Monday, September 9, 2013

What is going on with the middle east lately?

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I have not been keeping up on the news, but I hear something about iran. Like we say they have wmds or something and that there is a possibility of attacking them or something. Not sure the details, can anyone quickly summarize what is going on? And if that is the case, why would this be any different than iraq?

Yes, President Bush of America has been making some really provocative statements about Iran saying it will cause WWIII if it is given the time to acquire nuclear weapons. Basically, from the statement, it is obvious that if nothing works, President Bush will do the disastrous and attack Iran with military force.

Also, President Putin of Russia visited Iran recently and stated in a very similar fashion to the Iranian president that the Caspian states should NOT allow the US to use their countries in order to attack Iran. Putin has also said that the only answer to this is through diplomatic talks and that an attack on Iran is out of the question! President Putin has also agreed to help Iran with its nuclear program when Iran pays Russia the billion dollars it owes, and shows the world their nuclear program.

In Iraq, the Iraqi Parliament has said that they will NOT be able to reconcile their differences among Shiites and Sunnis and that there would be no Political Reconciliation. Also, the Iraqi government has stated that Blackwater MUST be removed from Iraq in 6 months (which I am happy about especially if they fired on innocent Iraqis, killing 17 of them and probably a lot more since they started). The 2 MAIN Shiite groups have reconciled and agreed to support each other (Mahdi and not sure of the other one). US casualties are up to 3831.

In Saudia Arabia, the royal family is being pressured to remove hate filled speech from their textbooks (about killing the Jews) at a New York school and from schools all around Saudi Arabia.

In Pakistan, Former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto came back to Pakistan with hundreds of thousands greeting her return. Unfortunately, 2 suicide bombers stepped in unnoticed right in front of her car killing 110+ people and injuring between 2-3 hundred people. Luckily, Benazir was unhurt, but the death toll seems to be rising.

In Syria, Syria is now claiming that the attack on the supposed nuclear site was just an "abandoned building". They didn't go any further than that. That story has been changed so many times, who really knows.

In Lebanon, not much seems to be happening for now, although Hezbollah has been supposably rearming itself with some advanced weapons gotten from Iran and Syria.

In Palestine, I am not sure what is happening in Palestine

In Israel, not much seems to be happening at the moment, although, I believe the Prime Minister Olmert is being looked at for corruption charges (I think, need to verify).

In Dubai, well Dubai continues to invest in very smart ways. They are truely good at investing!

Edit: And in Turkey, they have finally passed a measure allowing the Turkish Military to strike at the Kurdish Rebels within Iraq's Kurd area. And, Turkey is amazingly angry at the US for labeling the act against the Armenians about 90 years ago a genocide.

In Afghanistan, the Taliban seem to have been gaining an immense amount of ground conquering each terrirory 1 at a time. President of Afghanistan has tried to make peace with the Taliban, but because the Taliban don't seem to have 1 leader speaking for them at this time, it is IMPOSSIBLE to negotiate. End Edit.

This is all for now, if I find out more, hopefully I will get back to this question. Hope I could inform you about the Middle East!

Can anyone give me an accurate idea of what life is like for girls in the Middle East?


You see and hear horrible things on the news and in magazines about how abused women and children in these countries are. Does anyone have anything to add?

lemme gve u my inetrpretation being a muslim teenager stayin in one of da midd east country. it depends on wat middle east country ur talkin abt. SA is a highly conservative country coz its holy but they hve recently allowed women 2 vote. if u visit oder countries like dubai,qatar,bahrain,kuwait etc women are a part of developing the country n seen as role models 4 da aspiring teenagers.

Current statistics underscore the significant improvement and the remarkable expansion of educational opportunities at all levels for Arab women in the last two decades. A new born girl in the Arab world today has much better chance than her mother to attend school and finish college. Arab governments are committed and determined to augment educational opportunities and to make them accessible to all eligible women. It is firmly believed that without emancipating women from the bondage of illiteracy no real political, social or economic development can take place.
Many Arab women already have distinguished themselves as poets, novelists, teachers, physicians, chemists, physicists, engineers, doctors, judges, lawyers, journalists, and Cabinet members.
Female genital mutilation is still practised in certain pockets of Africa and Egypt, but viewed as an inconceivable horror by the vast majority of Muslims.Plus its cultural not religious. Forced marriages may still take place in certain Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities, but would be anathema to Muslim women from other backgrounds. A woman forbidden from driving a car in Riyadh will cheerfully take the wheel when abroad, confident that her country's bizarre law has nothing to do with Islam. Afghan women educated before the Taliban rule know that banning girls from school is forbidden in Islam, which encourages all Muslims to seek knowledge from cradle to grave, from every source possible.

Yes, i agree der r places like afganistan,iraq etc where women are abused and their rights r snatched away 4m em but dat doesnt happen everywhere. my rites r not taken away 4m me nor kids n women r being abused here.

women have the right to own property, to choose their own partners, and have equal rights to education. In accordance with prevailing culture, these rights became transformed into the duties of women to take care of children and remain in the house. This is not all that different than a century ago in America where women were expected the duties of "Republican Motherhood," which did not take them beyond the household sphere.
It is not Muslim women as such, but women everywhere who have been imprisoned by prejudice and cruelty.

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