Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Why is it that daily White House talking points show up as featured headline news on Yahoo?

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joe j

Take sugar, for an example,as it relates to health care policies proposed by the president.What is the difference between this and indoctrination of their beliefs upon the masses.

Because health care is one of the most popular topics on the internet now. Yahoo always does that. 3 weeks ago they were trying to relate everything from cereal to flying cars to Michael Jackson somehow. They go where the viewers are. If they want people to read an article about sugar, they will incorporate health care into the story somehow to get people to read the article.

Why are people complaining about the future?

Question M

As compaired 50 years ago I think a lot has changed, We may not have flying cars or moon bases but we do have the following.
Advanced computers
Cell Phones that function more than just a phone
The Internet
THe worlds tallest building: The Burj Kalifa
the ISS
and I could go on much more.

Just look at these comments and see how negative they are on the future

In a sense. its ''marketing'' or ''culture''. We very rapidly adapt to the sulture or society we grow up in (though we might experience difficulty when that culture changes in our later years...)
And thus, what we grow up with is the ''normal''. It is our base-line expectation. And an underlying cultural premise that has been ever-more part of the Euro-American mindset since the Industrial Revolution is one of expectation of ever-improving conditions. But our personal prejudices and preferences color our focus - in terms of what *we* might think is an ''improvement''.
My grandparents would have been simplified horrified at the implications of the 'Big Brother' society we can see ourselves in - with cameras viewing essentially our entire lives - from watching over sleeping babies, to parking-lots surveillance, to school monitors, to grocery stores to street corner cameras to.... everything.
And yet, my grandchildren not only see this as a norm - but they are upset at the lack of 'improvements' to this future-tech - - why doesn't the computer automatically recognize my face and identity, and determine from my personality file what my mood is, and determine that I would feel better if I were served up a vanilla-cherry icecream with a double-mocha expresso?'

Be careful in your assumptions - things that you feel are *improvements* (because they reflect newer/better technology, may be perceived by others as dis-improvements.

Yes, much has changed in the fifty-harrumph-ahrumph years I've been alive. Personally, I feel it has been an improvement, overall. I certainly would not care to go back to 1912 technology... or 1812... or 1712...

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