Monday, July 22, 2013

What was built in the Pullman Factory?

1910 car info on Fifty shades of Red Shade 18 Traffic light red - Wattpad
1910 car info image


Was it just luxury sleeping cars? Did they build street cars/trolleys there as well? I know the Pullman company manufactured both of those but I'm not sure what was exactly made at the factory in Chicago. As for the time period I'm looking for 1910-1930ish.

Any info would be tons of help!

Pullman Coaches It was the only place in the US where sleeping cars were built for the US Railroads also it was the home of the Pullman Porters who worked on each Pullman Car.
Also see for more info.

Scientific legacy of the first decade of the 21st century?

Dog Daze

One could argue that one of the greatest human achievements of the 20th century was powered flight based on the seminal work of the Wright brothers between 1900 and 1910 and eventually leading to men walking on the moon and supersonic jet fighters (although I'm still waiting for my flying car). What scientific or engineering discovery or invention of 2000-2010 will have had the most impact on humanity by 2100 and why?

Smart technology, the likes of Iphones, smartphones, tablets. They are allowing all people absolute acess to all the info the internet has to offer. Even books, newspapers, banking, shopping is all done online and on the go.

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