Saturday, February 1, 2014

Car crash statistics?


I an doing an essay about cars and need references can anyone tell me good websites to check out like news websites?

Lots and lots of accident info from the Census Bureau:

Tons of info from the NHTSA (click links at the top for driving safety, vehicle safety, research and data):

Perform your own statistical analysis at the NHTSA "Fatality Analysis Reporting System:"

The IIHS has lots of info:

For example, why texting bans aren't working:

And teenagers suck at driving (old people are actually safer):

Of course, if you're going to talk about safety, you need to include distracted driving and why cell phones (hands-free OR hand-held) aren't safe to use:

That should give you something to do between now and lunch. If you need more, just let me know!

Please advice on best and safe car seat for 1 year old.?

i read the artilce in the above link but it is not for atleast 22 pound baby. my baby is only 21 and he outgrew his current carseat according to height limit.

the link was for booster seats, and your 1 year old is nowhere near ready for a booster! :)

id recommend a convertible seat, so that your little guy can remain rear facing for another year or so. just about all convertible seats now go to 35+ lbs for rear facing. my son was 25lbs at 1 year and made it to almost 2.5 rear facing before he hit 35lbs, so you're little one shouldn't have a problem going beyond that!

i have the true fit car seat and i love it! its comfortable, and it has a very high back so that kids grow out of it by weight before height (at 2.5 years, he had a good 4" above his head still!)

but really - any convertible car seat would work for your son, pretty much., it just depends on your budget, and what fits well in your car.

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Car is dead. Battery problem?

Rakshan M

Hi, I have a 2002 pontiac firebird. Have not had any problems till tonight. It was a bit cold outside (San Francisco, California) and when I pressed the key-chain button to open the car, it would not open. I noticed that even the radio-theft deterrent red LED that flashes inside had stopped. I got into the car manually and tried to put the key in ready position, but no indicators or lights came on and when trying to start it, it did not start.
Could this be because it was cold outside? I have not used the car in 2 days. Recently serviced (oil etc) by Jiffy Lube.
Im planning to lookup the battery "eye" (hydrometer) tomorrow morning and try again in daylight.
Any suggestions on what could be the problem? Also, 2 days ago I used a recently purchased seat-warmer device while the car was running, for approx an hour's drive. It couldnt be that, could it ?
The alarm could not have gone off within the last 2 days of non-use, since I wouldve heard it or seen it. The theft-deterrent LED I mentioned above is a small red light that flashes all the time that the car is turned off, and probably takes very little power from the battery.
Seat Warmer Info : It was unplugged after the 1 hour drive/use, so it could not have drained it. It might have put pressure on the battery while the car was running, but I thought when running, things dont run off the battery.
Im still suspicious about the warmer, since thats the only new thing in the equation.
Leaving lights on : Everything inside the car turns off within a few minutes of exiting and locking it. so I did not leave anything on. Headlights, if left on, cause the car to beep continuously (very irritating), so i dont think i left those on either. My last use of the car (returning from work) was as routine as always, except the warmer.

Hay fellow San Franciscan and firebird owner. Except I have a 2001 trans am ws6. My best suggestion is to but your bat. on a trickle charger over night. Have the bat load tested. to verify that it is good. Should hold min 9.6 v under load at 200amps 15 seconds. Check for loose or corroded terminals. Just for your info.That little green lite don't mean much. A bat has 6 cells. That green lite only measures the electrolyte of one cell. There might be a short or u can have defective plates.Either way if your bat. is good. Check your charging system. simple way is to just but a voltmeter on bat. should read 12.5v enginee off bat fully charged. Start engin and check meter. should read 13v or above apply load. (turn lights or accessories) on. meter should rise around15v. If all is working properly. If no failures are found than it's time to look for a parasitic draw. this can take some time and should be done by a qualified tech. It involves looking for anything that should turn off after the key is removed. Since we are dealing with a late model it should be noted that it has in it's design a function known as keep alive memory That basically means that the BCM runs a check on the cars electric and security systems and turns every thing that is not supposed to be on, off. It allows only programed functions to operate.Like the sentry system. As for your seat warmer.If the car is running the alt will pick up the extra load.

anyone have access to lookup a cars information using the liscence plate number read on i will explain?


ok i had my car stolen some time ago and i just saw a car that looked the same with the minorities of diffrences a little bit fixed up my brother in law is a police and i called him to check the number he said the lisence plate did not belong to the car that had them my car is a 1997 geo prizm and the lisence plate belongs to a 2006 nissan altima i want to find info maybe he made a mistake i just want to make sure i dont want no private info i just want to find out if the lisence plate belongs to the discription of my car can anyone help?
for your information he didnt give me any private info on any registered owner the only thing he gave me was the obvious info on what you can see on the streets in any car with a lisence plate he only said that it did not belong to it and that the real car it belonged to was 2006 nissan altima isnt that what i write please read befor u answer

only law enforcement has access to this kind of info! sorry about your car!

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Whats the cheapest car insurance for a young male?

Doug T

How long is a piece of string :) insurers base their quotes on different factors for different people, Just get onto an insurance site, enter your info and the car (it is enough to enter the year, make and model), see what pricing you get..

You can opt out just for minimum liability coverage, no collision or comprehensive, that is if you are willing to forgo the money you invested in the car if you total it and don't care if you are sued in case of serious accident.

When should i buy car insurance?

I am going to buy a car on Tuesday. Is there a grace period during which i can drive the car without insurance until i get it, like 5 business days or something like that, or do i need insurance before i buy the car??
This is my first vehicle so i dont have an existing policy i can add this too.

No grace period. It is advisable to get insurance as soon as possible. You can ask the dealer to start the insurance process the same day you are purchasing the car, right there in the dealership. Or, you could just contact the car insurance agent you have already dealt with in the past, and ask if they will cover you. They will require the information on the car you wish to buy, and confirmation from you. They also may want to speak with the dealer rep. for all the proper info required, then you are all set to go. Try this site to before you buy car insurance

Here you can get quotes from different car insurance companies in your area, its the best way to find an affordable car insurance with a reliable company.

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When the Republican Party gets America down to third world standards will our jobs come back?

Rev. Hal L

@How would I know/: So you agree to unionize America and export unions overseas to help bring the world up to our standards instead?
What's with citing the democrats are in charge? The GOP stymies all of Obama's efforts. His hands are tied and you all know it.
I don't understand many of these answers. The democrats support unions to uplift the middle class. The Republican party supports the "Right to work for less" laws in order to subjugate the middle class.

Still no, by then the middle-class market will be India and China, local to manufacturing. The future for America is Brazil, armoured cars and gates for the rich and their hangers on. Huge slums where the Police will not go without Army backup. "Independence" meaning every-man-for-himself.

You would not recognize Americ is a Republican is elected.

But GOOD NEWS....Obama 2012, Hillary back-to-back 2016-2020.......maybe a new fresh thinking Republican in 2024 after the Depression is over and people are again too busy at their jobs and summer homes to care about Republican "promises"............naw....not even in 2024

What was China like in the 1990s?


Was it still significantly more Maoist and old fashioned than today or was it already pretty materialistic and Westernized? Did bikes still outnumber cars in 1999?

The Chinese GDP per capita was only 300 dollars in 1990.

In 2013, it's 8,271 by nominal exchange rate, and 12,472 by PPP (i.e. purchasing power parity).

Total GDP in China was only 200 billion dollars in 1990, in 2013 it's 9,372 billion dollars.... or 9.372 TRILLION DOLLARS.

In the 1990s, no Chinese own cars, in 2013, car ownership in urban area is UNIVERSAL. The Chinese buy 0 cars in 1990, they buy 20 MILLION in 2013.

In the 1990s, there was no express ways in China, in 2013, The Chinese express way (or highway) system EXCEEDED US INTERSTATE HIGHWAY BY 30% ! OR 97,234 KM, THE US HAS 78,281 KM.

In the 1990s, China was not industrialized, industrial output is lower than Canada... In 2013, THE CHINESE INDUSTRIAL OUTPUT IS 48% HIGHER THAN UNITED STATES. (Notice, United States is 15 times the size of Canada, in terms of Industrial output).

In the 1990s, traveling in China by train was miserable, it's no better than India... In 2013, The Chinese mainly take high speed trains that travel more than 300km/hr, in 1990, there were 0 km high speed raillines in China, in 2013, 70% of high speed raillines in the world are in China.

In 1990s, No Chinese travel abroad for tourism... In 2012 alone, 85 million Chinese have gone to foreign countries for recreation purposes, and spent 112 billion dollars abroad for tourism ! THE HIGHEST IN THE WORLD, OUTSTRIP THE DISTANT SECOND ... US BY 43% !

Literally 900 million Chinese people were lifted out of poverty because of CHINESE GROWTH.

The difference is HUGE, and remarkable to say the least. Look how far they have gone !

@WNL: YOU COULDN'T BE MORE BITTER, The very fact that negative news about China are freely reportable within China BY Chinese media shows degree of freedom is greatly improving in the country IN THE FIRST PLACE ! PERIOD !


@Sense: YOU REALLY HAVE NON-SENSE. Back in 1978, 95% of Chinese population lived under 2 dollars a day, in 2013, only 7.8% live under 2 dollars a day, in effect more than 900 MILLION WERE LIFTED OUTTA POVERTY. YOU JUST CAN'T DENY THE TRUTH.

@FREAKLY: Haters are always gonna be haters, I'm not gonna argue with you, it's very very sad that you choose to be a self-hating Chinese whereas actually trying to make the world a better place. RIP.

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Friday, January 31, 2014

Why do US cars, now top Foreign Brands in Quality?

Q. It is now being reported that US cars, now top foreign cars in quality according to most general surveys. (see link). Question, "How do you think the US car makers managed to achieve this?" No trolls please!â¦
It's amazing to watch people like Chris go ballistic just because someone asks a simple question that may seem to imply that Toyota has poor quality. Gee. I wonder if Chris drives a Toyota? LOL!
Here is another link to shoe US carmakers are beating Foreign cars.

Well, it is a partially inapropriate question only because all cars are foreign. Every car maker makes their cars from parts from other countries, or in other countries. If Toyota makes a car in the US, is it foreign? VW's are made in Mexico. The other part of this is that the companies all own eachother. There is actually only a small handful of car companies that each make many brands of cars.

As that probably is kind of sideways (although not unimportant or untrue) to your question, I will offer this.

A lot of trends has to do with production cycles. As a company, leaders have to decide how much money to put into research and development and quality control. Each of those things cost money, which reduce profits. It is a balance act of spending enough money in those areas to keep consumers happy (but only just enough). In the 70s-2000's, US automakers had a skewed version of reality. They didn't spend too much money on those areas because they were still making killer profits. Part of the problem was the "Buy American" ideal. With people buying American even though they were increasingly crappy products, automakers had no initiative to increase quality. Why should they have, they were still making money hand over fist, and pouring money into quality would have only taken it out of their own profits and hurt them as compared to their competition that wasn't 'wasting' money on that. The problem is that it caught up with them. Late 80's early 90's fewer people felt that the motivation of "buying American" wasn't enough of a justification to keep shelling out money for unreliable undesirable cars. Increasing fuel prices (partially from the '73 oil crisis) also helped people justify making the switch. They began buying foreign more. By the time the automakers started to feel the pinch, it was becoming too late to make a quick turn around. Most cars have a multiyear development time. If you wanted to take a new direction, it can be almost a decade before those cars start making enough production to make a difference. Forward to 2010, you are starting to see that effect now. Even though trends were heading down in the 80's, US car makers were slow to make changes, let alone drastic ones, so things didn't really start to happen until much later. That said, some makers didn't even make changes as of 2010, and that is why we saw several companies close.
The reason 'Foreign' cars seem to be lagging behind is because they are at a different point in their cycle. They had made reliable cars for a long time, so they began to trim R&D and reliabilty to increase their profit margin. Now that they are starting to get bit, they will probably make a shift back (but that will take quite a few years).

So that is what you are perceiving.

Why is "Rapper buys $2 mil car" news?

I give fre

Oil has ruined the Gulf of Mexico, and some @sshole's car is news?

No wonder the Arabs hate us!

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What car should I get?

Brian Fang

I'm thinking Camry or Accord

It would be recommended to get a Honda Accord rather than the comparable Camry. Camry has been on the same design for quite some time and they are due for a major redesign. If this were to happen all 2009 model would drastically drop in price which is bad news for those who had purchased one. The newly redesigned Honda Accord gives the occupants comfort without sacrificing performance. Both the 4-cylinder and 6-cylinder models have great performance given there displacement and Honda has pioneered the 4-cylinder so they are pretty much solid systems. The LX, LX-P, EX, EX-L 4-cylinder models give you both comfort and fuel economy while not hurting the budget. The EX and EX-L V6 models give you everything you need and want. The EX-L V6 model is said to have a better interior than most German Cars on the market today. Because of the new redesign, the classification of the Honda Accord has changed, unlike the Camry, the Honda Accord is now a Full-Size sedan which would lead you to think that the car would be hard to drive but, in reality, the car is reported to feel like a regular size even though the car is quite large. This increase in size defines into more leg room and more comfort which is a nice welcome to many people. The Camry is a good car but the 4-cylinder does make engine noise and is way underpowered. Both The 4-cylinder and 6-cylinder are terrible and way outdated. But just telling you vague information will not help you so here are the Pros/Cons for each car:

Base Model Cars:

2009 Honda Accord LX:
+ Advanced Compatibility Engineering: enhances frontal collision compatibility with vehicles of different sizes and bumper heights
+ Vehicle Stability Assist
+ Side-curtain airbags; dual-chamber front side airbags with passenger-side Occupant Position Detection System (OPDS), active front seat head restraints, anti-lock brakes and more
+ 177-horsepower 4-cylinder engine
+ Premium quality with a simple, modern and spacious design describes the philosophy behind the Accord's interior
+ Accord is a Full Size Sedan unlike the Mid Size Camry
+ he wider interior (+1.5 inches) allows the front seats to be positioned farther apart to allow for a wide center console more commonly associated with the finest luxury vehicles.
+ Interior is designed for a dynamic, intuitive and upscale presence, starting with an easy-to-read information display on every vehicle
+ Redesigned front bucket seats are larger, and feature substantial lateral support to complement the Accord's sporting side
+ Standard system features 160 watts, a single-disc CD player and six speakers
+ A Radio Data System displays information broadcast by participating radio stations that often includes call letters, station type and programming information
+ Dynamic and athletic feel with the sophistication of a timeless sedan form
+ 5-speed automatic transmission
+ 21/31 mpg City/Highway
+ PZEV or ULEV-2 emissions
+ Performance-inspired double-wishbone front suspension and a multi-link rear suspension are designed to provide world-class chassis dynamics
+ A four-wheel disc anti-lock brake system (ABS) with brake assist and electronic brake distribution
+ 25 Years of Honda Accord Experience makes one solid car
+ Exterior Design surpasses most automobile car makers

+ NONE!!!
2010 Toyota Camry LE:
+New 2.5-liter four-cylinder engine equipped with variable valve timing with intelligence (VVT-i) will produce 169 hp
+ Best-selling passenger car in America for seven years
+ Newly designed grille and front bumper
+ Enlarged lower intake
+ Larger projector headlamps and restyled tail lamps
+ Vehicle Stability Control with traction control
+ Jam protection on all four doors is standard equipment
+ Toyota Reliability
+ Reclining Back Seats

+ Weak 4 Cylinder
+ Reliability is over rated
+ Has little standard equipment
+ Smaller Interior compared to the Honda Accord
+ Classic terrible interior
+ Terrible Seats
+ Center Console is something you find in a 50's diner
+ Style is too conservative
+ Rear Seats barely recline
+ The 2009 Toyota Camry did not have traction control or vehicle stability control standard which is outrageous

News Blogs?

s9fcyx z

Can some post a list a of news blogs please?

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ufc sports news
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youtube videos blog
walmart news blog
web design news
yahoo company news
stock news
youtube news and updates

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Car crash statistics?


I an doing an essay about cars and need references can anyone tell me good websites to check out like news websites?

Lots and lots of accident info from the Census Bureau:

Tons of info from the NHTSA (click links at the top for driving safety, vehicle safety, research and data):

Perform your own statistical analysis at the NHTSA "Fatality Analysis Reporting System:"

The IIHS has lots of info:

For example, why texting bans aren't working:

And teenagers suck at driving (old people are actually safer):

Of course, if you're going to talk about safety, you need to include distracted driving and why cell phones (hands-free OR hand-held) aren't safe to use:

That should give you something to do between now and lunch. If you need more, just let me know!

Why do they report things like car crashes and apartment fires on the news?


The definition of newsworthy is :
Of sufficient interest or importance to the public to warrant reporting in the media.

How are minor deaths or tragidies interesting or important to the general public? We all know these things happen, I don't feel like I should have to hear about it everytime they do.

Bored people want to look at them - so the media satisfy the demand.

I agree. 98% of them I do not need to know about.

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what is a nice sports car tht isnt real expensive?

The Infini

r32 gtr
west coast shelby mustang
r33 gtr
r34 gtr
maxima a32
GT-R 2008
s15 spec r
integra dc5
accord type r
Mitsubishi gto
Mitsubishi fto
Mitsubishi evo
bmw m6
r32 gts-t
r34 gtt
r33 gts-t
celica gt4
v v ti

Whats ur dream car?

~CrAzY iN

z tune
r32 gtr
west coast shelby mustang
r33 gtr
r34 gtr
maxima a32
GT-R 2008
bee-r r33
s15 spec r
integra dc5

a few

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Which cars are best for vacations?


For a 4 day trip (12 hour round trip) drive, which is the best type of car to rent?
-Economy, Compact, Intermediate, Standard, Full Size

I appreciate the help. Thanks.
Oh and we're a family of three.

More info needed... How many people and/or pets are you taking? That's a big factor. If its just a couple of you, i'd say a economy. For a four day trip, a compact might be too small if you have a bunch of luggage. A full size CAR would be fine but a full size SUV would be bad on gas. So unless you have kids or a few people, an suv is a bad option. So for just 2 or 3 adults a economy, standard, or compact is fine. If your looking to save money i'd go economy. Otherwise if you just want a nicer car, go full size.

Cheap but reliable car?


I need to buy my mom a new car but I have to keep the payments under $250... her sh*tbox won't get more than $2000 for a down payment (if we're lucky). She needs something reliable, with cheap maintenance,and good gas mileage that will last her a while. Any recommendations? Make and model suggestions please. Thanks!

Honda civic.
And you can try this:
90% off Retail Value.
Good luck!

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car seat question...?

Braydons M

my son is 4months old and weighs 18lbs.....(he was 9lbs 1oz at birth) his doctor told me ill need to get a different carseat soon because the one he has only holds up to 22lbs....she said one that is rear facing to a year old then it faces this called a convertable car seat?
wow ok no it doesnt take my doctor to tell me anything, the car seat is fine for now thnx, she told me pretty soon it wont be. and i feel for your kids if your always so rude.

Yes, a convertible or a '3 stage' car seat should be set up to reversible until 1 year. Always double check with the info with the seat before you buy, though. If you can, get the seller to help you make sure it'll fit your vehicle as well. They are big seats, so you need to make sure that you can properly recline the convertible in whichever seat it will be installed in. From experience, i know that not all car seats fit with all cars, depending on the shape of the bottom of the car seat and the shaping of the vehicle's seat. At our store, if the customer parked outside the nearest door, we were allowed to unlock our car seats from the display stand and take them out to try them in the vehicle (saves the hastle of a return trip if you get home and it doesn't fit).

The other option would be to buy a bigger infant seat (Graco makes one for up to 32lb and 32"). See and Eventually you will need a forward facing seat, so this may still not be your best option.

help--Car seat??


I would like to buy the eddie bauer 3-in-1 car seat for my car. But I don't know If it will fit. I have a 1997 Volkswagen Jetta and I can not seem to fit any place ONLINE OR IN TOWN to check. (b4 I buy it) I live in a very small town, we don't even have a Wal-mart ( 75 miles away). Any info as to where I can find Info would be great!!! THANKS!!!

Run as far as you can AWAY from the Eddie Bauer 3-in-1, Cosco Alpha Omega, and all the other clones of the same seat. (Cosco/Eddie Bauer/Dorel/Safety1st all the same company, just different covers on the seats). Not a good seat - it is NOT the only car seat you will ever need, it is usually outgrown before a child reaches 3 years old, and then you have to buy another one. Fit in your car actually would be the only thing about the seat I wouldn't worry about. You do need to check and see if your car has ELR seatbelts, switchable retractor (ALR/ELR) seatbelts, or seatbelts with locking latchplates. It makes a difference in the seat you purchase. If your car does not have seat belts that lock (either switchable or locking latchplat) I would get the Marathon - its the only one with built-in locking clips so you don't have to use one of those pain in the rear locking clips that come separate. They're awful!

When getting a convertible seat, you want 3 things:
1)high rear facing limit - all go to at least 30lbs, but many go higher
2)high forward facing limit - all go to at least 40lbs, but many go higher
3)tall top harness slots - so it fits older kids, and low bottom slots if you need it to fit a newborn
The 3-in-1/Alpha Omega fails the on the last 2 - low top harness slots and low forward facing limit.

Remember these rules:
1)the BEST seat is the one that fits your child, fits your car, and will be used correctly 100% of the time. (This is why convenience features DO make a difference and ARE worth the money! If its easy to use, you're more likely to use it correctly.
2)Children should stay rear facing AS LNOG AS POSSIBLE!!!! The 20lbs/1 year rule is outdated and provides a bare minimum for turning kids forward facing. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration both recommend keeping kids rear facing as long as possible, up to the limits of their seat, preferably until at least 2 years of age. For good reason: A forward-facing child under 2 years old is 4 times more likely to be killed or seriously injured in a crash than a rear-facing child of the same age. A child's vertabrae do not fully fuse until 3-6 years old, before then, she is at great risk for internal decapitation. The spinal column can stretch up to 2 inches in a crash BUT the spinal cord can only stretch up to 1/4 inch before it snaps and baby is gone. In other countries, rear facing 2 - 3 - 4 year olds is standard, they understand that its safer. Here, we turn them as soon as we get to, seeing it as a right of passage thing or something. Ridiculous. Most convertible seats have a 30lbs rear facing limit, Cosco/Dorel/Safety1st/Eddie Bauer seats rear face to 35lbs, Britax rear faces to 33lbs.
3)Once you do turn them forward facing, they need to stay in a 5 point harness as long as possible. 4 years/40lbs is the minimum for riding in a booster, and most 4 year olds have no business using one yet. If they can't sit upright for an entire trip, they need the harness of a car seat still. And, even if they do sit properly, a 5 point harness is safer, so you want to keep them in one as long as possible. This is important to consider b/c most car seats only forward face to 40lbs. My son just turned 3, and is in the 95th% for height and weight - 40" tall and weighs 41lbs. He outgrew the 40lbs seats shortly after his 2nd birthday. It was a total waste of money. He now has a Britax Marathon, which goes to 65lbs, and will be able to fit it for some time yet. If I'd have bought it when he was born, I could have had one car seat this whole time instead of the 3 I wasted money on. They are more expensive for many reasons, this is one.

So...knowing all that, here's some about specific seats. Please don't get a Graco Comfort Sport. Car seat techs call it the 'crappysport'. LOL Its a crappy seat that won't last your child very long b/c it has a really short shell. The straps twist all the time, and if they're twisted they won't support your child in a wreck properly. They're hard to install. There's nothing good about these seats except perhaps they're cheap sometimes. Ditto the Safety1st 3-in-1/Cosco Alpha Omega/Eddie Bauer 3-in1 seats. These are all the same company - same seat, just different covers. They stink. Hard to install, b/c of narrow belt paths. Ever tried to wash a skinny cup by hand? Now imagine that skinny cup with pointy edges. That's what putting your hand through these to install them is like. AND they have too short a shell to really go to 40lbs. And they do not make good boosters. Also, most kids have to use boosters until they're at least 8 years old. Car seats expire 6 years after the date of manufacture, so no matter what they say it is NOT the last seat you'll ever need to buy.

The Britax Marathon/Boulevard/Decathalon (These 3 are the same seat, just different variances of luxury additions, with the Marathon being the cheapest base model) can be found for regular price of $269, and on sale at Albee Baby online for $209-$219. The Marathon a wide open easy to route belt path, which makes using it correctly a lot easier, as do the built in lockoffs, which mean you never again have to use a locking clip. I can get it into 4 different vehicles in under 2 minutes. Because of the way the base is made, it fits in most cars. And, it is worth the money, b/c it lasts usually twice as long as most other car seats (all car seats expire 6 years after the date of manufacture) lasting a baby till they are 5-6 years old, where most at Walmart will only last till 2-4 years old. Rear faces to 33lbs, then forward to 65lbs. and top slots 17inches tall, lasts most kids to ages 5-6 years old.

The Evenflo Triumph Advance (not the original Triumph, make sure it says Advance) is a great seat. $150 version at Babies R Us has padding similar to Britax seats, top slots of 17", harnesses to 35lbs rear facing, and 50lbs forward facing. $120 Walmart version just has little less plush padding. Wide open belt path, easy to install, though it doesn't have built in lockoffs. The harness adjusts at the front of the car seat, you don't have to take the car seat out of the car just to raise/lower the straps. It's one of only 2 seats that does this (The Britax Boulevard is the other, I believE), and it has infinite harness adjustment so the harness always fits perfectly until its outgrown. No more tugging straps to tighten them either. You tighten and loosen the harness using knobs on the side of the seat. As a major bonus, it can be used in a recline position even in forward facing mode. Awesome for kids who still sleep in the car. I LOVE THIS SEAT! LOL My son, who is too big for every other car seat at Walmart has the same amount of room in this as the Britax Marathon.

The Fisher Price Safe Voyage Deluxe Convertible seat is great, it is made by Britax, without all the frills. It's the same shell as a Marathon, but for less than half the price. $130 at Albee Baby online with free shipping, or at their eBay name, babysurplus. Rear faces to 33lbs, forward to 55lbs. Easy to use, fits in most cars.

These are the best you can buy that will give you the most bang for your buck. As a single parent I'm always watching the budget - I have no money to speak of, and these are what I would buy. (My son has a marathon and is soon getting a Britax Regent). They will last the longest. I only wish someone would've told me all this before I had him, I coulda saved some money for the extra seats I started out with!

All seats in the US must meet the same safety criteria to sell, so technically they all are safe, however, if its hard to install, then it won't be used correctly and that makes it unsafe. Also, they only must meet the guidelines, some seats barely pass, some exceed them. Britax exceeds the guidelines and is easy to use.

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Can I change a car lease that is in my dads name to my name?


Back in January, my parents leased me and car and it is currently in my dads name. I got in a huge fight with them and they are trying to take back my car before the lease is up. Is there anyway that I can get the lease in my name so this doesn't happen? I am 25 with decent credit

I hate to say this, but it is not your car. You have absolutely no legal rights to this vehicle. If they want it back, there is nothing you can do about it.

There is no way to transfer a loan (or a lease). Your parents would have to sell you the car (for the total of the remaining payments, plus the residual value of the vehicle). If you cannot pay cash, you would have to apply for a loan, and be approved.

Sorry I don't have better news.

How to minimize taxes with car lease trade/return to car purchase (FLA), how pay just the diff of the two ?

Heywood Ja

Example would be if I traded the lease car in, and treated the residual as a payoff, can I then be limited to taxes only on the difference or additional price of the two? I have a lease to rtrn, valued at 25K$, and a new purchase planned for 40K$, what am I taxed on?, the 15K$ difference if the lease rtrn is treated as a tradein?, or can I get out of the lease, by selling it or turning it in, and somehow still avoid the tax costs of the entire new vehicle, as in get to offset the taxes by the value of the 25K$car? Reside in FLA.
Also, is it true that no tax is assessed on such purchases in Arizona?, person to person I mean? If so, how can I buy there, take it home to FLA, register and drive it?, more to the point, what would the tax scenario be when registering it in FLA.?

You may not like the answer to this one. They just changed the laws in New York because of the problem you're having now, but as far as I am aware, FL has not changed their laws yet. (more tax revenue for them)

When you trade-in a vehicle you own, you only pay sales tax on the difference between the value of the car you're trading in and the car you're buying. The reasoning behind this is that you've already paid sales tax on the purchase of the vehicle you're trading in, so you should get credit for that sales tax paid. E.G. $20K new car - $8K trade = sales tax paid on new purchase on $12K.

When you lease a vehicle, however, you only pay sales tax on the use of the vehicle. Keep in mind that in the eyes of the tax people it's like you went to Her**z or whatnot and rented a car for 2-5 years. So you don't usually pay the amount of sales tax that you would have if you would have purchased the vehicle. That's why if you want to buy out your lease at the end you still have to pay sales tax on that amount when you buy it out.

So if you trade-in that vehicle you have not paid sales tax on the full vehicle price. Add that to the fact that you're not the titled owner of it(the lease company is the owner) so when you trade it in, if they were to give you sales tax credit, it would be illegal as you're "jumping title". The only way that you're going to be able to get sales tax credit on the trade-in will be to buy it out, pay the sales tax on that amount, then trade it in, which doesn't get you any further ahead.

Sorry to give you the bad news, but I hope this explains why you won't get the sales tax benefit. If you do buy-it out in another state, btw, you will still have issues when you trade it in in FL anyway because when the title goes to the FL DMV, they'll be asking when and where you paid your taxes on it.

Hope this helps.

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TH Family: Bill had a car accident!!!!?


Here it is:

I almost had a heart attack but when I read it,what a relief!!!

What were your toughts at first when you heard "bill had a car accident?"
here's the interview after the car accident:

Tokio Hotel rock star Bill Kaulitz has said itâs a âmiracleâ he is still alive following his high-speed motorway crash.

The 20-year-old totalled his Audi Q7 on the A24 autobahn in Germany last week on his way to Berlin.

Police spokesman Niels Borgmann (31) of Schwerin told BILD: âWe can confirm at this time that there was an accident between an Audi and a Mercedes van. Involved in the accident were a 20 and 45 year-old man. Neither was injured.â

Bill spoke exclusively with BILD about the crash and how he survived.

The singer said: âI think about the crash everyday. I think I need some more time to process it. Itâs sitting pretty deep.

âI thought I would not leave there alive. I have definitely never been that close to death! It is a miracle that Iâm still alive.
âIn a moment like that you only think about saving your life. With another car, things may have gone differently. I didnât have a scratch on me.â

What did he do when the car came to a halt?

Bill added: âI immediately tried to get out of the car. I pushed the door open with all my strength and immediately called the police on my mobile. I was completely confused and was in shock. The police tried to calm me down over the phone.â

His relatives travelled to Berlin immediately to help calm him down.

âMy brother Tom was really concerned. I kept seeing the pictures in my head all night and couldnât sleep. Everybody supported me and tried to motivate me.â

And the singer had to put his shocking experience aside as he went on to perform the next day at the MTV Europe Music Awards in the German capital, and walked away with the award for âBest Bandâ.

Tokio Hotelâs producer and manager David Jost told BILD: âWe actually advised Bill to cancel the performance because of the accid
*accident. But even though the crash was a huge shock for Bill, he insisted on performing.â

At the beginning of next year, Germanyâs most successful rock band will be on home turf â this time not in a car, but a tour bus!

On February 26 they will give a big concert in Oberhausen and on February 28 in Hamburg.


thank god bill is okay!!!
i thought it was a rumour or something at first but when i read this interview, i was like O.o!

that must've been pretty hard, and performing RIGHT after... wow..
bill is just.... amazing.

and how his family and friends comforted him.
awwww i shouldve been there to hug him!!

damnn school and homework and sleeping and living on the other side of the world from germany!



Try this site it have a lot of accidents...............

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Acid Rain! x[?


I've heard that acid rain occurs in Canada, though it has not been in any news or anything. If it does occur in Canada, where would it occur?

Acid rain is produced by sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, that are released into the atmosphere by burning.These gasses react with rain, to form dilute sulfuric and nitric acids, respectively.

Acid rain can cause all kinds of problems, from killing vegetation, forests, and crops; to polluting surface water, to corroding roads, bridges, buildings, stone sculptures, cars, and other metal objects.

Traditionally, the biggest source of acid rain was "high sulfur" coal, burned in power plants, whereas nitrogen oxides are typically produced from internal combustion engines.

Acid rain can happen almost anywhere, but is typically the most severe downwind of major urban and industrial areas. The pH of acid rain in these areas can drop as low as 3 or 2, more acidic than concentrated vinegar.

Modern regulations and emission controls have drastically reduced the amount of sulfur dioxide produced from power plants and heavy industries. However, the increasing number of cars and trucks in industrialized countries, is causing a resurgence in both sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions.

Nitrogen oxides can be removed from car exhaust gasses using catalytic converters,(which tend to wear out on older vehicles,) however, removing sulfur dioxide is not practical for cars and trucks at this time. In order to deal with this problem, most modern countries have recently mandated the use of "ultra-low sulfur fuels."

HELP!! Mr. Potato Head Song from the 1970s?


I am desperately trying to find the song of the commercial. I know the words, I just want to hear the jingle.
I have tried YouTube and iTunes.

Here are a few different ones. Some (but not all) are on YouTube. Only the first one is from the '70s, most are the 80's. (It's probably the first one you're trying to remember the tune from, huh? I couldn't find a vid of that anywhere either):

1970's Potato Head commercial

"I made you, you know it's true..."
"Mr. Potato Head, I made you..."
"Eyes and ears, mouth and nose too..."
"Mr. Potato Head, I made you..."

1980's Bucket of Parts commercial
"Mr. Potato Head,
and his bucket o' parts.
Buckets of fun for everyone."
You can put him all together and take him all a part
It's Mr. Potato Head and his bucket of parts.

1983 Super Mr Potato Head commercial
Oh.... look at that funny guy
new Super Mr. Potato Head
You can make a funny potato head
with new Super Mr. Potato Head
Shake hand's Mr. Potato Head
get eyes and ears and funny noses...
and hands you can bend in so many poses
You can even make a Misses Potato Head
with new Super Mr. Potato Head
Spoken: I like you you funny guy!
Announcer: New Super Mr. Potato Head, from Hasbro Preschool

1980's Mr Potato Head Family Commercial
Announcer: Annocuncing a new arrival
Nurse: Mr. Potato Head...
MPH: That's me!
Nurse: Congratulations, it's a potato.
"It's Mr, Potato Head family.
There's Mr. and Mrs. and baby too...
Potato Head family I love you.
With eyes and ears and hats and nose...
you can put them in so many poses
and change them as easy as 1,2,3,
"It's Mr. Potato Head family!
Child speaks: I love you funny baby
Announcer: Mr. Potato Head family, new from Hasbro Preschool

1980's Mr. Potato Head Funny Face Car Ccommercial
Announcer: Who has the funniest car in town?
Mr. Potato Head: Who else?
Song: Mr. Potato Head Funny Face Car
Oh what a funny faced car you are.
Spoken: Let's go for a ride! OK!
Song: With headlight eyes and a bumper smile,
mix up the pieces in any style
It's lots of fun wherever you are
new Mr. Potato Head Funny Face Car
Spoken: I like you Funny Face Car
Announcer: Mr. Potato Head and his Funny Face Car
new from Hasbro Preschool

Potato Heads Kids School House
Whiz Kid: Potatoes!
PH Kid: Time for school!
Go Go potatoes every one
Potato Heads Kids school, so much fun!
PH Kid speaks: There's Whiz Kid
Song continues:
Change em rearrange em, any way will do
Potato Head Kids School, Good News!
Go Go Potatoes!
Go Go potatoes every one
Potato Heads Kids school, so much fun!
Potato Heads Kids school, so much fun!
Announcer: Potato Heads Kids school house comes with Whiz Kids. Other kids sold sepereately...from Playskool

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what are the odds of someone escaping the police in a car chase?

Tuna Taco

i remember seeing a car chase on cnn headline news or msnbc where they were following a silver sedan and lost it on the highway for about 20 mins because there were similar makes out there, but i do think they got the license plate, if they didnt could someone get away like that? especially if they planned it out to have decoys around that area at the predetermined time? of course thats not too realistic considering most police chases tend to happen after an unintentional hit and run but what do you think how often do people get away,

they also mentioned people on motorcycles have a better shot because of the manueverability and of course the size, but not too many hit and runs with motorcycles i guess
i think the news channels are really stupid to first of all show the chases, for a number of reasons, and then on top of that to give out tips to possible escapees, and what not,
considering the increased number of bank robberies were seeing in the US and the panicked decision making that comes into play after you strike someone with your vehicle, sometimes vehicular manslaughter can be a heavy price to pay
colt - i was more interested in writing some fiction about it

and matt - man the helicopter was the one that lost the silver sedan, it was pathetic, the guy was following the wrong car for awhile, i was almost awestruck at their incompetance, but then again considering the recent chopper crash, i guess he didnt do so bad

In most cases my department does not chase a person who fled from a traffic stop, hit and run suspects, and absolutely not on a motorcycle unless a violent felony occurred. Half the time we won't chase stolen cars either because it is considered stolen property in the eyes of the state. We do chase for violent felonies, and if an officer was injured during the incident. Usually we just get the tag, do a report, and seize the tag later. And if we know who the driver is we do a complaint affidavit to have a warrant put out for the subjects arrest. Helicopter operators have a harder time keeping up with a vehicle around increased traffic. Lots of cars, and they have to go by size and color to figure out which car they are going to be following. They have cameras they can zoom in on the subject with but that can be difficult.

Did anybody watch a car chase in LA on yesterday's news?


Do you remember what kind of car it was they were chasing? What model I mean? I'm just curious because they kept commenting on how well it was doing in spite of driving over spikes and assorted other damage, and it really looked like it was handling well, all things considered. (Not that I'm an expert on such things.)

I believe it was a Nissan Maxima.

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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Is this a craigslist car scam?


so i was on craigslist today looking for a car that has a reasonable price cause im tight on money i just had a baby last month and im also not working now cause i have to take care of my son or noone else will... well the point is that i ran into this ad on craigslist it said that they had a 2005 acura tl for only $2799 so i emailed the person asking them a few questions about the car and this is the email i got back from them (well her, she claims to be a woman, and lives in atlanta georgia and shes selling the car supposively cause she divorced her husand and the car brings back too many memories) please tell me is this a scam?

please read the email:

Hello. I want to thank you for the interest you have shown in my car. I'll to start off by telling you that I'm from Atlanta, GA, I'm 33 yrs old, one child and was married for 6 years when my husband told me he wanted a divorce. I want to sell my car as soon as possible because it connects me to many memories of him. The final price for the car is $2,799, I'm pretty sure it is a reasonable price and i want to let you know that I didn't drive it much and when I did, i kept it clean and never had any accidents with it. The engine it is running in perfect condition, the exterior it has no scratches or any flaws of any kind.
Year: 2005 Mileage: 75,208 miles VIN: 19UUA662X5A031740 Exterior color: White Transmission: Automatic
MPG: Great gas mileage: Highway - 34 MPG, City - 28 MPG, Combined - 31 MPG (*Fuel Perfect for the city.
Oil was changed every 3,000k miles. Transmission was serviced aprox 2 oil changes ago and is in perfect condition. Tires were replaced about 8 months ago. Tires are only 10% used.

The price, $2,799, it is including title transfer. I have worked a lot with eBay so I'm going to sell my car through them. It's the only thing that i can put my trust into, 100%. Let me explain you how it works, if you are not popular with this process. First of all I will be needing the following details from you: your Full Name, your Address and your Phone Number. After I will receive the details from you, I will forward them to eBay. They will process your info and send both of us an invoice. The invoice will come to you with the details on how to make a refundable payment. As soon as you send the money and fax the payment information to eBay, i will receive an email with the payment confirmation in order to ship you the car. You will receive the car in 3-4 working days and you will have 5 days to test and verify it. As you can see, you will receive the car BEFORE any money is released to me. If, for some reason, you disagree with the car it will be shipped back to me on MY EXPENSE and eBay will send your money back. You will receive the title of the car with the car, with your name on it. I have a free Carfax if you want to take a look, copy of the original title of the car and eBay car inspection.
I hope things are clear for you of the process it is working and I'm waiting for your email.
Here are some pics of my car:

the pictures were never really there anyways i tried downloading them and when i did they never showed up.
thanks everyone! im def NOT buying this

100% scam.

There is no car.

There are stolen pictures of someone else's car.

There is only a scammer trying to steal your hard-earned money.

The next email will be from another of the scammer's fake names and free email addresses pretending to be the "eBay car shipping company/agent" and will demand you pay for "shipping costs", in cash, and only by Western Union or moneygram.

Western Union and moneygram do not verify anything on the form the sender fills out, not the name, not the street address, not the country, not even the gender of the receiver, it all means absolutely nothing. The clerk will not bother to check ID and will simply hand off your cash to whomever walks in the door with the MTCN# and question/answer. Neither company will tell the sender who picked up the cash, at what store location or even in what country your money walked out the door. Neither company has any kind of refund policy, money sent is money gone forever.

Now that you have responded to a scammer, you are on his 'potential sucker' list, he will try again to separate you from your cash. He will send you more emails from his other free email addresses using another of his fake names with all kinds of stories of great jobs, lottery winnings, millions in the bank and desperate, lonely, sexy singles. He will sell your email address to all his scamming buddies who will also send you dozens of fake emails all with the exact same goal, you sending them your cash via Western Union or moneygram.

You could post up the email address and the emails themselves that the scammer is using, it will help make your post more googlable for other suspicious potential victims to find when looking for information.

Do you know how to check the header of a received email? If not, you could google for information. Being able to read the header to determine the geographic location an email originated from will help you weed out the most obvious scams and scammers. Then delete and block that scammer. Don't bother to tell him that you know he is a scammer, it isn't worth your effort. He has one job in life, convincing victims to send him their hard-earned cash.

Whenever suspicious or just plain curious, google everything, website addresses, names used, companies mentioned, phone numbers given, all email addresses, even sentences from the emails as you might be unpleasantly surprised at what you find already posted online. You can also post/ask here and every scam-warner-anti-fraud-busting site you can find before taking a chance and losing money to a scammer.

If you google "fake car shipping scam", "western union shipping fraud" or something similar you will find hundreds of posts of victims and near victims of this type of scam.

Where can I find a good car in New Jersey?


I just had my car stolen and need to find a good car in New Jersey fast. The problem is I dont have the money to pay DEALER prices and I dont want to go on Craigslist buying someone elses problems. Does anyone have a good idea? I looked for a CarMax and the closest one is in Conneticut.

Cars are always problems...for the dealers, private sellers or buyers.

So look for good private deals anywhere, newspapers, Craig's...

You dint post how much you had to spend.

Ask sellers if the have the title at their location now, if not, that's a red flag.

Ask if they have complete service records.

Get the Vehicle ID Number of a car that you might want and research very well on the net w/ at least 2 services similar to Carfax which is ok for a 3rd or 4th opinion.

B4 buying, have a mechanic knowlegable in that make & model & yr, check it mechanically; You could use the brand name dealer, Ford car: Ford dealer.

Write a detailed Bill of Sale for the deal. Check online if NJ has a specific form, or at legal stationary stores; it would include promises and disclaimers by seller, like they Certify and Warranty it will pass inspection or buyer gets full refund of purchase price w/in _________ days.

ID the seller via current photo driver's license. Be sure the names and signatures on DL & title match, and the title isnt "branded," ie, Salvage/Rebuilt, Theft recovery, Lemon/Warranty return, etc.


US Dept of Justice's MV Title Info System: Title info & more, $2 to $7 from contractors associated w/ DoJ. Check for updates.
------------------------------- Title check
In 2007 CarFax settled a class action suit accusing it of misleading, incomplete reports.
------------------------------ Appeals court overturned the 2007 settlement as unfair to consumers. CF was accused of concealing how little info it collects on crash damage.
MV title laundering: âSubsequently, [vehicles declared lemons] were either retitled across state lines with apparently clean titles or were placed âin auction.â â
VIN cloning [Vehicle ID Number].,+Background+Checks,+Foul-Play,+Fraud+And+Investigations/articles/5456143/VIN+CLONING+FBI+breaks+up+25+mill+car+cloning . Low-level perps busted, crooked used-car dealers walk.

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Did you see the news..people lighting their cars on fire?

Q. to get out of car payments ? what is wrong with people ?

Maybe they just couldn't afford their heating bills and decided to make community fires to help their community? Nah, there are just too many idiots running around in society today.

How often do car fires happen?


how often does this emergency occur, in what conditions does it often happen, how many fatalities does it cause each year, and what places are it most likely to happen???? PLZ HELP??? THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!!

Considering the number of cars on the road (254 million), in 2005, there were 266,000 car fires with 520 fatalities. That equates to 0.1% of all of the registered cars in the US are involved in a car fire. Some were definitely arson, some were as a result of an accident and some were spontaneous. Some car designs were more prone to fires than others. The Ford Pinto was the big news in the 70s (fires in rear end collisions).

So, if you want to make it sound like a major problem, key on the 266,000 car fires in one year. If you want to make it sound like a minor problem, key on the 0.1% number.

Car fires can happen any where, any time under any conditions (driving, parked with everything off, etc). The battery supplies enough current to start a fire under the right conditions. Even though the headlights (for example) are fused at 20 amps, it can take only 1 amp in a high resistance short circuit to start a fire.

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How long until it comes out that the Feds ordered the Toyota & Honda recalls to kill their competition?


Remember, our government owns a car company now!!!

That was the first thing that I thought of when I heard the news of Toyota. Something is fishy because they have always been on the top of the reliability rankings.

What's the best ranked SUV in the $18K to $50K range?


Hi, need to help buy an SUV for my parents. They want the best value foremost, but are willing to spend anywhere from $18K to $50K total if it's worth the money for them since they are pretty wealthy. I don't own a subscription to Consumer Guide Reports for cars, so are there any other reliable sources on the internet for rankings? What's the best SUV in the $18K to $50K price range?

It depends on what category you're looking at. Are you looking for the best safety? Reliability? Performance? Luxury? Overall value?

As a quick answer, US News provides rankings that are pretty helpful. Good luck!

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Why do natural disasters in the US bring out the worst in non-Americans?

car news site on Dozens of vehicles sit in the northbound lanes of Interstate 75 after ...
car news site image

Poison Ivy

I can't believe some of the truly cruel remarks I'm reading on some foreign news sites regarding Hurricane Irene and the death/destruction it caused in the US.

Some people (mostly Brits, French, Australians, etc) actually believe the US should have been able to come through this with absolutely no damage/deaths.

Do these people actually live on Earth?? Have they ever been in a hurricane?

Did you see some of the Brits on BBC complaining about how "their holiday was ruined" and how "they've seen worse storms in Scotland"? I got a huge kick out of that. I live in England for school and I can tell you the worse I've ever seen there is a rainstorm. No, not a thunderstorm or flooding, a rainstorm. Not even any lightning.

Basically, they have no clue. Ignorance is bliss, huh? Must feel really good to care more about your stupid holiday than those who have lost their homes, cars, and lives.

How to find older archived local news?


Hi, I'm trying to find out how I can look up a local (San Diego) news story about an accident that happened 5 years ago (10/21/07). I've looked through local news sites and see stories about car accidents/dui's/things of that nature so I think it's safe to assume they'd have something about the major motorcycle accident I'm trying to look up. Looking through the local news sites I can't find a archive thing. Any help is appreciated, thanks.

You may want to try searching Google News with the name of the accident victim or other identifying details. Some papers also allow access to their archives - online or otherwise - for a nominal fee. Maybe you can check with your local daily.

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Would an auto insurance company have a reason to ignore the fact of having an incorrect VIN Number?

car info through vin number on look at the piston and bore liner on the 4.6L RWD version of the ...
car info through vin number image


I got a dui years ago and have now saved enough to buy my car and get it on the road. The risk of my age and record, I found myself going through an insurance company that looks like it literally has holes in the wall. Their advertisement is that they will accept anyone. And they will for the month to month price they can get. I noticed they copied down the wrong vin number for my vehicle. They stated that it was not important for sr22's. I had some spare time later and went back with the correct one written down for them to copy. In front of me they wrote down the wrong number off the sheet I handed them. "well okay... I'm just going to write down this". "it shouldn't be a problem" Is basically what they said to me during the process. is there any reason they would avoid using correct info? Or is it really just not that important?
(PS The number on my mailed insurance cards is incorrect and I just wrecked the car last week).

The vin # is totaly critical its the cars ID , if it doesnt match an adjuster if he wanted to be a jerk , could argue that the vehicle wrecked and the insured vehicle are 2 seperate cars altogether, and insurance adj. are notorious for being -icks !

I need to find the owner of this vin number 1FTDF15Y3KPA04185?


I sold the my car to that person and they did not transfer it to their name. The Vin number is from his car. I did not leave my plates on the car either.

You need to contact your local licensing agency and file a seller's report of sale. It will protect you from the date it was filed and forward. If something has happened, buyer wrecked the car, didn't transfer title and parking tickets coming in your name, you would be responsible for anything prior to the seller's report of sale being filed. This is an important step in the selling process that many people fail to do, then problems such as your's come up, and you have to pay because you didn't proplerly follow through on the sale. You will not be offered info from the DMV regarding the new owner, the car title is going to show in your name, the VIN is going to be connected to you, so there is info to give you. Did you give a bill of sale? Did you have a copy of the bill of sale? These are things that should have occurred to stop problems from happening.

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How long does Biotin take to work?

car news sg on ... hour jam after Lornie Road accident - Singapore News - XinMSN News
car news sg image


I just started taking Biotin yesterday and I already know it hasn't officially started working yet but how long do I take it before seeing results?? School starts in 2 weeks exactly and I would like to go in with a little bit longer hair. I take the Spring Valley Biotin and I'm supposed to take 5000mg a day but I could only find the 1000mg so take 2 in the morning and 2 at night. I know it doesn't equal but it's close. Because I heard your body won't use the full 5000 at one time so that won't matter. But I would like for someone who is currently or who has taken biotin before to answer. Thank you!

If you're a teen that's healthy, your hair should be growing, your nails should be growing, and the rest of you should be growing. But heat & chemicals are hair's worst enemies, tampering the growth of the hair making them grow slowly or none. The hair that you see? They're dead. Wikipedia. But your hair has static electricity sending current to the roots of your hair. That's tampering!

Biotin alone is not going to do that for your hair, that's like have a car and not use gas. You need all the healthy foods from Mother Nature, not just biotin. Do you know what's in the biotin?
    Biotin - cauliflower, liver, salmon, carrots, bananas, cereals, yeast, and soy flour. Keep in mind that biotin content is reduced when food is cooked or preserved. One YA poster caused her to have major breakouts from supplements. Another poster said: "
i took biotin to grow my hair out, and it ended up falling out too!! it was worse around my bang area, like where you part it, there waas a huge patch of hair missing so i had to move my part for 5 months!" Another example, one taking Biotin & Zinc: "I have taken Biotin ( 300mcg ), Zinc (15mg) and Folic Acid(800mcg) and I realised my breast have gotten really sore, I didn't know what the reason was, but then I realised that I have been taken vitamins."

NEVER take supplements without your doctor's OK. Buy/use supplements at your own risk. "Many times patients will be taking over-the-counter medications or vitamins or homeopathic remedies not realizing that it can interfere with their regular medications or may build up unhealthy levels within in their body," said Dr. Rober Kershner, who's a surgeon with a background in biochemistry
If you've straightened your hair in the past, it may grow slowly or none at all.
Google: "Foods for Healthy Hair"⦠- or 10 Best Foods for Your Hair.â¦
NO MATTER which link you picked, they all suggest the same foods. Your hair may be the fastest-growing tissue in the body but, unlike the skin, it cannot repair itself. That is why getting the right balance of vitamins and proteins is imperative. Don't expect to look like you've stepped out of a hair commercial the day after you've changed your diet. It is likely to take at least three months before you actually see tangible results. Hair is dead, but hair also has electrical energy; the negative charge of damaged hair can lead to flyways and unruly hair.

Growing healthy hair doesn't come from a bottle or pills and hair products do not speed hair growth. Any hair oil, is another form to keep hair moisturized, nothing more. If you're in HS, your hair & nails should be growing normally, and as healthily as possible, since you're eating healthy foods. But when hair isn't growing as fast, it's because they've been tampered with: chemicals, hair straightening, etc. . .

"You find people oiling hair every single day, the hair sweats and it doesnât get washed. What do you think happens? It goes limp and becomes thin because it is not breathing,â Shamillah Mohammed, a hairstylist at SUQA, says.


âOld wivesâ tales and ineffective products that claim to treat or rehabilitate hair often have a placebo effect because people want them to work,â says Davis-Sivasothy, author of âHair Care Rehab,â ( âBut many of these ideas and products actually do the opposite of whatâs intended, and they delay the user from seeking out real solutions.â
Davis-Sivasothy debunks the following common hair-care myths:
â¢Â Myth: Thereâs a magic pill (or oil, serum or balm) to grow our hair faster, stronger or thicker. Unfortunately, no. Hair growth is genetically predetermined and controlled by our hormones. Unless the magic pill affects our genes or hormones, thereâs no hope that it might make our hair grow. (This includes prenatal vitamins. Credit the upsurge in hormone levels during pregnancy for those vibrant tresses!) Basic vitamin supplements can offer slight improvements in hair quality, but only if our body truly lacks the particular vitamin or mineral being taken.

Best answer comes from people with Avatars, showing their healthy shiny, soft, silky, smooth hair.

how is Racial segregation hidden within the broader occupational category of retail work?

Amanda N

where could i find this out?

Schools and society: a sociological approach to education - Google Books Result
Jeanne H. Ballantine, Joan Z. Spade - 2008 - Education - 554 pages

Employers looking for secretaries, retail salespersons, waiters, bus drivers, ... would have jobs unfilled as every student considered such work beneath his or ... in public education that economic and racial housing segregation create in this country. ... The differences among these schools remind us that more is hidden than ...

A Downward Push: The Impact of Wal-Mart Stores on Retail Wages ... Aggregate Human Capital, and Occupational segregation by gender and wage differential ... Factoring in both the impact on wages and jobs, the total amount of retail ... Hidden Cost of Wal-Mart Jobs: Use of Safety Net Programs by Wal-Mart .... for the demographics of the workforce, i.e., gender, age, education and race, ...

Racial Discrimination in the United States - UnderstandingPrejudice ... vividly illustrate that racial discrimination continues to be a widespread and ... Using hidden cameras, the first video reveals discrimination in work, housing, and ... not only in jobs, housing, and retail sales, but in life and death medical care.

Harvey Molotch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Racial Segregation: Rethinking âWhite Flightâ; 2.2 The Santa Barbara Oil Spill and ... Molotch was born Harvey Luskin in Baltimore, Maryland, where his family was in the

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Whats the difference between NASCAR, Formula 1, and INDY racecar driving?

indy 500 car info on indianapolis 500 2013 tony kanaan , indianapolis 500 2013 starting ...
indy 500 car info image


WOW! What an answer that was. So full of useful info. You forgot to mention cost and technology. And true F-1 cars are faster, stop faster and corner quicker they also react faster so you had better stay awake. I love any racing and do not judge one type from another. They all are doing something not many of us can do beyond the realm of the video game. And hey Indy cars cost less than F-1 cars and they do not even have power steering! Now maybe Canan at what 5' something and 145 pounds can muslce his way through turn look at Danica. She weighs 100 pounds wet! Which by the way indy and F-1 cars are weighed without the driver on board and a stock car is wieghed with the driver on board. And for heavens sake all! You have a car that wieghs twice as much, travelling at almost the same speeds around the same road courses as Indy and F-1 cars. You can not say all they do is drive in circles on banked ovals. And correct me if I am wrong but is Indy motor speedway a banked oval? oh and the F-1 cars use only half of that at that.

We all sit here and make comments on the differant types of tracks, cars and drivers but have never sat behind the wheel of any of these at speed and said. That was easy! I have taken a car out on to our local speedway years ago when I was young and dumb and it is not easy. Banked or not! To be able to sit in a car going 200 MPH for 400 - 500 miles is by no means non athletic. Define an athlete and look at what all these folks do. Golf is a sport right? Is Tiger an athlete?

So, these folks are amazing. It takes physical strength, endurance. courage and brains in all types of racing to succeed. Last weekend they said during a typical race in Indy at California a driver will shift 1350 times and withstand g forces of up to 4 g's and they have a shifter the F-1 has a button. Both at speed would stick to the ceiling they have so much down force. But unlike a stock car they have open wheels, which we have all seen what happens when you try to trade paint.

It ain't as easy as it looks by any seat in front of the tv with your controller in hand.

NASCAR - american only closed wheel, full bodied stock car racing on ovals...

California? Watkins Glen? Montreal? Toyota?

F1 - internattional race series on road courses and the pinnacle of technology...

true fighter on wheels.

IRL/Champ car - american based open wheel series that will be lucky to survive the next 5 years if they dont rejoin together....

Wish they would...

spinal lubricant used in the INDY 500 to treat injured drivers.?


The driver was Mario-dancing with the stars--who survived a notable car crash and was immediately treated with this newly devised spinal lubricant. He walked away. This is the latest treatment in spinal/orthopedic treatment. any ideas how I can find the info? Or a link to a website. Thanks in advance.

No idea, try posting on the IRL section, hope you have more luck there.

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