Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Why are more automobiles sold in China than anywhere else in the world?

Abe Cool

China surpassed America to become the world's largest automobile market in 2009 and keeps extending its lead. Over 18 million automobiles were purchased by Chinese in 2010. An estimated 30 million vehicles will be purchased annually in China by 2020.

Dude, what grade did you quit school in? Duh, China has 1.4 billion people does math mean anything to you? Other than India what nation comes close to having a population the size of China's? Your mental capacity astounds me when you ask questions as complicated as this. I now understand why you answer questions with the answers you make up.

HELPPPP!!! unAmerican car?


Is it not American to buy an old 93 toyota pick up from an american used to help an american small busniess
I cant deicde it will be my first car(its alittle sh*ty but thats becuase idont want to spend money on a car im not going to use because im going into the military)


Go read that.

A lot of "american" cars, aren't made in the United States.

And there are a lot of "foreign" cars that are.

My Mitsubishi Eclipse? Made in Illinois, by Americans.

You have to realize something though. You aren't supporting America, by supporting one guy selling a truck. Your money, is not going back into America. It's going into his wallet.

If he uses it to go by a TV made in China, and a car made in Japan....what good did it do you?

Did you even think about that?

Last note, since you seem to misunderstand something:

America: North, Central, and South America.

American: Anyone from ANY of those locations.

Which means people from Brazil, ARE AMERICANS. So are Mexicans. So you might want to rethink your definition of the word.

I'd imagine you think "asian" is only someone from China, Japan, etc? Did you know that Iraq is part of Asia? Etc....

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