and supported their movement

13. He was the first to complain about super pacts and dirty campaigns yet he was the first to use them and his campaign is proven to be the dirtiest campaign in U.S. History

14. He promised to close Guantanamo but keeped it open

15. He promised to not use executive orders to be the most transparent yet he's numb 3 in using the most and he also used it to help the AG cover up the program Fast and Furious so no government official could be held responsible for the program that took the life of and American Border Patrol Agent

16. He gave the order to DHS to give to Border Patrol agents not to stop illegal immigrants or they will be fired and granted amnesty to illegals and helped put over 100,000 of them to work while every 1 out of 3 veterans are homeless

17. He bowed down to the Chinese and made Closed door deals with the Russians

18. He let his administration leak classified information multiple times to the new york times for political gain

19. He invested tax payer money into a failed green energy company and gave them $25,000 bonuses when they were going bankrupt and invested tax dollars in mass production for car that was to expensive to buy and was pulled off the market multiple times

20. Obama has been campaigning for re-election on tax payer money since his second year in office.

21. Obama has repeatedly blamed republicans for the economy even thought he denied and shot 8 budgets that republicans proposed and stopped one that both the house and the senate was going to pass because a republican came up with it.

22. Unemployment has been up 8.3% and higher for 43 months in a row.

23. Thanks to Obamas higher taxes and business regulations multiple businesses that were hiring stopped hiring and ended up going bankrupt.

24. Higher taxes for the rich won't do anything when over 63% of America is unemployed and when 70% of Americans aren't paying any taxes yet Obama keeps calling for them.

25. 5 days ago we were at 15trillion dollars in debt and now we are past 16.5 trillion in debt and started at 8 trillion and we are not even close to being better now than we were 4 years ago.

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What to do if someone doesn't want to use car insurance to pay for accident but pay privately?

car info check on Diagram of full hybrid vehicle components, including (1) an internal ...
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Someone just rear ended me. There are deep scratches on the bumper. He has car insurance, but doesn't want to use it. I got most of his information - driver's license #, car insurance info, ect.

What are the steps I should take?

My car insurance company said I have to call in and report accidents as soon as they happen.

Should I do this in case he doesn't follow through and pay me for repairs?

Should I go get an estimate right now, and have him send me a check?

call your insurance agent. chances are, he already has quite a lot of accidents on his insurance and his rates are horrendous. there could be more damage to your car than you first think and you know he isn't gonna pay for anything but the scratches, if even that

What the steps to take if someone doesn't want to use car insurance to pay for accident?


Someone just rear ended me. There are deep scratches on the bumper. He has car insurance, but doesn't want to use it. I got most of his information - driver's license #, car insurance info, ect.

What are the steps I should take?

My car insurance company said I have to call in and report accidents as soon as they happen.

Should I do this in case he doesn't follow through and pay me for repairs?

Should I go get an estimate right now, and have him send me a check?

If you choose to deal with it privately, it can cause problems. Supposing you take a payment from him, then later on, you discover the underside of the car is cracked or something and it is as a result of the accident. He may have moved house, and you end up with a repair bill while he thinks he has paid you off. An insurer will cover ALL the damage and also guarantee the work.

You also have to bear in mind that he may not have insurance and that is why he wants to pay you privately. If you take a payment off him, you could be committing an offence of aiding and abetting a motoring offence. If you go to your insurer, they would find this out and take him to court. If he is uninsured, he could kill someone and leave the family with nothing. Why help him commit such an offence?

It is entirely up to you what you do, but personally, I would go through the proper channels. Everything would be on the insurers records so there would be no comeback and your insurance would not go up as it is not your fault. You pay the insurer money to provide a service. Why not just sit back and leave it to them to sort out. Don't worry about the other person, let him sort out his own issues.

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What is considered "High Mileage"?

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Eddie E

I have a 91' Honda Accord Lx 4 speed Automatic and I am wondered what is considered "High Mileage" for this particular car? It has 177,xxx miles, Just bought a couple weeks ago with a clear title and clear carfax report. Thanks!

Opinions vary very little- any vehicle with over 75,000 miles would be considered high mileage - it's not a matter of year per se but total miles so any year vehicle with 177000 miles would be a car that has very high mileage. The lifespan of most vehicle engines averages around 200,000 miles, but there are many vehicles that go well beyond that - it requires special attention with that kind of mileage, use synthetic or semi-synthetic motor oil for oil changes. I have a Mazda that I'm having a hard time giving up that has 226,000 miles on it and she's still going strong. Check out the links below for some advice on maintenance tips to keep the car in as good shape as possible.

fan clutch not engaging car overheating while in stop and go traffic mercedes 190e no a/c?


most fan clutches have a a fluid in them. If this fluid leaks out, it no longer works properly. This site should explain the system very well. Also fan clutches are not an expensive or hard to change part.

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How often do you have to change a hybrid battery on a 2008 Prius?

car news hybrid on Hybrid Cars
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I got this 2008 Toyota Prius last week and I want to know how often does the hybrid battery have to be replaced and an approximately how much it would cost to get a new one

The Toyota reps in this section will tell you it almost never needs replacing but that is not true. You replace it when your gas mileage drops.

Now for the bad news. Everyone buys it thinking it is cheap to operate BUT it isn't even on the top 10 list of cars with lowest operating costs over 3 years. Proof here:

Sell it and buy something on the top ten list if savings is your goal.

Toyota reps love to give me thumbs down and deny what I say but the proof is in the link, they hate truth and now you see they will deny truth to sell cars.

Do you want to buy a car from a company that will willingly deceive you ??

What ever happened to hydrogen powered cars?


In 2007 and 2008 there was all this news and now nothing.
In know Honda and Chevy where planning on making one and i believe BMW actually made one.
Its seems like there focus now is hybrids.
I was planning on holding off on buying a new car until they were released but it looks like hydrogen cars aren't coming any time soon.
Will hydrogen fuel cell cars ever come?

The are not cost effective at this time. Without having most of electricity gennerated by alternative energy, theer really is no point.

There is no abundant natural source of hydrogen fuel, It has to be made from natural gas, or by electrolysis using electricity.

So for the most part, we use hydrogen like a battery, for energy storage.

Half of the electricty in the United States is generated by coal. So, like an electric car, it would be mostly powered by fossil fuels at this time.

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Do all states now allow auto insurance companies to check your credit?

info needed for car insurance quote on ... PIP laws in NJ � Auto Insurance News | Global Insurance News Roundup
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A few years ago when I lived in Oregon Auto insurers could (and did) check your credit but Washington law didn't allow it- you could get car insurance without giving out your social security number. I am in Nebraska and need to know- do I have to give out my SSN to insurers?

There is no ONE insurance company that is right for everyone - everyone is rated individually - and all companies have different "likes and dis-likes", different credit tiers, different business models, and many other factors that can vary your rate - and a QUOTE is ONLY a quote until the policy is issued.

Typically, insurance rates will vary from State to State and can even vary by ZIPCODE! It also will depend on the type of car/truck, coverages, limits of liability, and driving record. Some companies run credit scores and MOST run a motor vehicle report and CLUE (Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange) report to see about undisclosed accident involvement. A lot of these reports might get a BETTER finding with your SSN BUT we CAN get this info WITHOUT your SSN.

The best thing to do is call a LOCAL independent agent or broker. Don't go across town, or to some other city - look for someone CLOSE. Just look in the phone book for the PIA or Big I (Trusted Choice) logos and you will find a professional licensed agent that will be able to help you solve your insurance problems, and give you rate comparisons of several different companies.

An independent insurance agent will normally have a dozen different companies and if he cannot help you, he should be networked with other local agents that can.

In my agency, we have companies that do NOT run a credit score and welcome drivers with "less than perfect" driving records and specialize in youthful operators!

Most of the replies on this site say "go to this on-line carrier or that on-line carrier or that 1-800 number" but I'm sure that when you do, you will find some impersonal computer user with a script to work from and you won't be able to talk with the same person every time you have a problem!

Good luck, drive RESPONSIBLY and I hope this helps!

Can somebody please give me the general breakdown of car insurance for teens?


I want to get a sports car. Money is not a problem I just want the details.

Breakdown and details of what? You didn't say that part. How much it will cost? Forget it. This place isn't an insurance company website, so you can't get an accurate quote here. You have to contact an insurance provider (online, on phone, whatever) and get an actual quote for that info. Then you have to contact another and then another so you can compare the prices.

You just want to know what all that stupid-sounding coverage is on the policy? I can help with that, but it won't be in great detail. Here's a breakdown of the coverage you can buy...

Liability: Covers loss or damage to other people and their property that your vehicle causes. This is the stuff you're required by law to have.

Accident Benefits: This covers your injuries, medical bills, lost income etc. if you're hurt in an accident, even if the accident was your fault. It goes by many different names depending on where you live.

Uninsured Motorist: Covers your damage if the other vehicle is at fault but has no insurance.

Collision: Covers your vehicle for at-fault accidents, hit and run damage, and the vehicle spontaneously flipping over.

Comprehensive: Covers your vehicle for 'non-accident' damage like fire, theft, lightning, falling objects, hail, and other stuff. Always look up the list of what is and isn't included.

Loss Of Use: Covers the cost of a rental if your vehicle is in the shop due to an insurance claim.

There you go, that's a very basic rundown of the very basics. You'll still need to look into things like limits, deductibles, conditions and exclusions yourself, and there are a few possible options I didn't even mention, but that's how the coverages under your policy work in layman's terms.

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

How do I get the title to my car?

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Q. My son bought this car first and the woman claimed her husband had stolen the title. Not true,the title was in his name. I bought the car from my son ,I know foolish,without the title. When I found out who really had the Title I contacted him. Very nice and polite but it has been 4 months and still no title. Can I file for a lost title myself? Thank you for your help.

Your son should have documents from the sale, such as bill of sale, receipt, cancelled check, etc.

If he does, take them to a DMV office w/ all the info about the sellers, and see what DMV can do for you. Seems fraud on the sellers' part.

Next time be sure to identify sellers via driver's license, registration, etc.

How many visitors would a site need to earn 4,000 dollars a month with adsense?


I know it is difficult to answer, but a ballpark figure is all I am looking for. I have an educational webpage with teacher resources and am thinking of signing up for adsense.

You don't need multiple websites to earn $4,000 a month with Adsense. For a long time, I earned more than $4000 with only one website. It all depends how well your website fits with Adsense

In terms of earning money on Adsense, your mileage varies. One website with the 10,000 uniques a day can earn $50 a month while another may earn $5,000. It is not easy to predict how much you will earn from Adsense. The only way you can learn about how your site will perform with Adsense is through trying it.

The amount you can earn will depend on the

1. Responsiveness of audience to the ads = A travel website that provides information on travel to Spain will attract visitors looking for ways to arrange their travel and spend money on their vacation to Spain. Your site provides the info, but the ads will provide hotels, travel agencies, tourist destinations, car rentals -- ads that are likely to get the attention of the users of your site. This is a site that will most likely do well with Adsense. However, if you are a gaming website where the main purpose of the user is to play games on your site, then Adsense will not perform as well.

2. Ad format = some types of ads do better than others depending on your content and layout. In our case, large rectangles in the middle of the content is the best, while leaderboards do not generate as much as income. Skys are the worst for us. Experiment and measure the results via channels and see which formats work best for you.

3. Ad placement - check Google's heat map as they have tested where the best placements are

4. Ad colors - sometimes ads blended into the content works wonders, but sometimes ads that contrast your site colors work best

5. Number of ad units on a page = we are allowed maximum of 3 ads + 1 ad links + 1 search box on a page. Maximize the allowed number based on the resulting look of your page (you don't want an overkill of ads). Users going to your page and reading your content may ignore the banner or rectangle at the top of the page, but may click on the ad at the bottom of the article

6. Smartpricing - the big unknown in Adsense. No one knows how this actually works. But it can affect the pricing of the ads on your site. If the advertiser paid for $0.50/click - but your site is smartpriced - then the cost may be discounted lower (e.g. $0.25). So you may try to develop a site based on high paying keywords but if smartpricing gets to you, then you may not get as much per click as what you are expecting from your keywords.

Here is Google's explanation of smart pricing

Google's smart pricing feature automatically adjusts the cost of a keyword-targeted content click based on its effectiveness compared to a search click. So if our data shows that a click from a content page is less likely to turn into actionable business results -- such as online sales, registrations, phone calls, or newsletter signups -- we reduce the price you pay for that click.

Experiment with the factors above (except smartpricing, which you can't control), and see which combination works best. Remember though that not all sites do well with Adsense - even if you get gazillions of traffic but your visitors are not interested in looking for ways to spend their money, they won't be interested in your ads and won't click.

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Monday, November 18, 2013

Where can i buy and compare used cars online?

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Am in Liverpool, i want to buy a used car & want to search online, can you pls recommend a good site where i can search for used car at a cheaper rate by individual.

Auto trader is good. They have many used cars and a research page you can compair as old as like 1980. I would also go to consumers affairs to check for recalls. Also MSN auto & yahoo autos are a good source for info on specs and technical data. Both have bluebook info also.

What does it mean when you dream about your death?


About a little over a month ago i dreamed that I die in a car accident. In my dream i watched the car go over a cliff and as i watched i was saying to myself (in my dream) O this is what it feels like to die.

What do you think this means?

dreams of death reflect the phase of end in our lives and the time of change.

according to;

1. an imminent transition, perhaps a move, or a change of job or lover.
2. a need for change in some department of the dreamer's life. as to what: watch for other symbols in the dream.

DEATH - to dream of being dead yourself indicates an approaching release from all your worries and/or a recovery from illness.

CAR ACCIDENT - a warning dream. avoid unnecessary travel for a few weeks. you should avoid the thing that was involved in the accident. at least for the first 24 hours following the dream. walk for a day and be careful crossing streets. avoid planes, trains, horses, knives, sharp instruments, fires, electricity, high places, or whatever pertained to the dream accident for at least a day.. if you can't avoid them, then take extra precautions.

CLIFFS - an obstacle dream.of warning. avoid any speculation or risks for the next few months unless you were successfully scaling the cliff, in which case the augury is reversed and indicates satisfactory rewards for your efforts.

i am not a psychiatrist, therapist or dream interpreter. i am just trying to help by deciphering key words from your dream. hope this helps.
: < )

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