Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Hi Gays and Lesbain friends,dou you know that gay sex is punishable by death...?

Q. In 7 countries, and another 70 it's still illegal and you might go to JAIL? Or be castrated or have to perform community service (thats picking up rubbish to the uneducated)

and in some a women can be put to death if her husband says she had an affair.
Some places they kill women who are victims of rape.
In other lands the family decide who the children will marry, the children have no say in it.
I saw a video of a 6 year old boy who was caught stealing, his arm was held as a car drove over it.
There are also many examples of western people in third world countries trying to ease the suffering, but the local government feeling pressure say these people are spy's so have them killed.

I was mildly amused by a news report where all these Christian missionaries were shot dead.
The driver begged to be spared, he only escaped a bullet to the head because he told them he is a Muslim and then he was able to say several passages from the Koran.
It was this that amused me. If he was a true believer he would not have begged for his life as he would have had no fear of death. What he in fact did by begging and grasping at possible ways to save his life was he prove he is an infidel.

I say. The silly Muslims killed the wrong people. Despite the Christian missionaries not being Muslim, at least they believe in God.

So yes your right. The world is full of nutters.

Are you optimistic about the future? What do you suppose life will be like in the year 2020?

beren andr

Nope. Not optimistic at all. I'm pretty sure we've screwed the pooch and are done for.

2020? Six years, a month and two weeks, from now, roughly?

--2020 will be the first year on record where it doesn't snow _anywhere_ in the United States or Canada. Both. It won't be the last.

--China and Saudi Arabia will continue to make tons of military noises like they can take us. Like they're going to reposess us. Mainly because our politicians will only become worse and worse, and because the economy is just going to screw us ALL forever. No citizen will have work. A whole generation will come up that has NEVER had a full-time job or a job with meaningful perks. The minimum wage still won't budge--unless states CUT the thing down to prison wages.

--We have TWO ruined cities now in the United States (Detroit and New Orleans). There will be EIGHT in 2020. Fox News will STILL blame us--"Well you could Just Get a Job-Job..."

In other words, we here in the United States will continue to get worse, continue to be screwed out of the whole entire 21st century front to back, because a TINY clique of One Percenters on Wall Street demands the blood of us _peon citizens_ for their blood god.

--Oh, and everything WILL be a Surveillance/Prison State. Count on it. There will be nothing happening on the internet or telephone that the NSA hasn't known about five times over. And they'll be able to _Spot your FACE_ from Low-Earth Orbit too, because millimeter-resolution spy satellites will be a thing. And so will _tons_ of drones and unmanned helicopters. The police won't even show up or drive squad cars anymore--they'll just fly in, shoot everything moving in an entire city block and fly on. Because the NRA wingnuts say so--that's their answer for everything, "Evacuate and nuke from altitude, it's the only way."

I'm serious too--the Supreme Court will back them up on this and insist that this is the "only way order can be preserved" for immigrants and Manchurian overlords. That citizens "have to be" hunted down from the sky and shot, dead, repeatedly, over everything.

TL:DR? The 21st Century was murdered for us--the minute the Patriot Act passed, America DIED. We have no future.

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