Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I want a good prank to play on my dad?

car town hacks info on best job in car town car town 3mo ago car
car town hacks info image

megan cull

my dad is really boring and doesn't laugh much and ignores me please give me a funny but HARMLESS PRANK NO GROSS PRANKS OR GROSS ANSWERS

sneak lemon juice onto their tooth brush

brush your hair or your pet with their toothbrush & leave the hair in it

a glob or smear of peanut butter on their toilet seat or bed sheet looks like poo

White liquid shoe polish washes off easy & looks like bird poo when splattered all over car hoods, roof, trunk, rear window & windshield or on on bikes, 4 wheelers, lawn chairs, anything left outside. Use a water gun or medicine dropper.

Squirt Silly String into the toes of their shoes, making sure none of the string shows where they slip their foot in. Or save hair out of hair brushes & pet brushes & tuck a fluffy wad into the toes of shoes. It feels alive! Just don't make the wad too solid, like cotton cuz that doesn't feel weird.

Smear KY lubricant or vaseline on their door knobs, cabinet or drawer handles that you know they'll open.

A big glob of KY looks like someone hacked up & spit out snot. Drop the glob on their bathroom sink, night stand or someplace you know they'll see it.

A wad of toilet paper with peanut butter, chocolate syrup or smashed chocolate bar in it, left laying on their floor, by their door, on their toilet seat or bed.

Stick mini pads all over their door, mirror, bookbag, window, etc.

Super glue coins on their night stand & watch them try to pick them up or super glue soda can tabs on the bottom of their shoes to make noise when they walk on a tile floor or sidewalk.

Fill their bed with packing peanuts then cover them up. When she pulls her covers back, packing peanuts will fly everywhere.

Carefully remove a dead moth or butterfly off the grill of a vehicle, trying not to crush it, then put a glob of KY on it's belly (or other wash off adhesive) then carefully stick the bug on the bridge of their nose while they're sleeping (during daylight) then wake them , gently, so their movement doesn't knock the bug off & tell them with concern that there's a bug on their nose. You can also use a live earthworm without adhesive or waking them cuz the earthworms movement wakes them. Or you can put a dead bug or earthworm in their food, drink, shoes, etc. The bigger, the better. Handsfull of earthworms work best in shoes, or even in the toilet and it doesn't matter if they get flushed, they'll most likely get out at the other end.

Take something from their room or bathroom that they use everyday & place it elsewhere in the house or car. When they look for it, they'll whine about finding it someplace they don't remember taking it. Then the next day, move the same item to still another location. Do that everyday with the same item till they get smart enough to hide that item from you.

Prank phone calls to pull on boys:
1. a client from Birthright (or Family Planning or whatever free clinic you have in your town) who has identified you as the father of her baby. How soon can you make an appointment to come in for a dna test?" Then play it by ear depending on what he says. In reality, the pregnant girls info is private so you don,t have to tell him a name if he ask.

2. Or, tell him you're calling from a health clinic on behalf of a client who has an std who has named him as one of her sexual partners so when can he come in to be tested? Be prepared to respond according to his unpredicted remarks & questions.

3. Or, tell him you're calling from the Child Support Enforcement Agency on behalf of a client who has named him as the father of her child & he is to appear in court at (a time) on (a date) so he can establish with the judge how much child support can be ordered. Be prepared to respond according to his unpredicted remarks & questions.
April Fools Day pranks:
4. Sneak outside & knock on the door or ring the door bell then run to another door & do the same thing then run back to the first door & when they open it, say "thanks, I thought no one would ever let me in, April fool!"

5. Knock on the door from the inside, yell "I'll get it" then open the door & yell for you sister or brother, saying someones at the door for them. Walk away but where you can watch them look around for 'nobody there' & when they say no ones there, egg it on like someone was, describing a person, then tell them April fool.

6. Write April Fool on a note, wrap it in a box, either gift wrap or shipping paper with used stamps glued on it, cut from old envelopes. Address the box to your family member or put a tag on the 'gift' with their name on it. Watch their face when they open it & find the note but pretend you don't know anything about it. You can leave the gift where they will find it or you can knock on the door, yell I've got it, then tell them the shipping box was dropped off to them. You can also put the April Fool note in an envelope with old stamps glued to it + family members name & address & leave it with the rest of the mail.

7. Get to the daily news paper before anyone else, put a small smear of glue at the corners of each page so they all stick together, rolling

Fort Jackson bct info?

Adam P

I'm just looking for some info... Any info. Even small detailed info such as, do the ds' let you control the water temperature in the shower. Haha I'm pretty curious, and I appreciate anything I can get. Feel free to include personal opinions. I leave in the middle of this month if you were wondering.

10 points!!!!!!


Ah yes, Fort Jackson, South Carolina, my old Alma Mater of D-3-1-3!!, also known as "Old Hollywood"

Unless "Slackin' Jackson" has changed in 30 years- possible, but not probable- ideally the following will happen.

You want the world war 2 barracks- after 65 years, no mater how well you clean them they still look dirty because they're worn out. So how do you get in trouble if it looks dirty and its not? You can't- and thats good!

Next you want the "Old Hollywood" Barracks- they're about 40 years old, and while they're well maintainted, they still look dirty.

New Hollywood, aka "The Spaceship" is now about 30 years old, should be slackin now due to the same thing.

I miss the rifle ranges at Jackson, they're great.

Chows good, I liked it- on the other hand my mom can't cook.

I was picked up at the Airport in a White Limo! Its probably been scrapped but thats a nice way to join the army. Come to think of it, it was one of the few times the Army treated me like a human.

Bring a baggie with you to basic when you get your hair cut if you want to keep it.

Cattle cars are comfy if you're in a convoy and the FIRST in line. Cattle cars massively suck if you're in a convoy and you're the last as all the dust comes in.

If you shoot expert on your rifle qualifications, as an "attaboy" they'll send you back to the barracks by helicopter- unless you get screwed out of it like I did, because of sumemr thunderstorms made it too dangerous to fly.

CQ is hard work to stay awake from 11 to 2, or 2 to 5 am- but its good for writing letters home.

Fire guard sucks- but it has been a tradition for over 250 years. Orginally it was to feed the fire to keep everyone warm in the barracks back from around 1775 to about 1947ish. Then everything was changed from coal to oil fired furnances- so instead of feeding the fire you simply watched for fire. If you can- get a watch with an alarm and if you can find a place to snooze IF YOU ARE A VERY LIGHT SLEEPER you can set your alarm and snooze on the toilet.

Fire Guard is punishment. I shot my mouth off at AIT and my Drill Sgt punished me- cause he knew I had a g/f I spent in town in a motel having.....intimate relations. Anyhow, SSGT Williams had me pull fire guard from 2 am to 5 am on a SUNDAY morning.

Oh- the most important thing. ALWAYS keep track of your clothing. ALWAYS keep track- the army runs your butt ragged monday through friday and then lets you off easy on Saturday and Sunday. Guess what days the clothing PX is open on? That used to hack me off,,,,whats the use of having a store if the solders can't get to it?

When its CAT 4 outside,,,,,its fun getting hosed with a fire truck! =) That was awesome- its 102 degrees,,,,we had just passed in review in front of our commanding general,,,,,and about,,,,,400 feet away we were hosed down. That was nice.

When you go to the PX, get some WD40 and a few cans of choke cleaner- you can clean an M16/M4 in 10 minutes rather than screw around for an hour.

Never lose your weapon; never forget your weapon. Dying is the second worse thing that can happen to you in life. Losing your weapon IS the worse thing that can happen to you.

My Serial number for my weapon was 3214547- if you see it, remember its been overhauled and rebuilt probably 10 times in the past 30 years.

I forgot the name of my first wife, sometimes forget the name of my second wife. The name of my Senior Drill Sgt was Sargent First Class Pashall, the name of my Assistant Drill Sgt was Sargent First Class Torerees. The name of the most inept, unprofessional, loser dirtbag FILE CLERK WHO BECAME A DRILL TO GET PROMOTED TO E6 was a guy named Sgt. Day.

I'm 50 years old now. I absolutely HATED basic training some 30 years ago. Getting up before the buttcrack of dawn. Screamed and yelled at was a NORMAL morning.

And I'd do just about anything if I could do it again, this time it'd be a blast, it'd be fun. I miss it :(

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