Saturday, January 4, 2014

How did the man really drive the car blindfolded?

car news june 2011 on al-Qaeda Makes Ayman al-Zawahiri New Leader
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This morning (June 08, 2011) Fox 5 news in San Diego, CA, featured a "magician" driving a car blindfolded. The report stated that the man was truly blindfolded as well as hooded as he drove the car around what seemed like a parking lot full of cars. Who can come up with the method this man used to pull off this stunt?

Was he asian? If so, the blindfold probably wouldn't make a difference.

How much will Toyota car prices rise?


I'm planning on purchasing a 2011 Toyota Rav4 this June. Buying earlier is not really an option. News reports say that the prices will increase due to the crisis in Japan. I'm wondering how much more ($ or percent) these prices will rise. I'm looking for responses from qualified people (car salesmen, Toyota company workers, etc.) Thanks!

The popular models like the Prius, Corolla and RAV4 will go up as supply falls in the coming weeks.

Whether they will still be inflated by June will depend on whether the plants are operating at full capacity by that time. Worst case scenario - there may not even be a RAV4 available for you to buy.

Sure the vehicles can be built in other plants, but a number of the parts ultimately come from Japan. If they aren't producing those parts, then the vehicles cannot be completed.

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What, in general, do people in Ukraine think of Americans and our culture?

car news english on Photo shows the Chery car in Syria on July 7, 2007.(Xinhua Photo)
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My son is engaged to a girl from Ukraine and is in the process of obtaining a fiance visa for her. She is a little unsure of herself as far as her English but seems to understand the language well. This being as it is, and the fact that she is very quiet make it hard to get to know her. I wish I knew more about her country, their customs and culture etc. Can anyone give me any insight into what it must be like for her to be planning on a move away from Ukraine to come live here?

My wife still struggles with the cultural issues of a move from Ukraine to the US, and the best advice I can give you is to be patient and never judge what she says. Many Americans incorrectly judge things, without understanding the cultural differences.

For example, many people will tell you that Ukrainians are 'rude and unfriendly'. They are very direct and to the point, and this is often seen by Americans as rude.

I will also guess, since you say she understands English well, that she studied English in University. My wife is a university teacher of English in Ukraine, and when we first met, she was very suprised that I knew the color "orange" and that I knew how to use a knife. The textbooks they learn about America from are dated in the late 40's and early 50's, so the view is quite tainted. They really know little about America except the bad press that their news services give us (and this press is worse in Eastern Ukraine).

They are a very superstitious people - even if they say they are not. Their culture is steeped in folklore and home remedies - and I find that often their ideas are very valid on health. They prefer natural foods, and your daughter-in-law will have a hard time with the bland taste of American vegetables. They also rely on public transportation, so travel by car will be an experience and she will have a hard time getting used to getting around on her own.

I can not begin to tell you about their culture here, but be patient and ask lots of questions. Read as much as you can. Here are a few links:

If you have specific questions, feel free to email me. My wife and I would be happy to help you acclimate to her cultural ideas, or explain anything you experience that you do not understand.

How is that "hopey changey" thing working out for those unemployed under Obama the Marxist?

Q. Where or where are those JOBS that the liberal lunatic Obama speaks of? Must have to be a Czar to get one, oh by the way, where is that Car Czar kid that Obama picked to run the new Obamavich Motors?

I think some of the more intellectually honest liberals and democrats are starting to join the chorus of "What ARE you doing?" Did you catch Helen Thomas at the Press Conference when she went after the administration for their manipulation of the press? Here's another example in Ted of the most rabid Bush Haters. His last article follows:


SEATTLE--I miss Bush.
Stop the presses and shut off the RSS feeds: the bashiest of the Bush-bashers is starting to appreciate the Exile of Crawford.

I haven't forgiven George W. Bush for stealing two elections, starting two wars, bankrupting the treasury and doing his damnedest to turn the U.S. into a fascist state. He deserves one of hell's hottest picnic spots for refusing to lift a finger to bring the 9/11 murderers to justice. Bush was stupid. He was vicious. He should be in prison.

He was the worst president the U.S. had ever had. Until this one.

On major issues and a lot of minor ones, Obama is the same as or worse than Bush. But Bush had an opposition to contend with. Obama has a compliant Democratic Congress. Lulled to somnolent apathy by Obama's charming manners, mastery of English (and yes, the color of his skin), leftist activists and journalists have been reduced to quiet disappointment, mild grumbling and unaccountable patience.

I don't care about window dressing. Sure, it's nice that Obama is intelligent. But policies matter--not charm. And Obama's policies are at least as bad as Bush's.

Guantánamo was but the beginning of Obama's betrayals. First he ordered the camp closed--not immediately but in a year. Now he's expanding the U.S. concentration camp at Bagram--where 600 innocent men and children are being tortured--so he can send the 245 Gitmo prisoners there. In the Bush era, Gitmo POWs received legal representation. Obama has ordered that the POWs sent to Bagram not be allowed to see a lawyer.

You saw the headline: "OBAMA BANS TORTURE." But it was a lie. Obama's CIA director told Congress that there's a "review process that's built into [Obama's] executive order" that allows torture to continue. Leon Panetta said the Obama Administration will keep using at least 19 torture techniques against detainees. In addition, Team Obama will "look at those kinds of enhanced techniques to determine how effective they were or weren't and whether any appropriate revisions need to be made as a result of that."
As editorial boards of liberal newspapers tut-tut and the feds convene committees, the screams of the victims pierce the night.

Bush was the biggest spender in history, running up a $1.8 trillion deficit with wasteful wars and tax cuts. But next to Obama, Bush was a tightwad. Glamour Prez hasn't been around six months, yet the Congressional Budget Office reports that he already has quadrupled the deficit by an extra $8.1 trillion. "The total debt held by the public [will] rise from 57 percent of GDP in 2009 to 82 percent (!) of GDP in 2019," reports U.S. News & World Report.

Obama is sinking us into financial oblivion 72 times faster than Bush.

Where'd the money go? Mostly to insurance companies. Banks. Brokerage firms. Who used it to redecorate their offices and give themselves raises.

Against logic and history Obama claimed his bailout package would create jobs. Instead, unemployment has risen by 1.3 million. Has Obama's plan saved a single homeowner from foreclosure? Reporters can't find any.

I liked Bush better. He wasted our money when the economy wasn't quite as sucky. And he didn't insult us by pretending to care. Come on, Barack, smirk! Truth in advertising!

I know: he's a politician. Politicians break promises. As the presidential scholar Stephen Hess says: "There are some pledges that a candidate reverses when he becomes president because things look different. He knows things that he didn't know then."

(An official familiar with the photos in question tells me they include, among other atrocities, U.S. personnel sodomizing a child.)

Obama has done more damage than Bush. And no one's stopping him. Which makes him worse.

Sorry, Mr. Bush. If I'd known what was coming, I would've been nicer.

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How much do you know about the Illuminati?

channel 7 news car accident on Mr Milburn: Every single local decision-maker will read that change ...
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I just want to know what you know of them? Might be something very useful. Share your thoughts. Everyone is welcome. I already know much about them, I just want to know new things, if anyone knows more about them. Always learning :). So share it so everyone can know. Many people already know, how their symbolism is shown through the music industry, movies and cartoons ect. The us dollar bill and so on. That part is the basics of it I guess, since they already also have an agenda that they follow and have a goal for. They believe in some sort of higher power (Not the devil as I heard it) and call themselves freemasons who wants to control this world ect. If you think this is crazy talk :D, then do not comment and leave now. I don't want hate comments to my question, please. Be nice? How much do YOU know about this, and what more can you say about them. Every answer is accepted. Also the ones I just talked about. Just not much, because now I mentioned them. But other things as well about them instead, if possible. Thank you all :)

Come up with new things about them. The more the better :) Everyone needs to know.

What I know about the Illuminati, may be wrong too. I'm not 100% accurate. So I want to learn from you guys :).

I still believe in, that they exist. But at this moment I'm also doubting on it. Yet I see some accidents like Michael Hastings car crash, that probably was remotely controlled. I just don't know. Some things just seem very convincing to me. I don't easily believe in anything though ;)

Enlighten me lol

There is a lot of misconception and misunderstanding
on this subject. The Illuminati in the modern context means the ruling elite. They are the international bankers and royal families of Europe and elsewhere.
The goals of the Illuminati is the creation of one world government and a new world order. Here is an excellent article exposing who they are , how they operate , their plans , why are they successful. Read here
Yes. The illuminati is real. I have read hundreds of
books , articles and watched hundreds of
documentries and radio shows on this subject and i am absolutely convinced that they are real believe
me. They are the International bankers , royal families of europe. all the elite plans are happening now like end of national sovereignty , end of national identity , end of true culture etc. There is no need to search for any proof.
One should read the books of elite frontmens like H.G Wells , Bertnard Russell , G.B. Shaw , A. Huxley. These people openly wrote about the elites plan in their books and essays. Another good book by their own historian of Council on foreign relation is "Tragedy and Hope" by proffesor Caroll Quigley. Bill Clinton was
recruited by C. Quigley. All things that are part of the
agenda are rampantly promoted like Global
warmming , New age spirituality , electronic currency etc. This is a huge topic. A very good and true researcher on this subject is Alan Watt. Listen to his shows. Here is his website
a know a great deal on this subject but it would take loads of time and space to write here.

Here are a few topic concerning the Illuminati and the NWO you should look at

1) The Ruling Elite (Illuminati)
a) The 13 International banking families.
b) Interconnected bloodlines
c) Royal Families of Europe and elsewhere.
2) Global Warmming : Climate Change , eniviornmentalism Sustainable development etc its promoted by the Elite for various purposes
a) UN AGENDA 21 (very important)
b) Carbon Currency , Carbon trading , Carbon taxes.
3) New Age Spirituality : The New World Religion for the NWO
a) New Ageism everywhere.
b) Systematic end of Organized religion.
4) Transhumanism
a) Merging of man with machines
b) Genetic engineering
c) Huaman animal hybrids.
5) Merging of Capitalism and Communism.
6) Electronic system : Electronic currency , Electronic shoping , RFID Chips.
7) Financial control of the Elite.
a) Banks
b) Corporations
8) Supranational Institutes and International Financial Institutes controlled by the Elite.
a) UN , IMF , World Bank , BIS , WTO , WEF , ADB , BCCI
b) G-groups like G-20 , G-7 , G-77 etc
9) Elite NGO's and think tanks : Bilderberger , Council on Foreign Relation , Aspen Istitutes etc
10) War on Public
a) Massive total surveilance : everything being monitored
b) Police State
c) GMO Foods
d) Water Flouride
e) Chemtrails
f) Vaccines and FLUS
11) Culture creation by The ruling elite through the use movies , Fashion trends , t.v shows , music videos , cartoons , videos games and Internet
to promote following
a) Dehumanization
b) Desensitization to violence
c) Hypersexualization
d) Fascination with the Occult.
e) Gender blending and confusion
f) Predictive programming for future changes.
12) Mainstream media control of the ruling elite : All major news channels , Newspaper , magazines used to brainwash the public
a) Censorship of real news
b) Smokescreen of left vs right
c) War Propaganda and terrorism fearmongering.
d) P.R
e) Distracting public in celebrity scandals and Sports trivia

Again this is huge subject. Very huge. Just a few topics. Read about them.

What's the worst punishment u ever got& Y?


I got punished because swore at a neighbor when I was about 14, I didn't know that she had my mother number at work, anyway she was so nosey and I didn't like her because she would always know everyone business. She was over 60 we called her channel 7 news because she knew everything,my mother came home & ask if I had said a few words at Mrs. Harper, I said no( my mom knew I was lying, so I got in trouble for not only for swearing at an adult but for lying, I was grounded for two months one for lying the other for swearing=-( yrs later I found our that Mrs. Hsrper was really me nice lady she was just lonely her hubby & they're only son had dead in a car accident & she was just wanted to look at for others in the neigborhood.) At least thats what I was lead to believe.. R.I.P. Mrs. H

To the best of my memory, I believe it was when Daddy gave my older brother, me, and my younger sister a whipping for lying to him. They had left us at a picture show and told us to do what our older brother told us to and not to leave the theater until they got there. Well, when the movie was over, my brother told us to walk to where they were supposed to be, which was a good five miles away. Well, we took off with him, got there and they were not there, we turned around and walked

Do you think i should add a extra baterry for my car audio build?

car audio info on - DECEMBER 4: Car Audio Show Installation in Honda - Civic car audio ...
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Hello jedi's of yahoo

Well first off let me tell you in detail, what my car audio equiment is.

Everything is re audio

Subs: 2 2ohm dvc 15' double x subs(not xxx)1500rms each

Amps: 2 usx45.kv.1 monoblock class d 1500 rms @1ohm

And well jus got stock speakers for voice and all that.
I do have the big 3 done and a crappy red top optima baterry.

So far im planing on running a distrubution block for my 2 amps but only using 1 baterry.
I am going to change my optima red for a xs power d3500 deep cycle battery. I also have a 240 h/o alt.

Do you guys think i should add an extra battery or should i stick with one for both amps.

Should i buy a better battery than the xs power i mentioned?

If you guys have any ideas what would be a a good way to run my electrical for this build im more than happy to hear them.

Please dont awnser if you are jus going to critizise any info is highly aprecciated

I'm not into car audio, but I have seen and helped friends install them.
One system was a 25 pound Harmon Kardon amp unit that demanded so much power that the manufacturer specified a second battery and second alternator. I've see friends with extra dry cell batteries in the trunk to adequately power their bass sub-woofers.
If you choose a second system, the challenge is getting a second bracket mounted in front of the engine and routing a belt over to it to drive it. The circuit MUST be independent from the primary car battery for reasons that should be obvious - except they can share a common ground. If you attempt to use two batteries on the same circuit, remember to keep the circuits in parallel (not in series, lest you inadvertently bump the voltage from 12 to 24VDC and fry your audio and auto computer electronics).
Getting a bigger battery is an awesome idea - IF IT WILL FIT. You'll have 12 volts and tons of amps to drive everything. A minor downside is your alternator will be stressed, so anticipate replacing it on a shorter service interval. (I like to replace starters and alternators on a standard schedule as a point of maintenance. Better to replace them when you can in a controlled situation than be stranded and at the mercy of a hungry mechanic 100 miles from home).
An single alternator that outputs 240 amps is about as impressive as I've ever heard of. The battery will be more than that, so you should be good. You devices should be current limiting on their own.

You should discuss this with a good technician (one who graduated from an electronics school) who can do the math, or consult an electrical engineer and go through your components. If you're tricking out your ride with sound, likely you're adding under-carriage neon lightings too.
You have a lot of options and other issues to address as well, but you probably know all that.

It sounds like a fun project -- best wishes, hope it works out for you.

I need to learn everything there is to know about car head units and speakers. Where do i start?


Basically the entire car audio system. I am trying to buy a complete after market audio system and i need to learn to buy the best i can afford. Where can i start "online"?
Any links, websites where i can educate myself. I would be the happiest man right now if i can find all the info in one website.

A point in the right direction would be immensely appreciated.

Thanks in advance guys!


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What are some alternatives to getting a car spray painted?

car wrap info on Vehicle Graphics Boston, Car Graphics Boston, Car Wraps Boston, - Home
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What are some alternatives to getting a car spray painted? I've heard about something called body wrapping? Does anyone have info on this or had it done? OR does anyone know any other alternatives to spray painting? Also, what would the pricing be for a 4 door sedan?

Car wraps or body wraps are usually for advertising, not as a solution for getting a paint job. They would also be more expensive than getting a painy jon and not last as long. They might be a good choice if you like to design a different look every few years, but financially it isn't a smart move.

What are some alternatives to getting a car spray painted?


I've heard about something called body wrapping? Does anyone have info on this or had it done?
OR does anyone know any other alternatives to spray painting? Also, what would the pricing be for a 4 door sedan?
My car is red, and I want to paint it black. But getting spray paint seems a bit pricey.

You can DIY your own auto painting project. As long as you get a decent brand of HVLP spray gun set. It does not have to be the top of the Line 300 dollar gun, a 125 dollar paint gun will do. Nearly all of the HVLP guns are maded in China, now. Dupount Nasson is a good band for automotive work. Most paints don't require to be forced dryed, so a clean garage will do. Just will need to practice with some Rustolem before spraying the good stuff. Also will need to wear Resprator, paint flumes can kill.

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Friday, January 3, 2014

i have a 1996 chrysler lhs drove the car from virginia to michigan the car sounds like it want to start?

car info check free on ... Hicom To Ensure Puspakom Is Corruption Free Check your car at Puspakom
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i have a 1996 chrysler lhs drove the car from virginia to michigan the car sounds like it want to start but will not. i changed the starter and alternator and the fuel pump is good. what else could it be?

Find out if the green/orange wire going to the coil pack has a positive 12 volts when the engine is being turned over.If you unplug the coil pack connector then use a 12 volt test probe, ground it's negative/ground lead wire to the negative on the battery and touch the green/orange connector while the key is in the run position the test light should of came on for a second and then go off.Next try the key in the start position if the test light comes on and then stops lighting up while the engine is turning over that means the ECM has detected either a short or a problem either with the camshaft or crankshaft sensor or the circuit and it's shut off the automatic shut down relay that feeds the coil power.

If no power at all is at that green/orange wire either in run or start that means the automatic shut down relay fuse maybe bad or the relay is no good or you've problems in the wiring.Note their known to have wiring issues in the engine harness especially in the green/orange wire circuit that feeds the injectors and coil etc.

Now if the light stays on while turning the engine over this means you have to check the coil pack for spark and it's a common problem on those vehicles to have a bad coil pack.If you look online at under repair info or ask part source stores for the resistance tests you could perform on the coil pack with a ohms meter.

Hope that helps and best of luck.By the way if you're getting gas to the engine after trying to start it a few times you should be able to smell gas by the fuel rail, injectors and the air filter housing.Note I do have the factory service manual for that vehicle so if you need anymore help or advice feel free to contact me.

Has anyone had experience converting a car to run on grease or electricity?


I am looking into getting a kit to convert a used car to either run on grease or to run on electricity. I'd like to know of the experiences that some others have had going either of these two routes. Thank you.


i converted 1 car to run on ethanol, a truck tor un on biodiesel 2 cars to run on hydrogen and one electric. here's what info i have for you...

Ethanol doesnât go bad like petroleum itâs just Alcohol. Itâs what preserves your wine and gets better as the years go by.
Ethanol is a much cleaner fuel than petrol (gasoline):
It is a renewable fuel made from plants
It is not a fossil-fuel: manufacturing it and burning it does not increase the greenhouse effect
It provides high octane at low cost as an alternative to harmful fuel additives
Ethanol blends can be used in all petrol engines without modifications
Ethanol is biodegradable without harmful effects on the environment
It significantly reduces harmful exhaust emissions
Ethanol's high oxygen content reduces carbon monoxide levels more than any other oxygenate: by 25-30%, according to the US EPA
Ethanol blends dramatically reduce emissions of hydrocarbons, a major contributor to the depletion of the ozone layer
High-level ethanol blends reduce nitrogen oxide emissions by up to 20%
Ethanol can reduce net carbon dioxide emissions by up to 100% on a full life-cycle basis
High-level ethanol blends can reduce emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) by 30% or more (VOCs are major sources of ground-level ozone formation)
As an octane enhancer, ethanol can cut emissions of cancer-causing benzene and butadiene by more than 50%
Sulphur dioxide and Particulate Matter (PM) emissions are significantly decreased with ethanol.
Lastly and my favorite.. It can be made at home.
It will cost about $1.10 to $1.20/gal to make the alcohol from various feed-stocks like corn, barley, potatoes, or Jerusalem artichokes. You will also have by-products which you can sell or use as animal feed, reducing the total cost down to about $.95/gal.

I currently run Bio Fuel (straight vegetable) in a 1999 Dodge 3500 truck. But all Cummins engines were modified from the factory to run on BioD since around 1992 without any modification.

Biofuel is recognized by both the US Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy as an alternative fuel, and qualifies for mandated programs under the Clean Air Act Amendments and the Environmental Protection Act of 1992 (EPAct).

USDA Clears Air with Biofuel: Buses and other diesel-burning vehicles run cleaner if they mix biofuel with regular diesel fuel, said the US Department of Agriculture at a biofuel fuel seminar at a USDA research center.

Conversely most major automotive manufacturers (Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors, etc) recommend the use of bio fuels, and nearly every car manufacturer in the world approves ethanol blends in their warranty coverage.

In fact your probably even driving an ethanol car and didn't even know it.

The trick is finding fuel.

I've been producing biofuel for about 3 years now, it's not extremely difficult. Basically you need general household ingredients, a processor (or still for ethanol) and some used oil. Blend it, let separate, screen and use. I complied a guide a while back to help walk you threw the process step by step, just email me or check out..

Hydrogen is a great option for the concept of free energy. I built my first hydrogen cell about 5 years ago and now currently run 2 trucks, my home hot water heater, home stove and home generator on hydrogen for free with caught rain water and the help of a $10 solar panel. I offer a step by step DIY guide to walk anyone interested threw the process. You can find it at or you can email me.

There are basically 3 safe ways to make and use it... chemically, electrically and molecularly, the first 2 being easier so I'll only discuss them here. The fallowing steps were taking directly out of a DIY guide I offer to those who would like to run their vehicles or home on hydrogen safely. The entire guide is available at

On demand h2 generators are a bit different from the Hollywood versions like seen Chain Reaction with Keanu Reeves, that tend to explode violently every time a film is being made. However when used in an on-demand system there is no storage of hydrogen and oxygen in its gas form, only liquid (water) and is only transformed into gas âon-demandâ in small cylinder size amounts. Itâs actually safer then gasoline as it doesnât evaporate, creating explosive fumes in the tank like gas.


1. Youâll need a 6inch x 1ft schedule 40 pvc pipe. With pvc cement glue a cap on the bottom and use a screw on cap for the top. Drill a small hole (1/4inch or so) in the side close to the top, screwing in a small copper shut off valve. Place a few feet of stranded (food grade is good) flex hose to the valve and into the air intake of your engine (carburetor or fuel injections).
2. Now crunch up a couple aluminum cans (beer cans, soda cans etc) and drop them into the pvc pipe, along with a couple cups of lye (Red Devil drain opener has lye in it, some Clorox and Dranoâs do to).
3. Then simply add water, screw on the top and wait a few minutes.

What happens in simplicity is that aluminum and lye donât really get along so they battle, and as always the innocent civilians (water H2O) that the most casualties, by giving up its hydrogen and oxygen. This then builds up in the void of the pipe and is ready to be vented into your engine, by opening the valve. You may need to start your engine on gas then switch it off after the hydrogen starts burning.

Electrical is a bit easier then Chemically.

1. Simply take a small solar panel 1.5 amps is what I use ($9 at, connect the 2 wires from the panel +- to 2 conductors (carbon cores of batteries work well, just be careful removing it from the jacket), but any conductive material will work ie. Copper, aluminum, steel, etc.
2. Drop the wires into a water tank (I use 55gal drums), make sure they donât touch each other.
3. Drill a small hole (1/4inch or so) in the side close to the top, screwing in a small copper shut off valve. Place a few feet of stranded (food grade is good) flex hose to the valve and into the air intake of your engine (carburetor or fuel injections).
4. Then simply add water, screw on the top cap and wait.
After a few hours tiny bubbles will form and rise off one conductor (thatâs hydrogen) and even smaller bubbles that just looks like foam will rise off the other (oxygen). I donât remember which likes the positive and which likes the neg hydrogen or the oxygen.

The third method is more complicated and is what I use for my vehicles. Itâs just a modified Joeâs Cell, thereâs a step by step DIY guide available to walk you threw the process here It also covers the other 2 methods described in more detail.

The one EV car I currently have (have 2 vehicles that run on hydrogen also) I converted from a vw bug and is free to charge. As I live completely off the grid all my electricity comes from solar panels and 2 wind generators, which I a;sp built.

However I did charge up at Costco in Carlsbad California (I actually only drove up there to fill up) if I remember right it was around $2.00

Hereâs a list of other places you can charge up, donât know if there are any prices though.

Not sure if youâre interesting in doing it your self, but Iâd be willing to walk you step by step threw the conversion. I've converted 3 of my own cars (a datsun truck, ford ban, and a vw bug) and a few for neighbors. I've also converted cars to run on hydrogen, ethanol and biodiesel, by far EV is the easiest.
If youâre interested hereâs what it would entitleâ¦

- The engine compartment is first cleaned out of any gasoline components.
- Electric components are then installed in exchange.
- A battery bank is built and incorporated.
- Existing starter and driving systems are connected.
- Turn the key, step on the gas pedal sending more energy to the electric motor, & thus more power to the drive system, which in return creates more speed, more acceleration.
- The system has normal automotive top speeds and acceleration, typical to the vehicle your modifying. If your top speed was 85 mph and your acceleration was 1 mile per min, then this will be what your left with after the conversion.

The methods are extremely simple, making the process possible for anyone, everyone, ANYWHERE.

Typical tools, hardware & supplies are used, making access to parts available for all.

Electric Conversions can be easily accomplished in ANY model vehicle, even tractors, Generators, types of machinery, etc.

Project lengths range from 1 day to 1 month.
If youâre interested I wrote a guide on it which is available at

Hope this helped, feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions if youâd like assistance in making your first self sufficient steps, Iâm willing to walk you step by step threw the process. Iâve written several how-to DIY guides available at on the subject. I also offer online and on-site workshops, seminars and internships to help others help the environment.

Dan Martin
Retired Boeing Engineer now living 100% Off-the-Grid with my family, using Alternative Energy & loving every minute.
for more info visit agua-luna com or email me at
Stop Global Warming, Receive a FREE Solar Panels Now!!!

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What should I look for when buying a car?

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Dream g


I am looking for my first car and I was wondering what exactly should i look for in a car? All I know is to look at the miles and whether it has a clean or salvage title? Can you tell me anything you think is useful to know when looking for a car (like for example, what type of engines are better ETC)?
Thanks in advance!

well first you need to decide what you are looking for.
I will set some perimeters here for you.
Then only look at cars that fit inside your perimeters.
Price .. how much are you going to spend ? 2500 to 4000 will buy you a good used car if you shop smart.. 2500 to 4000 can buy you a junk car if you shop poorly.
1.. gas cost a lot more than $3 a gallon. so only look at cars that get 25 mpg ( miles per gallon) in the city driving and 35 mpg highway driving.
2..dont buy a car that is too old. i say no older than 10 years old.
3... dont buy salvage title cars,, you do not have enough experience to judge the car.
4.. dont buy a car with more than 130,000 miles on it. 100,000 or less would be better most cars a good for about 170,000 miles . so dont buy a car with high miles.
5... dont buy a car that needs repairs. only buy a car that has EVERYTHING working.
if someone says , oh that is easy fix only 50 dollars... they are prob lying.
6..NEVER buy a car with any oil leaks or has oil on the engine .
7.. a lot of people make the BIG mistake of not doing a GOOD test drive before buying.. then 2 days later they get on the freeway going 60 mph and find out the front end or the wheels and tires are shaking .or the Eng over heats.
before you actually buy the the car do a real test drive. that is a few miles around town with several turns. hit the brakes hard to test them..
then get a high way were you cab drive at 60 mpg for at least 5 miles . that is a test drive.
5...have someone that is technically qualified to check out the car ,, not just some guy friend that doesn't know a ball joint from a wheel bearing.

7 ..when you find a car in an ad that you are interested in google ) to see what they say in their review of it. they will give mpg , and pros and cons of the car. also, it will tell you how much you should pay for it. very good source ..use it.

8 the more you shop the more you will learn.. if you get in hurry to buy a car. You will almost be sure to buy the wrong car. millions of people regret buying the car they did because they rushed it.

9 ..start practicing shopping right now ... go look at some car ads for sale ... go look at craigslist.
then when you see something interesting ... go and put the info of the car in their form. and see what they say about it.

example , if you see a 2003 honda civic for sale .. google ( 2003 honda civic that will take you directly to the site. you see appraise your car... that is where you can put in the mile on the car etc to get a better estimate of the price.
you need to look a several cars before you buy.. take your time so you dont make a big mistake.

10.. dont buy any cars like Audi , Saab , BMW , ect . Buy a domestic car chevy , ford ,or a toyota , honda tec.

11... like print out this page that i wrote for you so you dont forget . i didnt write all this for nothing.

now go to craigslist abd pick out some cars and go to to check them out. just this practice will be the beginning of your learning to shop for a car and you will start learning a lot.

good luck and shop, shop before you buy.

What kind of car do you recommend based on these standards?


My mom has to get a new car, but it is a little unexpected.
She won't drive a chevy, dodge, or ford.
She doesn't want a truck.
She would like the vehicle to be about $20,000 or less, but it is okay to go a little over.
The year doesn't matter.
New or used doesn't matter.
She wants it to get about 30 mph highway.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance! (:

A LITLE more info would help, such as big, small, four door or two.
20K can buy a lot of things. If she wants to go for something larger, I would check out Kia Optima, or Hyundai Sonata. Consumer reports rates both very highly. They share engines and I believe transmissions, both get class-leading mileage; I prefer the Optima because I think it looks like a Jag.
You can't go wrong with a Camry or an Accord, but they are a tad boring, and may be closer to 25K now.
If she wants a 4 door that's a little smaller, but still somewhat sporty, the Suzuki Kizashi is getting very good reviews and is supposed to be a lot of fun to drive. The 2 door vernon is the Koupe, also a decent car.
If she wants to go small with 4 doors, Hyndai Elentra, Civic, Corolla, Mazda 3 and Subaru Impreza are all reliable, and get decent mileage. If she lie the Impreza (which has all wheel drive, great for snow), or the Mazda 3, then make sure it's a 2012, as they just changed the engines and transmissions, greatly increasing the mileage.
IF she wants sporty, go used; an Accord coupe with a 6 cylinder is a nice option, 2006-2007 models get about 29 all the time, 33 on the highway. The newer ones have larger engines, and don't' get as good mileage. Unless you get a 4 cylinder, not as much fun, though.
I hope that helps.

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Is it possible to transfer something saved to a cell phone onto the sim car?

car info games on Car Racing Games - Free Online Racing Games | Car Racing Games
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Q. The hope is to then put that sim card into a new phone and have all the info transferred as well.

sure you can. go to your local phone plan people and tell them what you want to do. you can transfer pics, numbers games and text messages. anything you want to do. but you might have to go with a particular new phone to switch it. also ask if they can put it on a disk for you. just like a digital camera.

what happens after you buy car insurance online?


Just curious as I'm planning on buying a years insurance for the first time in my life (I'm 17) from the post office website. Either that or could I pay at my local post office branch?

I'm so close to getting my own car and then insuring it seems so simple that every time I think of it I start to physically shake!!!


It is not always a good idea to buy car insurance online, if you have found a rate competitive with local rates good. Normally I call local agents out of the yellow pages, and find out the minimum limits for my state, and then call a dozen or so agents and get quotes, making notes of prices and phone numbers, then going back later to figure out which one works best. Generally, if this is your first policy, your rates will be much higher as you are an assigned risk. I suggest in the beginning, try to find a six month policy.
When you get a renewal notice, this is like gold, you can call any other insurance company and get a quote. Also your rate should go down at six months, instead of a year.
Online websites sometime are con games, they get all your information, email address, home address, phone number, then quote some excessively high price which gets turned down. Now they have all your info, and can make a mailing list from all who provide information, and sell the lists to anyone who wants to buy a new mailing list.

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What is the setup with vehicle registration and insurance???

car registration info uk on Details about Personalised Car Registration ' V66 HAN'
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The Truth

I'm coming to Oz to live soon and I need to know what I have to do to be fully legal with regards to owning a car.
Also what is the score with going from state to state (plates)

Tentofield as usual has the good answer. I will just add that Australian registration plates are issued for the life of the vehicle and are not changed every year. You only get new plates after losing one or both, de-registering the vehicle for a while or moving to another state or territory. When you pay registration fees and 3rd party personal insurance, you are issued with a sticker for the inside of the windscreen with the month and year of expiry on it. You can pay registration for a full year or just a few weeks. If you have to move a de-registered car from one place to another. even interstate. you can get a week's coverage to do it.

I would suggest you get 3rd party property insurance as well just in case you have an incident with a Rolls-Royce (or any other car). This is relatively inexpensive. Comprehensive insurance covers your vehicle as well. Shop around for the best prices, the state based motoring clubs, e.g. NRMA, RACQ, RACV etc offer a combination of good service and reasonable but not the cheapest rates. They will also insure your personal stuff and house in a different policy. Some of the really cheap insurers are reluctant to pay up, I hear.

Driver's licences are subject to an eye test, knowledge of the road rules and a driving test. An international driving licence is not good enough, but should be with a licence from your home country. US, UK, Canadian, South African, New Zealand licences and most western European licences (translated into English) are OK.

If you search "Driving in Australia" you will get a lot of useful info. The first three sites from Yahoo are listed below.

Accident advice please - car reversed into my car and drove away?


A person reversed into our car in a supermarket car park
yesterday. We saw it happen, but he just drove off. We
didnât have time to get details or the registration
number and bumper is dented on our car. What can we
do? Iâm so angry.

If you're in the UK, there's no point in calling the police, the accident wasn't on the public highway. It's possible the supermarket has CCTV coverage of that area, ask if you can view it - just maybe you can make out the number from that. Then pass that info on to your insurers and leave it to them to pursue him. Failing that, it's either a case of getting our insurance to deal with the damage and paying the excess yourself or just plain paying for it anyway.

I hate it when that happens and always try to park where I'm surrounded by cars that are clearly well cared for

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What is the difference between these cars?

car news nissan on 2012 Nissan Maxima Preview and Price - New Cars Collections
car news nissan image


What is the difference between 2011 Nissan GTR, 2012 Nissan GTR, and 2013 Nissan GTR. What are differences in features in each of the vehicles that one has and the other one does not, and performance differences.

The new GT-R 2013 features new inside and out

For other reviews just add year and specs in search as there is a lot of info out there but i hope links will help with many changes.

Can someone give me some good news about the whole global warming crisis?


What's some latest breakthroughs or technologies that are helping us combat global warming. Whatever happened with the whole hybrid car thing. When the hell are they going to catch on?

Although many (but not as many as you might think) call me green and liberal, I actually quite like bike, cars and the technology that goes into them. I have also followed the developments in these for many years like the failed Vectrix motorbike and the Toyota Prius, While I don't agree with a lot of Jeremy Clarkson's (from Top Gear) ideas on many things, I do agree with him on the Prius it just doesn't work as an idea, it's to expensive, is not that green and has fuel economy (for all that cost) that is not as good a similarly sized European diesel car. But this is still new technology as an exercise in getting people used to the idea of electric (albeit partially electric) vehicles the Prius did have an effect. But now we are starting to see more serious vehicles like the Volt, were the Prius could cover only about 1km in fully electric mode, the Volt can cover more like 40 miles, kick in the small engine used to recharge the battery and it can cover more ground for less fuel than any diesel. Still expensive but not as much pound for pound as the Prius.
Both Mitsubishi & Nissan have now launched fully electric small cars, charged from the grid, such vehicles emit (even if the power is coal based) ~25% of the emissions of running a car directly on petrol to cover the same driving distance, a 75% reduction in Co2 emissions, If the power source is something greener like hydro or wind than the emissions are far far less.
A move away from coal to wind and solar is going to have other flow on effects, improved air quality, better quality of life for those with asthma or respiratory problems.

Deniers rather boring and repetitive claim is that "alarmists" want us to live the way we did in the old west or even cavemen days, when in fact it's is improved technology that will aid us in fighting the problem of AGW. Car for instance made of carbon fiber, make the car lighter, 50-60% lighter and even with a petrol engine the fuel saving are great, as a lighter car needs a smaller engine to travel at the same speed, a lighter car needs less breaking to stop, lighter suspension, a smaller fuel tank all are benefits of reducing the mass and a car with a smaller engine and fuel tank could have the interior space of a large car thanks to these size reductions, a car made of much lighter (but stronger) materials like carbon would also make a better electric car, as under it's skin the Prius is the same steel construction of the decades of cars that have gone before it, the Rocky Mountain Institute have already built such a car, the technology is not new and it works, but car companies are quite conservative and don't want to change and it take to economy of scale that major manufacturers get through building by the 100's of thousands to bring prices down. If you look at the cost of the motor car before ford introduced the production line. When cars where still hand built, such cars cost several times the average salary of the time, scale that to today and a Toyota Corolla would cost several hundred thousand dollars.

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need help with translating this to spanish?

car accident channel 5 news on car crash (Getty)
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my spanish teacher says we cant use translators so can u help plez.

this is channel 5, breaking news. a hurricane has hit in Guatemala this afternoon at around 3:05. the streets are flooded up to 14 inches. in areas further from the coast it has caused car accidents and the animals are going crazy. lets's now go with Danielle Moreno and Maria Sandoval.

we are here now. the flooding is so bad that it has covered some of the roof tops. cars are floating by, along with branches and tree linbs. animals are crying for their owners. the electrical wires have fallen off their supports and are endangering the people around them.

the paramedics have been trying to rech the injured people. they are using boats and any other vehicles they can. however, some streets are blocked by branches and are keeping them from getting to people. but many have already been saved. and now back to you guys in the news room.
vanessa first person to answer um if u check this again i have another thing to be translated if you can do it plez;_ylt=AuM.UV7ExIgwjsFpCl2CWgPsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100325191541AAU7HBv

Este es el canal 5, últimas noticias. Un huracán golpeó a Guatemala esta tarde a las 3:05 aproximadamente. Las calles están inundadas por 14 pulgadas de agua. En áreas alejadas de la costa ha causado accidentes de carros y los animales se están volviendo locos. Ahora vamos con Danielle Moreno y María Sandoval.

Ya estamos aquí. La inundación es tan grave que ha cubierto algunos de los techos de las casas. Los carros están flotando por doquier, los animales están llorando por sus dueños. Los cables eléctricos se han caído y sus soportes están poniendo en peligro a la gente al rededor de ellos.

Los para médicos han estado tratando de rescatar a los heridos. Están usando botes y cualquier otro vehículo que puedan. sin embargo, algunas calles están bloqueadas por las ramas y les impiden ir por la gente lastimada pero muchos ya han sido salvados. Ahora volvemos con ustedes en el salón de las noticias.

aunt about to die from car wreck?! help!!!!?


My dad's wanting to see if we find any information about a car wreck my Cousin, and his mom were in,thursday april 3.

they were driving more to the southside, and they were in a little red car. it maybe was around 3-5. my aunt's now in the hospital,and we need information.

what news channels and stuff should i check?
SORRRY, i forgot to put the statee.
were in oklahoma city.

it depends what state you live in. go on a local news stations website and type in car accident in their search pane. then look for the date that it happened. but the main thing is it depends on what state you live in and even if you do log on to their website, they still might not have anything on their website because unfortunately not all car accidents get posted on their websites or even the news tv program. i hope this helps and i hope that your aunt's health improves. much luck and my prayers are with you and your family.

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Thursday, January 2, 2014

I have a lien on my car by a mechanic who is trying to rip me off what can I do?

car newsletter on Ultima modifica : Il 27 Novembre
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Neil P

A mechanic repaired my car with no estimate nor permission prior to repairs. Then he asked for twice the money that the insurance estimated as damage, and is willing to pay. Now he put a lien on my car. What can I do?

go with the lawyer. the bbb actually has more heart for the business.

i used to get their newsletter. there was an entire page dedicated to ridiculing customer complaints.

How can I bring customers into a car dealership?


I am a new salesman at a car dealership in a small town. We have maybe 240 new cars on the lot, and about 15 used. We are a part of a chain of 4 more successful lots. I am looking for ideas to bring in customers to the store, not nessecarily to automatically sell a car, I just want to build my client base. what can I do to achieve this goal?

Ignoring the reputation & sales philosophy of the dealership:

1. Network; inform all your friends & people you meet.
2. Offer a "bird dog" to your customers & friends for referrals who do buy (dealerships typically will split the cost).
3. Keep in contact with your customers via a periodic phone call, post card, newsletter, email, etc. Repeat business if the "gravy" for your income. (On one occasion, sold 5 cars; 4 were repeats & 5th was a referral). Others in the family will be needing cars & your buyer will need another one in the future.
4. Ask if the dealership will split the cost on periodic newspaper ads or radio spots (expense if pretty cheap in small towns). Coordinate with your manager on promo's - like a live radio broadcast announcing you have the new "Wizbang" on the showroom. Does the dealership sponsor local sports broadcasts, events, etc?
5. Evaluate your sales approach. What fits your personality? Do you listen, address customer needs or just push a vehicle with the biggest commission?
6. Discuss if the lot should have more used inventory. 15 used sounds awfully low compared to 240 new.
7. Know your product & inventory. Ever show a customer that they sometimes can buy new for the same payment as used?
8. Be prepared to intervene for the customer when they have difficulty in Finance or Service. Have a good working relationship with those departments & educate them if they don't know the customer is who pays the bills. Of course, if the customer is totally unreasonable (i.e. you can't fix bad credit or if the client never maintained the car...).
9. Don't always believe others that claim they sell 100 cars a month & make $2000 per sale.

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Has anyone had experience converting a car to run on grease or electricity?

hydrogen car info on An Eco Car. Oxygen and Hydrogen Only | New hybrid electric cars ...
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I am looking into getting a kit to convert a used car to either run on grease or to run on electricity. I'd like to know of the experiences that some others have had going either of these two routes. Thank you.


i converted 1 car to run on ethanol, a truck tor un on biodiesel 2 cars to run on hydrogen and one electric. here's what info i have for you...

Ethanol doesnât go bad like petroleum itâs just Alcohol. Itâs what preserves your wine and gets better as the years go by.
Ethanol is a much cleaner fuel than petrol (gasoline):
It is a renewable fuel made from plants
It is not a fossil-fuel: manufacturing it and burning it does not increase the greenhouse effect
It provides high octane at low cost as an alternative to harmful fuel additives
Ethanol blends can be used in all petrol engines without modifications
Ethanol is biodegradable without harmful effects on the environment
It significantly reduces harmful exhaust emissions
Ethanol's high oxygen content reduces carbon monoxide levels more than any other oxygenate: by 25-30%, according to the US EPA
Ethanol blends dramatically reduce emissions of hydrocarbons, a major contributor to the depletion of the ozone layer
High-level ethanol blends reduce nitrogen oxide emissions by up to 20%
Ethanol can reduce net carbon dioxide emissions by up to 100% on a full life-cycle basis
High-level ethanol blends can reduce emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) by 30% or more (VOCs are major sources of ground-level ozone formation)
As an octane enhancer, ethanol can cut emissions of cancer-causing benzene and butadiene by more than 50%
Sulphur dioxide and Particulate Matter (PM) emissions are significantly decreased with ethanol.
Lastly and my favorite.. It can be made at home.
It will cost about $1.10 to $1.20/gal to make the alcohol from various feed-stocks like corn, barley, potatoes, or Jerusalem artichokes. You will also have by-products which you can sell or use as animal feed, reducing the total cost down to about $.95/gal.

I currently run Bio Fuel (straight vegetable) in a 1999 Dodge 3500 truck. But all Cummins engines were modified from the factory to run on BioD since around 1992 without any modification.

Biofuel is recognized by both the US Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy as an alternative fuel, and qualifies for mandated programs under the Clean Air Act Amendments and the Environmental Protection Act of 1992 (EPAct).

USDA Clears Air with Biofuel: Buses and other diesel-burning vehicles run cleaner if they mix biofuel with regular diesel fuel, said the US Department of Agriculture at a biofuel fuel seminar at a USDA research center.

Conversely most major automotive manufacturers (Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors, etc) recommend the use of bio fuels, and nearly every car manufacturer in the world approves ethanol blends in their warranty coverage.

In fact your probably even driving an ethanol car and didn't even know it.

The trick is finding fuel.

I've been producing biofuel for about 3 years now, it's not extremely difficult. Basically you need general household ingredients, a processor (or still for ethanol) and some used oil. Blend it, let separate, screen and use. I complied a guide a while back to help walk you threw the process step by step, just email me or check out..

Hydrogen is a great option for the concept of free energy. I built my first hydrogen cell about 5 years ago and now currently run 2 trucks, my home hot water heater, home stove and home generator on hydrogen for free with caught rain water and the help of a $10 solar panel. I offer a step by step DIY guide to walk anyone interested threw the process. You can find it at or you can email me.

There are basically 3 safe ways to make and use it... chemically, electrically and molecularly, the first 2 being easier so I'll only discuss them here. The fallowing steps were taking directly out of a DIY guide I offer to those who would like to run their vehicles or home on hydrogen safely. The entire guide is available at

On demand h2 generators are a bit different from the Hollywood versions like seen Chain Reaction with Keanu Reeves, that tend to explode violently every time a film is being made. However when used in an on-demand system there is no storage of hydrogen and oxygen in its gas form, only liquid (water) and is only transformed into gas âon-demandâ in small cylinder size amounts. Itâs actually safer then gasoline as it doesnât evaporate, creating explosive fumes in the tank like gas.


1. Youâll need a 6inch x 1ft schedule 40 pvc pipe. With pvc cement glue a cap on the bottom and use a screw on cap for the top. Drill a small hole (1/4inch or so) in the side close to the top, screwing in a small copper shut off valve. Place a few feet of stranded (food grade is good) flex hose to the valve and into the air intake of your engine (carburetor or fuel injections).
2. Now crunch up a couple aluminum cans (beer cans, soda cans etc) and drop them into the pvc pipe, along with a couple cups of lye (Red Devil drain opener has lye in it, some Clorox and Dranoâs do to).
3. Then simply add water, screw on the top and wait a few minutes.

What happens in simplicity is that aluminum and lye donât really get along so they battle, and as always the innocent civilians (water H2O) that the most casualties, by giving up its hydrogen and oxygen. This then builds up in the void of the pipe and is ready to be vented into your engine, by opening the valve. You may need to start your engine on gas then switch it off after the hydrogen starts burning.

Electrical is a bit easier then Chemically.

1. Simply take a small solar panel 1.5 amps is what I use ($9 at, connect the 2 wires from the panel +- to 2 conductors (carbon cores of batteries work well, just be careful removing it from the jacket), but any conductive material will work ie. Copper, aluminum, steel, etc.
2. Drop the wires into a water tank (I use 55gal drums), make sure they donât touch each other.
3. Drill a small hole (1/4inch or so) in the side close to the top, screwing in a small copper shut off valve. Place a few feet of stranded (food grade is good) flex hose to the valve and into the air intake of your engine (carburetor or fuel injections).
4. Then simply add water, screw on the top cap and wait.
After a few hours tiny bubbles will form and rise off one conductor (thatâs hydrogen) and even smaller bubbles that just looks like foam will rise off the other (oxygen). I donât remember which likes the positive and which likes the neg hydrogen or the oxygen.

The third method is more complicated and is what I use for my vehicles. Itâs just a modified Joeâs Cell, thereâs a step by step DIY guide available to walk you threw the process here It also covers the other 2 methods described in more detail.

The one EV car I currently have (have 2 vehicles that run on hydrogen also) I converted from a vw bug and is free to charge. As I live completely off the grid all my electricity comes from solar panels and 2 wind generators, which I a;sp built.

However I did charge up at Costco in Carlsbad California (I actually only drove up there to fill up) if I remember right it was around $2.00

Hereâs a list of other places you can charge up, donât know if there are any prices though.

Not sure if youâre interesting in doing it your self, but Iâd be willing to walk you step by step threw the conversion. I've converted 3 of my own cars (a datsun truck, ford ban, and a vw bug) and a few for neighbors. I've also converted cars to run on hydrogen, ethanol and biodiesel, by far EV is the easiest.
If youâre interested hereâs what it would entitleâ¦

- The engine compartment is first cleaned out of any gasoline components.
- Electric components are then installed in exchange.
- A battery bank is built and incorporated.
- Existing starter and driving systems are connected.
- Turn the key, step on the gas pedal sending more energy to the electric motor, & thus more power to the drive system, which in return creates more speed, more acceleration.
- The system has normal automotive top speeds and acceleration, typical to the vehicle your modifying. If your top speed was 85 mph and your acceleration was 1 mile per min, then this will be what your left with after the conversion.

The methods are extremely simple, making the process possible for anyone, everyone, ANYWHERE.

Typical tools, hardware & supplies are used, making access to parts available for all.

Electric Conversions can be easily accomplished in ANY model vehicle, even tractors, Generators, types of machinery, etc.

Project lengths range from 1 day to 1 month.
If youâre interested I wrote a guide on it which is available at

Hope this helped, feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions if youâd like assistance in making your first self sufficient steps, Iâm willing to walk you step by step threw the process. Iâve written several how-to DIY guides available at on the subject. I also offer online and on-site workshops, seminars and internships to help others help the environment.

Dan Martin
Retired Boeing Engineer now living 100% Off-the-Grid with my family, using Alternative Energy & loving every minute.
for more info visit agua-luna com or email me at
Stop Global Warming, Receive a FREE Solar Panels Now!!!

How exactly does a hybrid car work, and do they give good performance?

Q. I want to know because i will be buying my first car in a few months and i need as much info as possible to ensure i get a good one. im not 100% sure i want a hybrid, but i would like to look into them. thx yall!

The tax break is already gone on the Prius model, it was in effect until the 40,000 was sold.

There are several types of hybrids. some only power the vehicle under idle by battery some charge the batteries while driving with gasoline, some create electricity under breaking. The least expensive full hybrid system take 8 years of gas saving to pay for the inflated original price.

The battery service is so very expensive at this point and the vehicles electrocute unwary mechanics. So no fiddling under the hood!!!

Disposal of the used battery pack will cause more environmental impact than the hydrocarbon emissions would have.

The time is not now and these aren't they hybrids that we will be driving.

Hydrogen cell technology is on the horizon and shows better promise.

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How natural hazards are managed to reassure Americans that Australia is a safe and enjoyable place to visit?

car news articles 2013 on 2013 Bentley Continental GT V8 First Test Drive
car news articles 2013 image


I have to wright a newspaper article for the New York TImes about the Australian Enviroment.

American readers are not very familiar with Australia or its geography but have heard about flooding in Queensland and New South Wales and the Bushfires in Victoria and New South Wales in 2012 and 2013 on the news. They are concerned that it would be a dangerous place to visit on holiday.

So my question is how natural hazards are managed to reassure the American community that Australia is a safe and enjoyable place to visit.

hi there Noah...
well when you WRITE your article might be best to actually tell the truth

no point reassuring them because Australia is NOT a safe place to visit
we have the most number of the most deadliest bugs critters creepy crawlies both on land and in the sea
not only that we also have eucalypt trees which we call "widow makers" they are all over the country and at any moment a huge limb or branch or even a whole tree can fall on you, your car, your caravan, your house

getting the idea...!!!

there is no sugar coating it just to pacify nervous Americans
and down here we do NOT manage natural hazards... how can you manage mother nature
we do have wonderful brave men and women who risk their life to go in AFTER a storm or bush fire or disaster

now your editor might not be happy with the truth but hey ....
you could tell them that the aussies are a tough lot we have to be to survive life here
you could also tell them that we consider ourselves very lucky to live in this dangerous land because at least we know our children will not be shot by some crazed loonie while they sit in the school room

getting the idea...!!!

Should I buy a 2013 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport for about 19 Grand?


I want to know whats good and bad about the car.
Thank You!
Its FWD.

Outlanders, sport or full sized, are arguably Mitsubishi's strongest offering besides the Lancer. I'd own one if I didn't already have 4 or so Mitsus. I'd go all the way for the SE AWC if you ever encounter winter weather. Its arguably the most advanced all wheel drive system on the market, behind its big brother S-AWC and Nissan's ATTESA system. You wont be disappointed. Mitsubishi isn't going anywhere....besides, rumor has it Suzuki is on there way back in a couple of years.

Per Nov 21, 2012

Mitsubishi Lancer named, and I quote, "Most reliable car of the last 15 years."

Per Oct 28, 2009
Shocker. #6 right behind acura and way ahead of any american competition.

Per Jul 25, 2012 in UK ratings

Tied for 6th ahead of all american companies and 1% behind subaru. The Euro line-up only differs from the american in that they offer certain models in a diesel format AND most importantly, they sell the Evo FQ400, the most powerful Evolution variant able to be obtained. One could argue these options can easily add to maintenance and reliability concerns. Seems they did pretty well there huh?

Not sure where you got transmission issues from. I worked in a junkyard when I was younger. If I remember correctly, over the course of the year I was there, 3 Mitsubishis were dropped off. What we did keep getting plenty of in were chevys, fords, and gmcs all with bad trannys.

Don't hate what you don't know kiddies. It's fun to pass on misinformation, but sometimes it just gets old and makes you look ignorant.
I should know, I work on them every day.

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Come on people - When are we going to start discussing the debt ceiling crisis?

news car over cliff on Rastaman pushes police car over cliff / Japp - YouTube
news car over cliff image

Obama's Gr

Are both sides waiting for their talking points or what?

Just think in about a month that's the only thing you'll be talking about - just like the fiscal cliff.

But for now - silence.........
I'm not really looking forward to hearing about it either.

It will just be a repeat of the fiscal cliff bs.

What "crisis"?

There IS no "crisis", it is an invention of Fox News and the Tea Pot people...

Our National Debt is approaching 100% of GDP, so under-educated talking heads at Fox want you to believe that is a "crisis"....

Yet almost ALL American home-owners began their homeownership with 30-year mortgages that were 300% of THEIR annual income (GDP is really just the "annual income" of the nation)....why aren't THEY all in "crisis"?

Should we outlaw mortgages?

How about car loans, are THEY a "crisis"?

It would be ILLEGAL for the US Congress NOT to approve an increase in the US Debt Ceiling according to the 14th who do you trust more, Fox News? Or the authors of the 14th Amendment which has stood unchallenged since it was ratified in 1868?

Quit being so gullible!

After being in a car accident and having one of the passengers die can you choose to not have it in the paper?


Theres this crazy story going around about some kid that was in a car accident in the middle of brooklyn NY. and his car got hit by an 18wheeler and his car rolled 10 times off a cliff. IN THE MIDDLE OF BROOKLYN!! PLEASE tell me if this is possable. Now there saying that its not in the paper because the family chose for it not to be, I thought it had to be in the paper you could only choose to not have the names givin out. Right?

Public knowledge is public knowledge. I'm under the understanding that news gets put in the paper regardless. Maybe you could beg and plead w/ the cops or the newspaper officials, but even home foreclosures and people who don't pay their property taxes go in the paper for all the world to see.

I want to see the cliffs in Brooklyn. email me a pic of that!

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How would someone go about learning how to restore old cars?

car club info on in the 2009 IAA in Frankfurt, Special Edition Lotus Elise Racing Club ...
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I wanna know everything there is to know about them. I'm currently a sophomore and have the option of going to this career center thingy next year for cars, would that be the way to go?

That could be a great way to start because you would get hands-on experience in a place that is professionally set up so you probably don't have to buy a lot of tools or have a garage/area of your own. The question is, what kind of cars do you want to restore? Officially, any car over 30 yrs old is an "antique", but that means cars from the 1970's. Is that what you mean, or more like the 40's, 30's or 20's? Do you want to do "true" restoration, back to the original, or do you want to make hot rods, or _____? Think it over and ask yourself some questions.

Look on the internet for an automotive club in your area. There are all sorts of car clubs -- for real antiques, race enthusists, etc etc etc. Go online and go to the organization websites, join and talk to people. They are really fun and interesting people who are enjoy what they do. Read blogs, go to local shows and drive-in rallies, etc. (Just be safe when you exchange info or make plans to meet someone!) People will be very happy to take a newbie under their wing and share their knowledge with you if you are polite and sincere.

What is the best way to become a genius on cars?

E. Shawn

I'm a guy and I don't know much about cars and I feel like I should. What's the best way to learn more about cars?

Listening to "Car Talk" is a great way to learn, and outrageously fun/funny.

It is a radio show about cars, but they guys mostly just joke around.

You need to get your hands dirty to learn about fixing them, which is hard these days because modern cars tend to be computerized.

Offer to help someone you know who is knowledgeable about cars. There are local auto clubs and shows, which are a great source of info.

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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

What is the normal temperature for a mercedes benz s500 coupe 1996?

car mechanic info on Auto mechanic's hands working on car - a series of MECHANIC related ...
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My Mercedes-Benz S500 coupe seems to heat up when I am driving in the city, and tends to cool as I drive on the freeway. The temperature seems to run between 80 & 120 degrees celsius.
Any one have any suggestions on what I should do?
By the way, I drained my coolant container that was full of H2O (water) with a coolant that I purchased from a car mechanic.
Does it take time for the coolant to take affect?

I have the exact same problem on my 1995 E320 and somewhat a common issue on the S and E classes in older models. I recently had the radiator and water pump completely replaced, but the engine is still getting hot in stop-and-go traffic. It seems that I'm going to possibly need to change the fan clutch. A really good added resource for repair info is Most of the individuals on there can add very valuable info. Some guys would possibly suggest that running between 80 and 120 is nothing to worry about in these big body Benz frames, but I always try to run on the safe side when it comes to 4-8 lanes of rush-hour, interstate traffic. Hope this was helpful. Ed

My tailights in my car arent working what should i do?

Q. i drive a 1997 buick lasabre and i just replaced the taillights.. the brake lights light up, but the tail lights dont, whats wrong? im not a car mechanic so i could really use some help. the bulb is a double filament.

check the fusebox. look in your owners manual, and there should be a diagram of what fuse is for what component, then just compare the diagram. if remember correctly, the fusebox should be hidden behind the panel where whe passanger door meets the dash. then again, that info would be in the owner's manual too.

faliling that, double check the connections on the housing itself. loose/shorted wires can cause all sorts of quirky behavior in electronics.

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I have bad credit. Is it possible for me to still be able to get a car loan for a used vehicle?

car loan info on Car Loans offers Pre Approved Bad Credit Car Loans & Truck Loans ...
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Jordan B

Without, paying super high interest rates? I also want to spare myself the embarrassment of being turned down for a car loan at a dealer. Any suggestions?

You CAN get a decent car loan, even with bad credit. I've done it, but you'll have to look around. That's one of the BIG mistakes people make...just taking the first offer that's given to them when they go to the dealer. Be smarter than that.

I've bookmarked this site to go back to next time I need a loan...

Take Care.

Will it be difficult for me to refinance my car loan?


I applied yesterday for a new apartment, so obviously my credit will be checked, among other things. My mom co-signed for a new car for me about a year ago and I am now plan to refinance my car loan in just my name. Am I going to have a difficult time getting the loan being that I just had my credit checked for a new place? I have about 2.5 years credit history with a fairly average credit score.

if these are the only two inquiries on your credit report than I don't think that it have much if any negitive impact on your score but realize this banks don't' look at a score they look at your payment history and length of time good standing accounts have been open, I don't think that you will have much problems if you refinace that the same place that you currently have the loan if you have been on time and making the current payments. Best of Luck

You'll want to check these guys out....99% approval they say.

Take care.

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