Monday, September 16, 2013

car chase in Houston Texas on 8/14/08. where can i watch??

youtube fox news car chase on Fox News accidentally airs man�s suicide on national TV
youtube fox news car chase image


does anyone know where i can watch the whole video of the car chase in Houston Texas on 8/14/08. the chase was like 45 minutes and it was on FOX but i only saw the end on youtube does anyone know where i can watch the whole thing?

check your local news website. Some news websites will sometimes put raw news footage on their websites

How can we best thwart the New World Order (NWO) agenda ?


A. Voting them out of power could prove to be a challenge since they control the media, message, candidates, and now even the election ballot count.

B. Supporting a militia is suppose to be constitutional, but it would also be a great excuse to instate Martial Law. Something the NWO planners would probably love to see: What better way to round up Identified potential revolutionary leaders, show off advanced military weaponry and pop off the "over population problem". Besides, who or what would one revolt against; you can bet top NWO leaders are in fortified "castles" overseas.

The Active Denial System (time = 0:50)

C. Maybe we can alter our own behavior and force the power structure to the will of the people by stopping our support for their established system. At the very least, weaken their power hold on us. Here are some suggestions "Zeitgeist" offers:

1. Expose the Federal Reserve Cartel: Boycott Citibank, J P Morgan Chase and Bank of America.

2. Expose the News Networks: Boycott CNN, NBC, ABC, and Fox.

3. Expose the Military: Boycott the military since today's military is controlled by corporations not the will of the people.

4. Expose the Energy Companies: Boycott established energy companies. Make your home and car self-sustainable with solar, wind and other non-established energy sources.

5. Expose the Political System: Democracy is an illusion; the two party system is controlled by the same powers. Focus transcending this corrupt system.

6. Create Critical Mass: Join the movement for social change; mobilize and educate everyone of the inherent corruption of our current world system.
Zeitgeist: Addendum (Time = 1:50:00)

Your thoughts or comments?

The first thing that you will have to do is get the World to believe that the NWO even exists ( ).

people wont fight an enemy that they do not believe is real...

beyond that your points are right on target....

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