Sunday, January 5, 2014

Why do the Democrats prefer to let America go over the fiscal cliff than to let the senate vote on the budget?

news car on cliff on BBC News - Two girls rescued after car goes over cliff in Cornwall
news car on cliff image


Republican Budget Cuts
Notice S.S. and the military are NOT on this list.
These are all the programs that the new Republican House has proposed cutting. Read to the end.

* Corporation for Public Broadcasting Subsidy -- $445 million annual savings.
* Save America 's Treasures Program -- $25 million annual savings.
* International Fund for Ireland -- $17 million annual savings.
* Legal Services Corporation -- $420 million annual savings.
* National Endowment for the Arts -- $167.5 million annual savings.
* National Endowment for the Humanities -- $167.5 million annual savings.
* Hope VI Program -- $250 million annual savings.
* Amtrak Subsidies -- $1.565 billion annual savings.
* Eliminate duplicating education programs -- H.R. 2274 (in last Congress), authored by Rep. McKeon, eliminates 68 at a savings of $1.3 billion annually.
* U.S. Trade Development Agency -- $55 million annual savings.
* Woodrow Wilson Center Subsidy -- $20 million annual savings.
* Cut in half funding for congressional printing and binding -- $47 million annual savings.
* John C. Stennis Center Subsidy -- $430,000 annual savings.
* Community Development Fund -- $4.5 billion annual savings.
* Heritage Area Grants and Statutory Aid -- $24 million annual savings.
* Cut Federal Travel Budget in Half -- $7.5 billion annual savings
* Trim Federal Vehicle Budget by 20% -- $600 million annual savings.
* Essential Air Service -- $150 million annual savings.
* Technology Innovation Program -- $70 million annual savings.
* Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Program -- $125 million annual savings..
* Department of Energy Grants to States for Weatherization -- $530 million annual savings.
* Beach Replenishment -- $95 million annual savings.
* New Starts Transit -- $2 billion annual savings.
⢠Exchange Programs for Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Their Historical Trading Partners in Massachusetts -- $9 million annual savings
* Intercity and High Speed Rail Grants -- $2.5 billion annual savings.
* Title X Family Planning -- $318 million annual savings.
* Appalachian Regional Commission -- $76 million annual savings.
* Economic Development Administration -- $293 million annual savings.
* Programs under the National and Community Services Act -- $1.15 billion annual savings.
* Applied Research at Department of Energy -- $1.27 billion annual savings.
* Freedom CAR and Fuel Partnership -- $200 million annual savings..
* Energy Star Program -- $52 million annual savings.
*Economic Assistance to Egypt -- $250 million annually.
* U.S.Agency for International Development -- $1.39 billion annual savings.
* General Assistance to District of Columbia -- $210 million annual savings.
* Subsidy for Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority -- $150 million annual savings.
*Presidential Campaign Fund -- $775 million savings over ten years.
* No funding for federal office space acquisition -- $864 million annual savings.
* End prohibitions on competitive sourcing of government services.
* Repeal the Davis-Bacon Act -- More than $1 billion annually.
* IRS Direct Deposit: Require the IRS to deposit fees for some services it offers (such as processing payment plans for taxpayers) to the Treasury, instead of allowing it to remain as part of its budget -- $1.8 billion savings over ten years.
*Require collection of unpaid taxes by federal employees -- $1 billion total savings.WHAT THE HELL IS THISABOUT?
* Prohibit taxpayer funded union activities by federal employees -- $1.2 billion savings over ten years.
* Sell excess federal properties the government does not make use of -- $15 billion total savings.
*Eliminate death gratuity for Members of Congress.WHAT???
* Eliminate Mohair Subsidies -- $1 million annual savings.
*Eliminate taxpayer subsidies to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change -- $12.5 million annual savings WELL ISN'T THAT SPECIAL
* Eliminate Market Access Program -- $200 million annual savings.
* USDA Sugar Program -- $14 million annual savings.
* Subsidy to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) -- $93 million annual savings.
* Eliminate the National Organic Certification Cost-Share Program -- $56.2 million annual savings.
*Eliminate fund for Obamacare administrative costs-- $900 million savings.
* Ready to Learn TV Program -- $27 million savings..
* HUD Ph.D. Program.
* Deficit Reduction Check-Off Act.
*TOTAL SAVINGS: $2.5 Trillion over Ten Years

My question is, what is all this doing in the budget in the first place?

The Republicans have sent a 'Plan B', but as usual, the Democrats would rather blame than even look at it.

Thereâs no stopping them now.

Democrats dominate the major media:

Pro-Republican Fox News has one tenth the viewers of the Big Media:
5/25/11 NBC Nightly News averaged 9.469 million viewers, ABC's World News 8.380 million; CBS Evening News 6.204 million; among cable networks, Fox News 2.556 million. Those figures donât include MSNBC, CNN and Hollywood biggies who shill for the democrat party. The facts prove the bias:

1) How Americans saw the mainstream media (TV and print) election coverage in 2008:
-Rasmussen poll: 69% for Obama, 6% for McCain
-Pew Research poll: 67% for Obama, 11% for McCain
-Sacred Heart University poll: 68% for Obama, 9% for McCain
-Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll: 67% for Obama, 11% for McCain

2) University of Connecticutâs Department of Public Policy survey of journalists, nationwide, during the 2008 election: 52% supported Obama versus 19% for McCain.

3) 9/2009 Sacred Heart University Polling Institute: 69.9% agreed the national news media are intent on promoting the Obama presidency while 26.5% disagreed.

4) 9/23/10 Pew Research poll: 43% of those who perceive bias say it is liberal; 23% say they see conservative bias.

5) 9/29/10 Gallup poll: Distrust of the media Edges Up to Record High
Perceptions of liberal bias still far outnumber perceptions of conservative bias: 48% say the media are too liberal; 15% say they are too conservative.

6) 9/22/11 Gallup poll: 60% perceive bias, with 47% saying the media are too liberal and 13% saying they are too conservative.

7) 8/15/12 Rasmussen Poll: 59% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Obama has received the best treatment from the media so far; 18% think his Republican challenger has been treated better.

8) How many Republican presidential candidates has the New York Times endorsed since 1960? None. Not one.

Democrats dominate the "education" system, from K to PHD:

1) Who gets the K-12 unionized government teachersâ campaign cash?⦠Top All-Time [campaign] Donors, 1989-2012:
-The National Education Association (largest government teachersâ union) gave $43,613,263: 71% went to democrats, 5% to Republicans.
-The American Federation of Teachers (second largest government teachersâ unions) gave $34,698,466: 86% went to democrats, 0% to Republicans.

2) Whatâs the political make-up in our universities?
-72% of higher education teachers are liberal, 15% conservative
-50% identified themselves as democrat, 11% republican
-At elite schools: 87% are liberal, 13% conservative.

3) April 2012, a report on the dominant political views in American universities by the National Association of Scholars:
-âThe extent of the tilt to the left has been growing and has now reached a magnitude not remotely matched in the past. In some areas it is so extreme that it amounts to virtual exclusion of any but left-of-center faculty members.â
-At the U. of Cal. Berkeley campus there were 350 full professors registered as Democrats to only 42 as Republicans, a ratio of 8:1; among associate and assistant professors the ratio is 49 democrats for each Republican.

Democrats dominate government unions:

10/22/10, Wall Street Journal: The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees is now the biggest outside spender of the 2010 elections. It gave 0% to Republicans between 1989 and 2012.

Is it any wonder why so many democrats vote to dump the Constitution in favor of a European style welfare state?

1) 2/4/10 61% of liberals have a positive view of socialism.
2) 6/2/11 71% of democrats favor re-distributing wealth.
3) 9/6-9/2012⦠a poll on those who believe government should have more control over our lives: Republicans 15%; Independents, 29%; Democrats 67%.
4) And they finally got their national health care, the foundation of all welfare and socialist states.

With Obamaâs upcoming Supreme Court appointments democrats will own the courts.

It's over.

Ben Franklin: "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."

What exactly are hormones doing during the teenage years???

Cute T

I am your typical teenage girl (15) and everyday is never the same feeling-wise. During the day and the evening, i can hardly concentrate, my mind is is hopping from one lily pad to another; my feelings go, literally, insane. For a while, I'll be happy, then sad, then lustful, then sad again, then angry, then I'll get over it all and do something that makes me happy and push everything else aside; rinse and repeat.
When i was under 11 my feelings were usually very stable, now I'm very irritable, easily put to tears, easily amused, and what the heck is all the lust about? I just don't get it.
What are my hormones doing to make me feel this way? I know that they're growing and maturing, but that can not be all, can it?

from things You hit the nail on the head. For the next 4 years or so, you'll feel like a passenger in a car being driven off a cliff by a drunken spastic monkey.

What I did seemed to work. Try and learn to be a bit detached as much as you can, if you feel a strong emotion assume it's not really yours, it's your body's problem. That way when the spastic monkey tries to make you have a screaming fit over nothing, you have a chance of stopping yourself in time.

The good news is by the time you get to college it'll all be over. So just don't take your time in high school too seriously and you'll be fine.

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