Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Differences in Car Inspections?


Hi I'm not 100% sure so I'd thought I'd ask. What is the difference in the amount of points in a car inspection? I know that the more points, the more detailed it will be. But at what number is it bordering on excessive/non important info? For example the main differences between a 20/50/80/100/200 point inspection are what? For independent contractors who loan/rent use their car for either personal or commercial purposes, what is an average/acceptable car point inspection? Please advise. Thanks!
This would be in regards to a dealer/insurance inspection, not a state inspection.

The number of points is really not important. Places give a higher point to make it sound like they do more but generally when someone does an inspection they look at everything. Or at least the most important, safety related things.

Car inspection - get in trouble if you do it a day late?


If you get your car inspected the day after your yearly inspection sticker expires, can you get in trouble for being a date late? I know you could if you get pulled over by a cop with the expired sticker. But what I'm wondering is will the state's computer systems know that you let your inspection sticker expire? Is all this info linked up via computer systems or do they have no way of knowing?
I live in MA. Thanks

In Texas we have 5 days of forgiveness to get it done. I ALWAYS wait until at least the 2nd day to get it inspected, because the way they do them here, that actually gives you 13 months and you only pay for 12.

This is what Texas DPS website says:
Inspection Grace Period
There is a five (5) day grace period for motorists to get their inspection sticker. An inspection certificate expires on the last day of the month that is indicated on the windshield. Therefore, you have until the 5th day of the following month to have your car inspected.

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