Friday, March 14, 2014

What is a good sporty car for a 17 year old?


I'm looking for a sports-like car for my 17 year old son. Not new or anything like that, but something used. I was going to buy a used 2003 Mustang but the rear wheel drive made me think otherwise. What car would fit the following criteria:

1. Sporty (Something that resembles a Mustang or Ford Fusion type thing or other sports car)
2. Front wheel drive
3. Automatic transmission
4. Not outragerously priced (7k - 11k used)
5. Reliable

The fusion is "sporty"? news to me. Sporty fwd cars are laughable, and automatic transmissions in a "sporty" car is just plain wrong. Your best bet is going to be a volvo or older mercedes-benz, followed by a vw or toyota. All are fairly reliable, quite safe, and some even manage to have some semblance of a sporting character. There's nothing inherently unsafe about RWD, especially with todays stability and traction control systems. I'd recommend an older e-class, or an 8 series volvo. A celica might not be a bad choice, but giving a 17 year old boy a car that can even remotely considered "sporty" is asking for trouble ( As a 17 yo, i wrecked a bmw driving like a jackass). Unless you like paying traffic fines. i'd urge you to reconsider.

Why can't we get more fuel efficient cars in the United States?


Overseas, primarily in Europe, there are 113 vehicles for sale that get a combined 40 mpg does the US block the sale of these cars or do manufacturers think that we don't want them here?

It's because of emissions regulations. If it weren't for those ridiculous rules, we could have diesels. But there's good news, BMW and VW and some other car makers are making 50 states legal diesels. At least I think they are. Oh yea, another reason is because American people for some unknown reason just like bigger cars and Europeans don't have any problem with small cars. I think American cars also need to have more power. Also safety requirements are much higher in the US and Safety is usually paid for in weight and heavier cars are less efficient...

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