Saturday, January 4, 2014

What, in general, do people in Ukraine think of Americans and our culture?

car news english on Photo shows the Chery car in Syria on July 7, 2007.(Xinhua Photo)
car news english image


My son is engaged to a girl from Ukraine and is in the process of obtaining a fiance visa for her. She is a little unsure of herself as far as her English but seems to understand the language well. This being as it is, and the fact that she is very quiet make it hard to get to know her. I wish I knew more about her country, their customs and culture etc. Can anyone give me any insight into what it must be like for her to be planning on a move away from Ukraine to come live here?

My wife still struggles with the cultural issues of a move from Ukraine to the US, and the best advice I can give you is to be patient and never judge what she says. Many Americans incorrectly judge things, without understanding the cultural differences.

For example, many people will tell you that Ukrainians are 'rude and unfriendly'. They are very direct and to the point, and this is often seen by Americans as rude.

I will also guess, since you say she understands English well, that she studied English in University. My wife is a university teacher of English in Ukraine, and when we first met, she was very suprised that I knew the color "orange" and that I knew how to use a knife. The textbooks they learn about America from are dated in the late 40's and early 50's, so the view is quite tainted. They really know little about America except the bad press that their news services give us (and this press is worse in Eastern Ukraine).

They are a very superstitious people - even if they say they are not. Their culture is steeped in folklore and home remedies - and I find that often their ideas are very valid on health. They prefer natural foods, and your daughter-in-law will have a hard time with the bland taste of American vegetables. They also rely on public transportation, so travel by car will be an experience and she will have a hard time getting used to getting around on her own.

I can not begin to tell you about their culture here, but be patient and ask lots of questions. Read as much as you can. Here are a few links:

If you have specific questions, feel free to email me. My wife and I would be happy to help you acclimate to her cultural ideas, or explain anything you experience that you do not understand.

How is that "hopey changey" thing working out for those unemployed under Obama the Marxist?

Q. Where or where are those JOBS that the liberal lunatic Obama speaks of? Must have to be a Czar to get one, oh by the way, where is that Car Czar kid that Obama picked to run the new Obamavich Motors?

I think some of the more intellectually honest liberals and democrats are starting to join the chorus of "What ARE you doing?" Did you catch Helen Thomas at the Press Conference when she went after the administration for their manipulation of the press? Here's another example in Ted of the most rabid Bush Haters. His last article follows:


SEATTLE--I miss Bush.
Stop the presses and shut off the RSS feeds: the bashiest of the Bush-bashers is starting to appreciate the Exile of Crawford.

I haven't forgiven George W. Bush for stealing two elections, starting two wars, bankrupting the treasury and doing his damnedest to turn the U.S. into a fascist state. He deserves one of hell's hottest picnic spots for refusing to lift a finger to bring the 9/11 murderers to justice. Bush was stupid. He was vicious. He should be in prison.

He was the worst president the U.S. had ever had. Until this one.

On major issues and a lot of minor ones, Obama is the same as or worse than Bush. But Bush had an opposition to contend with. Obama has a compliant Democratic Congress. Lulled to somnolent apathy by Obama's charming manners, mastery of English (and yes, the color of his skin), leftist activists and journalists have been reduced to quiet disappointment, mild grumbling and unaccountable patience.

I don't care about window dressing. Sure, it's nice that Obama is intelligent. But policies matter--not charm. And Obama's policies are at least as bad as Bush's.

Guantánamo was but the beginning of Obama's betrayals. First he ordered the camp closed--not immediately but in a year. Now he's expanding the U.S. concentration camp at Bagram--where 600 innocent men and children are being tortured--so he can send the 245 Gitmo prisoners there. In the Bush era, Gitmo POWs received legal representation. Obama has ordered that the POWs sent to Bagram not be allowed to see a lawyer.

You saw the headline: "OBAMA BANS TORTURE." But it was a lie. Obama's CIA director told Congress that there's a "review process that's built into [Obama's] executive order" that allows torture to continue. Leon Panetta said the Obama Administration will keep using at least 19 torture techniques against detainees. In addition, Team Obama will "look at those kinds of enhanced techniques to determine how effective they were or weren't and whether any appropriate revisions need to be made as a result of that."
As editorial boards of liberal newspapers tut-tut and the feds convene committees, the screams of the victims pierce the night.

Bush was the biggest spender in history, running up a $1.8 trillion deficit with wasteful wars and tax cuts. But next to Obama, Bush was a tightwad. Glamour Prez hasn't been around six months, yet the Congressional Budget Office reports that he already has quadrupled the deficit by an extra $8.1 trillion. "The total debt held by the public [will] rise from 57 percent of GDP in 2009 to 82 percent (!) of GDP in 2019," reports U.S. News & World Report.

Obama is sinking us into financial oblivion 72 times faster than Bush.

Where'd the money go? Mostly to insurance companies. Banks. Brokerage firms. Who used it to redecorate their offices and give themselves raises.

Against logic and history Obama claimed his bailout package would create jobs. Instead, unemployment has risen by 1.3 million. Has Obama's plan saved a single homeowner from foreclosure? Reporters can't find any.

I liked Bush better. He wasted our money when the economy wasn't quite as sucky. And he didn't insult us by pretending to care. Come on, Barack, smirk! Truth in advertising!

I know: he's a politician. Politicians break promises. As the presidential scholar Stephen Hess says: "There are some pledges that a candidate reverses when he becomes president because things look different. He knows things that he didn't know then."

(An official familiar with the photos in question tells me they include, among other atrocities, U.S. personnel sodomizing a child.)

Obama has done more damage than Bush. And no one's stopping him. Which makes him worse.

Sorry, Mr. Bush. If I'd known what was coming, I would've been nicer.

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