Friday, February 7, 2014

Abandoned Cats in Complex Management wont let us feed them anymore & its cold out. PLease help!?

| Roxy

A couple months ago we started seeing a few cats around the complex, then the disappeared for awhile. We found out the management of the complex had captured them and had them all fixed then brought them back and released them in the complex. Instead of sending them to a shelter they just left them to roam free. Well One cat in particular kept coming up to our place then we started feeding her a couple times til she started inviting some other cats with her. So we decided to feed them as well. They weren't too much they'd come and visit once in awhile. Well this one cat we fed seemed to have started to let all the other cats know. She'd let all the other cats eat before she got any .. One day she brought a baby with her and they have been close ever since. She mothers this baby cat makes sure it eats before she does.. etc. Well everything was going well no trouble or anything not mess no problem we put food out in the morning & at night before bed. Well now the weather is getting colder. Today my sister got a phone call from management saying one of the neighbors called and complained that the cats scare her kids and we are feeding them.

So I caught one of the cats which is a very loving cat must have been a pet before then abandoned. He is staying at my mothers right now. But the main cat and the baby are still out there and I had to sneak food real quick but I couldnt leave it out there and I dont think she got much. I am so sick to my stomache because of this news because I dont understand how any human being could believe that we could stop feeding these cats especially with winter coming when they will not be able to hunt. I am going to try to catch the Main cat and the baby and my mother is going to take them but the cats will still be out there and it will kill me to see them roaming around looking for food I cannot turn away from them.

I need some advice??

These cats had no interference with this lady and her kids. She is just plain rude, her husband is a very nice man who has never complained.

I cannot sleep. I am staying at my mothers house with the other cat to get her comfortable with the place or until I find a home for it but I cannot tell you how terrible I feel. What can I do about this???

It is their fault these cats are back in the complex.

You specified "abandoned cats" Leading me to believe someone owned them and left them. The manager of the buildiong is concerned enough to spay and neuter. I have to give him kudos for that. But you cannot spay and neuter cats and leave them to starve. These cats are not feral and while they may hunt to survive the winter, are accustomed to being fed and will keep coming back. Some cats are skittish of humans, rightfully so. Animal Control in many counties automatically euthanize cats when they pick them up as they do not have holding facilities for them. In some of the areas where feral cats are a problem, the Humane Society can offer little help. People will go to adopt a dog, but there never seems to be anyone going there for cats. That is why people who have cats tend to have a lot.
I personally have six cats and I am only approved to house 12 in my kennel. Feral cats are becoming a huge problem and people like the management of this building are not helping. Unfortunately, once he had the cats "fixed," they became his cats. You can report him for not feeding them but with the situation as dire as it is, they may well be euthanized if taken.
You can call the ASPCA anonymously and ask what the laws in your county dictate concerning the care of cats and that would lead you to your next step.
I admire your tenacity. I could use someone like you in my rescue. Most people give up far too easily on cats.
Now...all that said... if it were me: I would set up a crate large enough for the cats and put the food in it, just off the property as soon as the cats walk in, shut the crate and take them to your mother. This is how I spay and neuter feral cats around my house. Make sure you feed away from the building where the neighbor will not get scared again. GOOD LORD. The cats scare her children? I am sorry. I guess I should not say that. She should be teaching her children not to be afraid of animals. I suppose she is afraid if they like cats they will want one. I have seen too many parents do this to their children and they end up with all kinds of phobias. But that is beside the point I suppose.
Just feed the cats away from the building. Find a safe spot and you should be able to get them to your mother's fairly quickly. But do call the ASPCA first and ask them what you can legally do. In some areas, they may even help you. But PLEASE do it anonymously first because when our rescue group first became active there was such a problem in this county with feral cats, if I got a call about a cat the laws said I had to call animal control. We have corrected that. But there are many counties that still do this.
Good Luck.

Opinions on me vs. cat lady.?


There is a cat lady in my home town that feeds all of the strays at the grain elevator. Everyday she comes and dumps half a bag of cat food on the ground (fortunately she does it at the same time every day). As soon as she leaves, I go out and sweep up all the cat food and put it in a tight container to be discarded.

A friend told me I shouldn't do this, but I don't want 1000 cats running around, and the food will also be providing for vermin. Fewer cats living and breeding now will mean fewer cats starving and dying in the future. Utilitarianism?

What do you think... am I a meanie or in the moral right (I know I'm in the legal right and the guy that operates the elevator thanked me for doing it)
actually it is illegal to leave food outdoors for strays here. Because it attracts vermin. The cats also do alot of damage to the natural animals in this ecosystem.
In addition to this I'm trapping cats and taking them to the authorities. The problem is she is providing for a large wild cat population. If you saw these cats you'd want to shoot most of them to put them out of their misery (honestly).
I don't want "survival wise" kittens... I want NO cats here... and I will do anything within my legal rights to eliminate as many stray cats as possible.

You might contact the local humane society and the local news reporters and see if they will do a story on it . Public awareness might help with a solution . She is not helping the cats, just adding to the problem .The humane society can set live traps and capture the cats . If they are adoptable they could find homes for them but if they are diseased, then they need to be put down . That is the kind thing to do .

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