Saturday, February 1, 2014

Car is dead. Battery problem?

Rakshan M

Hi, I have a 2002 pontiac firebird. Have not had any problems till tonight. It was a bit cold outside (San Francisco, California) and when I pressed the key-chain button to open the car, it would not open. I noticed that even the radio-theft deterrent red LED that flashes inside had stopped. I got into the car manually and tried to put the key in ready position, but no indicators or lights came on and when trying to start it, it did not start.
Could this be because it was cold outside? I have not used the car in 2 days. Recently serviced (oil etc) by Jiffy Lube.
Im planning to lookup the battery "eye" (hydrometer) tomorrow morning and try again in daylight.
Any suggestions on what could be the problem? Also, 2 days ago I used a recently purchased seat-warmer device while the car was running, for approx an hour's drive. It couldnt be that, could it ?
The alarm could not have gone off within the last 2 days of non-use, since I wouldve heard it or seen it. The theft-deterrent LED I mentioned above is a small red light that flashes all the time that the car is turned off, and probably takes very little power from the battery.
Seat Warmer Info : It was unplugged after the 1 hour drive/use, so it could not have drained it. It might have put pressure on the battery while the car was running, but I thought when running, things dont run off the battery.
Im still suspicious about the warmer, since thats the only new thing in the equation.
Leaving lights on : Everything inside the car turns off within a few minutes of exiting and locking it. so I did not leave anything on. Headlights, if left on, cause the car to beep continuously (very irritating), so i dont think i left those on either. My last use of the car (returning from work) was as routine as always, except the warmer.

Hay fellow San Franciscan and firebird owner. Except I have a 2001 trans am ws6. My best suggestion is to but your bat. on a trickle charger over night. Have the bat load tested. to verify that it is good. Should hold min 9.6 v under load at 200amps 15 seconds. Check for loose or corroded terminals. Just for your info.That little green lite don't mean much. A bat has 6 cells. That green lite only measures the electrolyte of one cell. There might be a short or u can have defective plates.Either way if your bat. is good. Check your charging system. simple way is to just but a voltmeter on bat. should read 12.5v enginee off bat fully charged. Start engin and check meter. should read 13v or above apply load. (turn lights or accessories) on. meter should rise around15v. If all is working properly. If no failures are found than it's time to look for a parasitic draw. this can take some time and should be done by a qualified tech. It involves looking for anything that should turn off after the key is removed. Since we are dealing with a late model it should be noted that it has in it's design a function known as keep alive memory That basically means that the BCM runs a check on the cars electric and security systems and turns every thing that is not supposed to be on, off. It allows only programed functions to operate.Like the sentry system. As for your seat warmer.If the car is running the alt will pick up the extra load.

anyone have access to lookup a cars information using the liscence plate number read on i will explain?


ok i had my car stolen some time ago and i just saw a car that looked the same with the minorities of diffrences a little bit fixed up my brother in law is a police and i called him to check the number he said the lisence plate did not belong to the car that had them my car is a 1997 geo prizm and the lisence plate belongs to a 2006 nissan altima i want to find info maybe he made a mistake i just want to make sure i dont want no private info i just want to find out if the lisence plate belongs to the discription of my car can anyone help?
for your information he didnt give me any private info on any registered owner the only thing he gave me was the obvious info on what you can see on the streets in any car with a lisence plate he only said that it did not belong to it and that the real car it belonged to was 2006 nissan altima isnt that what i write please read befor u answer

only law enforcement has access to this kind of info! sorry about your car!

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